Easiest way to own a NSX

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Knock that crap off. I want to be able to read this at work.

you're the same person had a problem with my profanity in the ron paul thread, the f word......lol.

did nick profit from and promote online gambling? if law enforcement got involved he's fucked and he knows it.

I want an nsx :redface:
It really does show the low level of intelligence and education of some of the Nick hating herd that they can only resort to abuse and insults when they come across a view that differs from theirs. Or is this typical behaviour in America these days?

There has been a lot of vicious and nasty behaviour on this thread from people who have proven themselves to be far, far worse than Nick. Just go back and look at the evil way some have behaved. And I bet that they think that they are Christians.

I suggest that some of you try reading Lord of the Flies, it will give you a mirror of your own lamentable sub-human behaviour.

And anyone who thinks that I am Nick is deluding themselves. He couldn't construct sentances in this style. Just as most of his attackers couldn't. It is obviously a matter of very poor education in America these days. Or lots of stupid genes being spread around.
"Its not a defense that hes just an affiliate its a fact." Christ yer an ignorant tool! Of course it is a fact, but it is a fact that is an element of the crime!

I provided your ignorant ass with a link to an article written by a pro-gambling attorney that addresses this very issue. You didn't read it, did you? Too many big words and long sentences for you? Not enough pictures for you?

As for gambling sites requiring Social Security #s and EINs, that's just a variation on your lame they-wouldn't-be-doing-it-if-it-is-illegal argument.

Until you have something new - such as a NEW relevant fact - piss off. If you want to avoid further ownage, you may wish to consult a legal text that discusses the concepts of "accessory", "conspirator" and "aiding and abetting" in US criminal law.

There are resources on the web, but I don't know of any that have a lot of pictures, and they all use big words and long sentences. So sorry.

1. There is no crime
2. No I didn't read it simply because I don't care enough to, you are holding onto his "crime" like your life depends on it. Despite what your moral theory is or that of others who have written words on the internet to spin it, the facts are still the facts. Legality is an interpretation of the justice system not some guy on a blog on the internets. Attorneys jobs are to spin. I can find you another pro gambling attorney to counter his argument if I gave a fuck enough to spend the time. Again this is fact not rhetoric. Nick does not own and operate an illegal gambling operation. Being an affiliate is not illegal.

No crime has been committed in that venue. Period.

In the event you are still not understanding, feel free to print it out and have someone read it back to you, pausing on the words with more than four letters to insure your comprehension before moving on. Plan for a full afternoon for this in your schedule.

No, Nick, you can't have sex with that baby.
But the grandma might be available.
As posted by someone a few replies back__There has been a lot of vicious and nasty behaviour on this thread from people who have proven themselves to be far, far worse than Nick. (ARE YOU KIDDING ME?)

Are there any others on here that have been convicted of a felony 4 and are now classified as a child molester?

That is the worst of the worst if you ask me!
Resorting to abuse and insult yet again.
Presumably you are incapable of doing any better.
Or maybe it makes you feel big and clever, when it is patently obvious that you are neither.
There again you may be just 12 years old. In fact this is the most likely explanation.

This thread certainly has attracted a lot of the more obnoxious online low life.

How about you Jane? Are you a hot lady on this little forum? I mean even if you're gonna potentially be the most hated person here, atleast maybe you can still look damn good doing it and share a few snaps of course....
You are far, far worse than Nick.

I don't understand how you can see that as being worst when many women encourage young men to date OLDER women. Hell I know some college guys that ONLY date women in the 40's-50's. No, it's not a money issue thing either, and completely moral why they choose to do so.
That's not an acronym, it's an initialism. It's only an acronym if it can be pronounced as a word. SCUBA and NATO are acronyms, NSX isn't.

It is true that an acronym is "a word". But, an acronym can also be an initialism.

Merriam-Webster said:
ac•ro•nym \a-krə-nim\ noun
: a word (as NATO, radar, or laser) formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term; also : an abbreviation (as FBI: initialism)

Proper use is "an NSX".

far worse than nick..... that's a stretch the guy is a convicted SO, he posted a spam thing about poker and spades he changed his info on the spades site (which i doubt is legal) lying about how he got his car and that it was paid off with the cash he won gambling saying that we got the wrong nick yet his fiancee came to whose defense? sure some of the pics might have gone a BIT far but none as near as bad as what Nick did...... :rolleyes:
JaneNSX, Maladdy, etc.

You don't get it. Every time we leave Nick alone and start talking about cars you keep bringing the discussion back to him. He should sue YOU for harassment.

Our behaviour *IS* typical of Americans - WE HATE PAEDOPHILES. Any questions?

Back to the cars...
Strange but does anyone notice that the with this software the page list continues to be a straight line,it isn't doubling up so as more pages are added this thread may actualy exit itself (86) stage left:biggrin:
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His initial post on here was a deceit. It did not break the law...


Nick's "original" post#1...
Be like me and play BlackJack at Absolute - I won over 100K and bought my car, took alot of grinding but its fun betting large amounts of money with profit and winning!!! If you try, I recommend not betting alot at first, only bet big amounts after your up a decent amount..

01blacks4's "original" post#2...
this isnt a plug for your website is it?

Nick's "original" post#3...
What? No, its a online pokerroom that has blackjack tables, its where I won alot of cash, its how I paid for my car in full. Don't play with scared money though...the key there is to grind it out, the dealer busts alot...so don't hit those 15s.

This is what pontiphex had to say...

I'm not entirely sure that what Nick did in this thread is NOT illegal. It could be argued that he was attempting to execute a confidence trick (a con) on the members of this forum. He was fraudulently presenting himself as another individual (and appears to do this often not only on this site but others) who won money on a site and paid in full for an NSX - fully lying about it - while being the owner of the site in question (granted the site is an affiliate link). That is the definition of a con.

Your turn...

Strange but does anyone notice that the with this software the page list continues to be a straight line,it isn't doubling up so as more pages are added this thread may actualy exit itself (89) stage left:biggrin:

A few more pages and we shall see.
JaneNSX, Maladdy, etc.

You don't get it. Every time we leave Nick alone and start talking about cars you keep bringing the discussion back to him. He should sue YOU for harassment.

Our behaviour *IS* typical of Americans - WE HATE PAEDOPHILES. Any questions?

Back to the cars...

yes. when will you learn to spell pedophile?
far worse than nick..... that's a stretch the guy is a convicted SO, he posted a spam thing about poker and spades he changed his info on the spades site (which i doubt is legal) lying about how he got his car and that it was paid off with the cash he won gambling saying that we got the wrong nick yet his fiancee came to whose defense? sure some of the pics might have gone a BIT far but none as near as bad as what Nick did...... :rolleyes:

But he isn't vicious and nasty, unlike a lot who have posted here.
Not clever at all.
You should be ashamed of yourself. You are far worse than Nick.

Like everyone you have skeletons in your cupboard. How would you like them revealed here complete with your address and phone number?

Haha this guy doesn't just have skeletons in his cupboard, he has entire graveyards.
Haha this guy doesn't just have skeletons in his cupboard, he has entire graveyards.

And you have evidence for this?
Or are you still sufficiently deluded to think that continuing to attack Nick is somehow big and cool?
Why are you spending your time joining here just to be nasty to someone you don't know? It is pathetic. Don't you have friends and family that you can spend quality time with instead? It might make the world a nicer place.
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