Driving the NSX: are you guys getting boxed in on freeways?

25 October 2009
San Diego, CA
Is it just me, or does it seem like people slow down when they get near your NSX? All kinds of cars too: sedans, vans, suv's, trucks, lowered civics, etc. They go blazing up thru traffic like they're on a mission, then before you know it, you're boxed in on the freeway.

Its so frustrating! Its a different treatment for sure. I have an 04 tundra, and it seems like everyone just gets the hell out of the way when i get it going.

Ironically, its the exact opposite when I'm actually trying to get somewhere in my NSX, or for that matter just trying to enjoy driving it without having to deal with the "show-stopper traffic". People pace next to me like they're my best friend, until they realize that we're both going 50 mph, and it's their fault because the car on my other side is doing the same thing. I've learned my lesson: Don't let cars get in front of me. While the hard stares are a wonderful ego boost at times, never the less it quickly becomes a nuisance when trying to get to places "in a hurry". Lane changes, exit ramps, anything.

Ok, I hope I'm not alone here. I should also add that my NSX is practically stock. I can't imagine what some of you crazy modded guys get.
Get use to it......I get tailed, paced, revved at about half the time or more when I drive whether its on the freeway or street. The car attracts attention and turns heads no matter what. Good and bad mostly good because people just want to give you thumbs up or figure out what kind of car it is.....theres still actually a lot of people out there that never seen the car or don't know what it is.

When I tell them that my car was made in 91 they are dumbfounded. :smile:

Just enjoy the car and ignore the people.....you can always slow down, change lanes, or speed up a bit to get out of their way.
I get tailed a good amount on regular streets and when it happens at night I get all paranoid. The highway thing happens also but I havent got boxed in yet maybe one day lol
Back when I owned an NSX, I would nearly get run off the road every week by a lifted truck trying to assert his presence. It was downright irritating.
Same thing here, getting gas is the worse, cant leave till you let them check out the inside, look at the engine etc. but as for getting boxed in, I drive like a bat outta hell everywhere, so not to many are gonna box me.
if they are doing the speed limit then Im doubling it. all they see is a VVVEEEERRRRROOOOMMMMMM pass them by. and gone

But other Acura like the Integras and civics do like to rev at me but its funny they rev and it sounds like a little mouse weeeee weeeee weeeee when I rev and its VVVVRRROOOMMM VVVVRRRROOMMM, then they smile give me the thumbs up etc. funnny
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I love the attentions i get at petrol stations... :biggrin:
Yes, it is a common occurance. Whenever I drive mine it seems like there is always a bunch of cars around with people gawking, snapping cell phone pics etc. I know a shiny black NSX is sexy but WOW some dude actually followed me home to find out what kind of car it was...he was Asian too I couldn't understand why he didnt know what it was. I told him to play Grand Turismo and he could drive one...LOL :smile:
Every time I stop the car now I get swarmed by teenage boys. Not exactly what I was looking for.

It's flattering... lots of cell phone pics, etc etc, but... yeah, can be unsettling at times. I had two tatted up guys approach me at a starbucks parking lot in a crappy part of town over the weekend while I was putting my top back on. They looked like they just got out of prison... super nice tho, took their pictures, asked a ton of questions, etc... but I felt a little uneasy. People don't seem to mind getting REAL up close.

I'm not sure why this translates to the highway, but it's been getting worse every year. It's almost better to just drive over in the slow lane.
I get followed all the time and just make a note of who is driving in my blind spot or following a little too close for comfort and adjust my positioning in traffic accordingly. If I need to get somewhere in a hurry and someone is following me for whatever reason, I just ignore them and let them win/lose whatever game/race they are playing. It's actually not as bad as it was years ago.

Edit: I've been known to speed up or slow down to take a better look at a car that's caught my eye so I'm also part of the group of problem people. :p :p :p
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There is a "technical" term developed here in Atlanta for this: it's actually the Anti-destination League. They are all over - part of a secret organization assigned to get in your way and slow us all down especially if you have a sports car - ESPECIALLY then! Ohhhhh boy have we had our battles with them here - oh yes - so much so that a band actually wrote a song about them and coined the name - anti-destination league. They are always trying to get in front of you on single lane traffic roads - that is there most favorite mission and coordinated effort - oh yes we are all familiar with being boxed in on the freeway by them and thwarted from having any fun whatsoever if they have anything to do with it.

Oh yes have heard of this situation for years. Unfortunatly there is no way to retaliate - no way to just blast them out of the way, although for sure we'd like to - right? I mean this is a serious epedimic and we have never been able to locate their headquarters. :wink:
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I drive pretty agressively on the highway:redface: I find/make space.If someone is ghosting me I modulate my speed to let em know they are a pest.If I'm still being hassled I give them my crazy face.....:tongue: So moral of the story..when driving in a sportscar like the nsx you plan for a relaxing drive but prepare for much worse.:rolleyes:

There is a "technical" term developed here in Atlanta for this: it's actually the Anti-destination League. They are all over - part of a secret organization assigned to get in your way and slow us all down especially if you have a sports car - ESPECIALLY then! Ohhhhh boy have we had our battles with them here - oh yes - so much so that a band actually wrote a song about them and coined the name - anti-destination league. They are always trying to get in front of you on single lane traffic roads - that is there most favorite mission and coordinated effort - oh yes we are all familiar with being boxed in on the freeway by them and thwarted from having any fun whatsoever if they have anything to do with it.

Oh yes have heard of this situation for years. Unfortunatly there is no way to retaliate - no way to just blast them out of the way, although for sure we'd like to - right? I mean this is a serious epedimic and we have never been able to locate their headquarters. :wink:

Having been there several times, I do think the HQ is in ATL haha
Yea, I've driven some nice cars over the years, but have never gotten the attention that this NSX gets. Most typically on the interstate they speed up in the next lane and then adjust their speed to mine - just admiring the car. Doesn't bother me really - I'd probably do the same.

More recently some young guy in a tastefully improved Honda drove by my house 4 times looking at the NSX in my driveway - then stopped and said "Sir" (which i deplore....:mad:) - "can my girlfriend and I look at your car?". Sure, I said - and they practically drooled with admiration. I can appreciate that :smile:.

This is a great automobile. Wish I had the wisdom to purchase one years ago. A definate keeper. Jay
When I go to get in my car everyday, I smile when I see people crowded around my car. they take pics Etc.

But the one that pissed me off the best was this family was taking pics of my car while their little girl was climbing on my hood of my car, and you know kids they dont climb well, it takes a few tries, to get their sandy shoes up high enough to climb

I ran up saying "hey hey what are you doing" the family looked at me like who the hell are you? yelling at us, then they noticed ( great Parents ) that their Daughter was on my hood, the Dad was like I am so sorry, I told him "that was not cool at all should pay attention at ALL times where and what their kids are doing".

He didnt like me saying that but I guess he firgured His daughter had all ready got me good with the hood scratches,,I had to Buff the scratches out when I got home.

Times like that I wish I had driven another car to work that day.
Years ago, I had an old beat up car with dammage from tip to tail on the passenger side. (someone side swiped me) every piece of metal was bent.

When I put my signal light (indicator) on everyone just got the hell out of my way! It was great.

Respect for having a beat up car.
Don't worry, you will get use to it:biggrin: Just be friendly...smile...nod....wave..........you get the ideas:biggrin:
So as I had figured, I'm not alone here.

The attention when the car is parked is what worries me more in a way. I just don't like leaving my car to sit outside a restaurant, in a mall, etc. I get anxious when I walk too far away. I really hope I can get past this paranoia, but hearing that story of the little girl climbing onto your NSX??!! Jeez. I get squeamish when I see people put their hands on the windows and peer in. Its times like these when I wish I had "shields" like in the old school Batman movie. Say the word, and the thing covers itself up like an armadillo. Maybe then I'd be ok walking 20 feet away instead of 10.

And ya, the tundra is fantastic. While it does feel like I'm driving an industrial sized refrigerator with wheels, I have little worries. Its just wonderful having a truck. Before the Tundra, I used to have an '86 Nissan longbed pick-up truck, my most beloved beater to date. It was the first car I learned to drive stick on at 13 yrs old, so I had particular sentimentality towards it. It was very neglected, yet it drove like a champ. One of the spark plug wires actually came off and was flopping around and arcing off the firewall, and I didn't even notice it until the next oil change 8,000 miles later. Needless to say, it ran much better once I plugged it back in. Since then though, I've learned my lessons with keeping maintenance routines. I mostly had my RX-7 to thank for that. Awesome car also, just needed A LOT of TLC. Of course the other benefit was that I built some wicked back muscles learning how to hold my body at a constant 90 deg. angle all while trying to avoid destroying my knees.
Yep - I agree. My rule is nobody gets in front of me unless they have lights on top
Don't worry, you will get use to it:biggrin: Just be friendly...smile...nod....wave..........you get the ideas:biggrin:

Especially if you own a red car screaming look at me with test pipes :biggrin:
here in Belgium, the NSX is very… very rare (5 or 6 for the country), the car attracts the glances and all people are turned over when I roll :smile:, the problem it's the parking, there are always people who turn around and who touches the body with the hands… :eek: in my trunk, there is always cleaning kit to remove the finger marks :biggrin:, i always have the car in my fields of view when I park myself! another problem, people often ask… for it's which model of Ferrari??? … Grrrrrrrr!!!:mad:

my langage is french...translator is bad, excuse me :redface:
I find the guys with blue lights on top usually have the same destination as I do; Especially with the taitec exhaust - not as much with the stock muffler;

I think they coordinate the anti-destination league, because they can box in 3 lanes all by themselves!

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