Floride in YOUR water supply.

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  • I never knew this, im concerned now...

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My house in the sticks has a well. I like to think that the water is about as pure as one can get, being filtered through miles of limestone rock ....
I go to the gf's house with MUD water and it stinks like pool water. The worrying part is that after a few days, I can't smell it anymore.

But as for floride, no thanks. Soon they'll want to add more things for our own good, like iron, vitamine C, etc. on top of the estrogen that already seeps in.

Say, wouldn't brake cleaner get the old choppers REALLY clean?
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Do any of our dentists have a good risk/reward kindof opinion on this issue? In other words, adding flouride to the water supply makes people have healthier teeth, but at the known and unknown costs of......

We could start putting vitamins in all prepared foods, or SPF chemicals in all cosmetics, or [you name it] all of which would at least be for more important risks (poor diets, skin cancer, etc.). "Healthy teeth" seems like just such a weak reason to be meddling with our most important resource. Thoughts?
Sorry Sarge, I can never resist an opportunity to quote Dr. Strangelove.

I do agree with you though 100% and would really prefer they would leave this out of the drinking water.
I have my professional feelings about Fluoride and I support the clinical evidence that Fluoride prevents and can even arrest decay formation. That being said, I have a few questions for those who have contributed to this thread and are concerned about their health.

1) Do you go outside and have exposure to the sun for more than 20mins without suncreen applied?

2) Do you use tobacco products?

3) Do you consume any alcohol?

4) Do you drive a car?

5) Do you consume any fast food?

6) Do you consume any diet cola products?

7) Do you put salt on any of your foods?

8) Do you have high cholesterol or a family history of it?

9) Have you had unprotected sex with someone who's medical histoy you did not know about?

10) Have you ever experimented with recreational drungs?

11) Do you take any prescription medications?

I can go on all day long thinking of these questions and the fact is, not one of us has a lifestyle that will gaurantee immortality. So, if you are that concerned about Fluoride, all I can suggest is to try and stop using or consuming any product that contains Fluoride. And remember, when you go out to eat that cup of coffee probably was made with Fluoride containing water.
Sarge, I'm sorry you got hurt feelings about this. Believe me when I say it wasn't personal. I know that everything is new at some point to everyone, but this has been tinfoil hat territory for close to 50 years so I had to laugh.

Edit to add - I also did not vote in the poll. If there'd been a simple "I don't believe this is true" option, I would have voted that way and been less inclined to laugh.
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I wrote a response here and posted a video, I wish the response was left, it took me some time to write it.....but whatever
I personaly dont think global conspiricies count as politics as much as they lean toward entertainment, after all, they cannot be proven, So on that note I didnt think I "violated" the off topic rules, but like I said....whatever

In the future I will be sure to not post new threads....rest easy
topically applied f is best....
who needs to fluoridate their big toe...:rolleyes:

btw, people still drink tap water??
nice idea, hard to implement perfectly.
Just get a high quality RO system in your house. Don't forget that about 23-7% of all bottled waters are tap water. Evian spelled backwards is naivE. LMAO, Damn french!
Whenever I consider subjects like these I like to try to put it in perspective.

I almost got a job in Lanzhou china, one of the most polluted cities on earth. There are like 5-10 million people all living there, breathing the chromium and heavy metal particle saturated air and drinking water that God only knows what's in it. They are all living relatively the same length as everyone else in China with a slightly higher rate of various cancers. They still have lead poisoning incidents fairly often (makes fluoride seem like candy).

There are billions, that's with a --B-- of people that drink out of water that just a mile or two up river an entire population $hits and pisses in. Once again, most of them get a long just fine.

So is fluoride the best thing to drink? Probably not. Is it worth worrying about given that it's probably in some of the cleanest drinking water on earth? Nope. Life is too short to worry about goofy stuff I've learned.
I'm no expert, but just like in the first Batman movie, it is a combination of things. This was debated in Parliment in England, as some things have been intentionally mislabled, and mis-catagorized. The chemical that turns ores like aluminum into metals is the same is in our water. The metals, or "minerals", that are in livestock feed, are ingested by us and absorbed. Floride interacts with those alchemically.

Also, plastic when heated gives off chemicals like estrogen.
And, the dryer lint from microfiber towels is asbestos.

Hexafluorosilicic acid:
You do realize that a person drinks roughly the same amount of water that they have in any point in history, yet the life expectancy has gone up year after year (i.e. we live longer and longer). So regardless of what chemicals/poisons we must be injesting, it either:

a) Isn't enough of a quantity to affect our life span or
b) Is counter-balanced by enough modern medical advancements to have no net negative affect on our health
c) Both of the above
Exposing a human to soft metals has an effect on the brain, as far as I know. Again, I'm not an expert.
Exposing a human to soft metals has an effect on the brain, as far as I know. Again, I'm not an expert.

Now if you are saying as a species we are getting stupidier, then I whole-heartedly agree! Although I think it has nothing to do with chemicals or metals in our water! :tongue::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: