Do you eat healthy?

2 March 2003
San Francisco
Just curious in terms of if you eat "healthy" or not. I recently purchased this juicer for $400 and am now juicing all kinds of vegetables. Celery, beets, carrots, cucumbers et al. I love it. Now keep in mind that I live in California and we are a little strange in terms of our food and it's importance.:wink: I don't juice fruit because of the sugar content.:wink:

I remember reading a post recently about a huge burger at some fast food place and how a number of Prime members loved it, plus extra condiments.

No, I am not going to invite you to my house for dinner and you won't have to have juice. Just curious.

Yes, I would be even more conscious and have some natural honey if Hal didn't have those "Lazy Ass Bees" that don't produce honey.:biggrin:

Just wondering if any of you guys are interested in how or what you eat, or really care...
Yeah I eat healthy, but no crazy juice... Ive lost 45 lbs within the last 7 months...:biggrin:
Yes as best I can. I cook all my meals and dont eat crap, and no this is not a new years thing it's a I want to live long to enjoy my life thing.

Some people do not understand foods though, is eating bacon and eggs okay for you? Sure it's good eggs are the most complete protein you can eat, bacon is fine as well if you get all natural without the nitrates. The key is when I eat food it is doing a job, I have to eat about 300g a day or proteen to keep getting stronger so that's a lot of eggs / beef / chicken / shakes. I also hired a great nutritionist to help me with my meal plans, this guy also does the foods for the LA Lakers.

The key for me is keeping the carbs about 120-150g, protein at 300g +- 30 and fats as much as I want but dont go too crazy because they are very cal dense = 9cals per gram.

P.S. The ONLY time I eat fruit or anything sweet is around my workout to help get the protein into my body.

P.S.S I gained 25 pounds of lean body mass last year so it must be working ;)
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Yes as best I can. I cook all my meals and dont eat crap, and no this is not a new years thing it's a I want to live long to enjoy my life thing.

Some people do not understand foods though, is eating bacon and eggs okay for you? Sure it's good eggs are the most complete protein you can eat, bacon is fine as well if you get all natural without the nitrates. The key is when I eat food it is doing a job, I have to eat about 300g a day or proteen to keep getting stronger so that's a lot of eggs / beef / chicken / shakes. I also hired a great nutritionist to help me with my meal plans, this guy also does the foods for the LA Lakers.

The key for me is keeping the carbs about 120-150g, protein at 300g +- 30 and fats as much as I want but dont go too crazy because they are very cal dense = 9cals per gram.

P.S. The ONLY time I eat fruit or anything sweet is around my workout to help get the protein into my body.

P.S.S I gained 25 pounds of lean body mass last year so it must be working ;)

all of our bodies work differently and i think mine does too. now in getting a gain of 25 pounds to a lean body do you do it? i've been trying to gain weight but don't want to take in so much unnatural supplements.
all of our bodies work differently and i think mine does too. now in getting a gain of 25 pounds to a lean body do you do it? i've been trying to gain weight but don't want to take in so much unnatural supplements.

Squats, deadlifts, bench :) Check out this link. Also I dont take any roids or crap like that just shakes and food. Most guys that take roids at my guy cant lift for shit anyway and look stupid too lol

I had some pro's help me with form and I just workout 3x a week. It's not easy but in 1 year I am stronger then most people that have been working out 3-5 years so I am pretty happy.
Eat an easily absorbed protein such as whey immediately after workouts, and another protein maybe an hour later. Gotta feed the muscle repair and generation...

Of course, first thing to do is the workout...
Eat an easily absorbed protein such as whey immediately after workouts, and another protein maybe an hour later. Gotta feed the muscle repair and generation...

Of course, first thing to do is the workout...

Yep I do the shake everytime, and some carbs about 30g. I like IsoPure a lot.
I try to cook my own meals and eat at home as often as possible. I cook fresh foods, not processed or canned foods if I can help it. Also, I haven't eaten red meat since 1980.
I try to eat organic-kosher-hallal thingy. Being in the health field its alarming to see so many youngens in the hospital beds. A lot of preventative maintanence neglected. Diet and exercise and meditation goes a long way. is by Oprahs doctor try it.
Yep I do the shake everytime, and some carbs about 30g. I like IsoPure a lot.

Does the IsoPure mix with water?

I'm usually starving (weird work schedule) after my workout, so I like the bars even thought the shake would be better. I've been munching Clif "Builder" bars lately; 20g protein, 270 cals total. Takes the edge off for an hour until I can eat some hard protein with a meal.

When I do drink the shake, I've been using Cytosport complete. Got a kilo for like $20 online.
Does the IsoPure mix with water?

I'm usually starving (weird work schedule) after my workout, so I like the bars even thought the shake would be better. I've been munching Clif "Builder" bars lately; 20g protein, 270 cals total. Takes the edge off for an hour until I can eat some hard protein with a meal.

When I do drink the shake, I've been using Cytosport complete. Got a kilo for like $20 online.

Isopure is by FAR the best out 220cals 50g prot and other good stuff and mixes fine with water.

My fave is the mint choco chip and yes I have had everyone lol. I drink about 3-4 a day.
We have to have a First Class medical every 6 months for the FAA (ATP). I lost 24 lbs last time between medicals. My blood pressure was at the bottom of the range and the Dr asked if I was eating healthy?

Marlborough Lights, Diet Coke and Peanut M&Ms.
We have to have a First Class medical every 6 months for the FAA (ATP). I lost 24 lbs last time between medicals. My blood pressure was at the bottom of the range and the Dr asked if I was eating healthy?

Marlborough Lights, Diet Coke and Peanut M&Ms.

So true, I have polish friends who eat pure lard eat NOTHING but oil fat and meat and are in better health then anyone who eats so called "Clean" foods. Keep the sweets out eat the fats and meats and you will be fine.
Hang on, let me go take some antacids to cool this heartburn from that 2 lb Fuddruckers burger, and I will be back to write a longer response.....
Yes and it's not cheap either. We have someone who does most of the cooking for us. We have been eating the fit for life menu for the last couple of months and it's pretty good. A prime member hooked me up with it.

I have always been a healthy eater, I'm 6 foot tall and ~175 pounds but not muscle bound either.
Genetic lottery winner, or still younger than 40?

39 and genetics have ALOT to do with your health. Every time I go in for my medical, my BP and EKG are always excellent. I finally quit smoking (going on 21 days now). However, it's interesting how some people smoke their entire lives and never get lung cancer and other do. I think you have to have the gene for it and the smoking triggers that gene.
Just curious in terms of if you eat "healthy" or not. I recently purchased this juicer for $400 and am now juicing all kinds of vegetables. Celery, beets, carrots, cucumbers et al. I love it. Now keep in mind that I live in California and we are a little strange in terms of our food and it's importance.:wink: I don't juice fruit because of the sugar content.:wink:

I remember reading a post recently about a huge burger at some fast food place and how a number of Prime members loved it, plus extra condiments.

No, I am not going to invite you to my house for dinner and you won't have to have juice. Just curious.

Yes, I would be even more conscious and have some natural honey if Hal didn't have those "Lazy Ass Bees" that don't produce honey.:biggrin:

Just wondering if any of you guys are interested in how or what you eat, or really care...

Yes. I eat very healthy. Very little salt or sugar (besides enough glucose to keep the brain going). Rarely eat cheese, only eat lean types of meat, 80%+ cocoa dark chocolate is the only desert I eat and wine is the only alcoholic beverage I consume with any regularity. I also work out 6 times a week, run a sub 25 min 3 mile, push a decent amount of weight in the gym, and try to stay between 9-11% BF. Get all the water and non soluble vitamins I need from odwallas and naked drinks ($$). Couldn't have it any other way.
I just ate a plate of salisbury steak lol...shut up its protein :biggrin::biggrin: