If tastefully done, they look great imho, if they happen to be functional and weight less, even better. Interior and engine bay are best places for exposed carbon fiber. Exterior wise, maybe not, but Pagani Zonda and all CF JGTC NSX looks amazing hot. There is a big difference in done right and done wrong.
I'm sure Hugh, and just about any NSX owner here, could afford putting carbon fiber accents on their NSXs. Most people don't because they don't want that look on their car, either because they don't like the way it looks, or because they associate it with the 17-year-old drivers of beat-up Civics among whom it is so popular, or for whatever other reason they may have. Inability to afford it is not a likely reason among NSX owners.
I believe Huge's post is more of a joke in good nature. It can however be easily taken wrong if the reader is not familiar with the style of ones posts.
Being able to afford is a very generalized statement. Being able to afford doesn't mean one can justisfying paying up even if they like the item. I like genuine type R seats. I can easily afford it if we only consider dollar amount and nothing else, but I always say I can't afford it. I like weight reduction, but I have to buy the steel version of exhaust not titanium version. The reason is simple, I can't justisfy the additional cost for the weight difference. $2k can easily buy 3 flight tickets to Japan, 3 diesel leather jacket, many pairs of boots, lots of books, many sushi dinner, many gallons of gas, etc. Depending on perspective, being able to afford can have different meaning.
There are various level of being able to afford. Paying with credit can be considered as being able to afford. For me even paying with cash doesn't necessarily mean being able to afford either.
Rather than being too generalized, I will use NSX owners that are close to me as examples. Many want high quality carbon fiber parts, they can easily pay for them, but they say they can't afford it. I often say I can't afford it, even if I can afford it, I am not going to wait months for item to be delivered no matter how much I like it.
Personally I would like to see carbon fiber be used in more areas then just automotive. Everyday I see something and think....they need to make this from carbon fiber. I would love to see De Walt make a set of cordless tools from light weight carbon fiber case and a lithium battery.
I agree this is fantastic idea. However, finding buyers that can justifying the price difference may be the challenge. There will always be ones that think standard one is more than plenty, gets the job done equally as well. Some might even bash it as completely waste if they don't find value in it or they never use it.
Not saying this applies to you but I find in life that when most people "Hate" on things its becuase they cant afford it and so it becomes a jealous hate.........just like some people hate on the NSX becuase its something they can never obtain........
While your statement is very generalized and obvisouly not 100% true. I do however have to agree for most part, significationly greater than >50%.