Does Jay Leno have an NSX?

funny no one is checking out the McLaren F1 behind the NSX!

not at all, the McLaren got 100% more attention than my NSX did. at one point every single person on the top of that mountain was surrounding it. and especially when Jay got in it and drove off. no one was looking at anything else...

the McLaren F1 is still the ultimate Supercar...

an incredible performance for most of that mile, all things considered...
Come on, haters. A car guy with an OPINION? Like we don't have any of those on Prime, right?

I like Jay. I would love to spend an hour or two in his garage.

If you want some Jay-love for the NSX someone simply needs to convert their NSX to steam power.
Jay is a great guy, a real advocate for the hobby. And I think he is a an NSX fan...I love Jerry's reaction at +-53 seconds and again at 1:13

And then Jay comes in here around the 1:30 mark of this one...

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Ironic that this topic resurrected. I just went through my Instagram feed like 20 minutes ago and on Jay Leno's Garage's IG account, theres a pic of him standing next to a new black one and behind him is an older black one with 02 wheels. Im assuming its an 02+. Anyway, the caption says there will be a review of the new NSX posted tomorrow. OBVIOUSLY, he will mentioned/review the old one in one way or another since its right behind him. :)
Sorry to bump such an old thread, but a lady is selling her late husband's 93 NSX. It has 200k on it and she's asking $50k but it was supposedly owned by Jay Leno. But idk, because it's an auto, and I really doubt he would even buy an auto lol.
Do you have the contact details for the seller or yourself? I have a link with someone who works at Leno's shop and would love to confirm for you and pershaps see if we can get extra details.
Unfortunately, she took the ad down. It seems like she's not quite ready to let it go. But I did save some photos before she deleted the listing. Her husband's name was Edgar if that's any help.

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I have an update, would it be OK to speak with the seller or have them contact me directly. Not trying to solicit a sale but want them to check two things for me to verify.
Unfortunately, she took the ad down. It seems like she's not quite ready to let it go. But I did save some photos before she deleted the listing. Her husband's name was Edgar if that's any help.
My name is Edgar also! So it's only right that she sells it to me! (plus I already have an auto NSX)
The video is 7 years old now, but still a classic. At ~30 seconds in, referring to the NA1, "People don't realize how important this car was; it was the first real supercar to come out of Japan. There was the Toyota GT, & the Cosmo, but this was on par with Ferrarri & the other European exotics. This was the car that made them up their game and this is the car that Gordon Murray drove and based his F1 against." ... "It really was a landmark car."

Fair assessment by Jay, who really is a gearhead's gearhead. So did "I'm gonna get one of these" happen? Thought I remembered a picture of him with one.
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I was just gonna post that..