Do you believe in ghosts?

22 December 2002
Sector 001, the Terran System
Been reading about haunted places in Alberta Canada...

I think there are some truth to this as in so many independant witnesses have seen, heard, or felt ghosts..

<a href =""> quick stories </a>

If you have ghost story....lets hear it (only if you want to that is)...
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In the Islamic religion, it is believed that another species exist along side humans. They are called Jinis (yes the popular Jini in the bottle of Aladdin is one of them). They are more than just a myth and all Muslims believe in their existence but can never prove it just like they believe in the existence of angles but they can never prove it.

Anyway, these Jinis have the ability of disappearing and to change form. Their abilities are much stronger than ours but they are really stupid. They like to claim to be Gods and often are mistaken for gods for their unbelievable power. They live a lot longer than us humans and they can penetrate a human body (The movie " the exorcist" building on the popularity of this phenomenon). In old ages they were able to peak into the future and hence the claim that some people can see the future threw spirits. Magic can also be mastered using their power. They will tell you the future and give you magic abilities if you commit an act of religious loyalty such as a sacrifice as in giving them godly rights. Of course there's only one god and these creatures are just creatures nothing more, despite the power they wield. And if you do pledge loyalty to then as gods which they're not, then you would be damned.

Their existence cannot be proven yet, but for those who would doubt it, go to an old mansion or an old wreckage (their usually habitats) and try and sleep there all threw the night. You'll feel a very strange fear that you just can't explain. And who knows, you might just get a chance to hear or even see one in the form you most fear.

This is nothing strange to third world countries as there are a lot of abandoned houses and creepy places no one would dare come close to.

And the question just has to be asked, why are witchcraft wide spread and there are books about it. Are they just a legend?

Now, if you don't believing god than all the above is crap. But if you do and you are of the heavenly believes (Jewish, Christian, Muslim) you would know that there is more than what meets the eye in this world, we just have a problem accepting it, just like the poets of the 18th century had a problem believing Newton's claim that he made laws for motion!

P.S. I had you going didn't I, LOL (no just info that I believe, you can take it or leave it)
Here is a true story experienced by me that made me believe in life after death or something close that...(maybe a spirit or soul)

I have left some details out to keep as short as possible without omitting the important details...

When I was child and a teenager my grandmother (dad side of the family) lived with me...She cared for me and loved me and my sister very very much...

As she got older she started suffering from Alzheimer's disease..
By time I was 15. My family could no longer care for her and she was placed into a retirement home..

As the years passed by her condition would slowly deterioate She could no longer recgonize me. She remembered a younger me being her grandson and all....

When I was 20, My grandmother had fallen and had serious injuries to her head.. She was hopitalized for days and was not eating much..I beleive on the 5th day she was in the hospital I along with my father and my sister went to visit her. I can still remember that day so clear as it just happened..

As I entered her room I can see my grandmother lying down facing me..She had a large bump on her head and a cut by her eye..Once again when my father told her who I and my sister were she could not recognize us.. As she spoke, a prominent and sickly odor began to engulf me..At first I thought that it was coming from my grandmother as she spoke so I walk behind her...There was no odor but within the next few seconds the odor had engulfed me once again..This odor was so powerful that I had to leave the room within a few minutes...

I returned home and I didn't really think much of the events of that day. I went to sleep that night no differently then what I usually do..

But something strange took place in the middle of night..I can't say for certain what time but all I know is this. I awoke in the middle of night smelling the same odor that I smelt in the hospital room earlier that day. I was still in a half asleep half awake mode, but I clearly remember me saying to myself."That smell.. is that coming from me? Is it coming from the clothes that I am wearing?" I fell back to sleep as quickly as I awoke from the odor..

When I got up in morning I went to the living room where my mother and father were.. They told be the unfornate news that my grandmother had passed away in the middle of the night...

After they told me this...I told them the strange odor that I smelt...Both my parents listened with great care..

This odor could be smelt from my father, my sister, and myself..For all that times that my mother had visited my grandmother she could not smell this odor..The only common denominator to this is that my grandmother blood runs through my father, my sister, and myself..

I have never really told this story too often...But I can say this with 100 % certainity that my grandmother stayed alive til I visited to her and she visited me one last time...

note to my grandmother if she is watching me..

I know that when I was a kid growing up..I acted stupidly and was a brat sometimes..but I remember how you cared for me and all the things that we used to do..I really do you love you very much even though I did not show it then..
Back in 82 I was 19 and visiting my girlfriend at her Aunt's house. This was in Jackonville FL and we were going to school nearby. Her Aunt needed her to visit because she was having plastic surgery.

Her Aunt came back from surgery on the day this happened and we were told she would sleep through the night and was heavily sedated. It was me, gf and the Aunt in the house only.

We watched tv most of the night and eventually went to bed in the spare bedroom across the hall from her Aunt around midnight. We had nothing to drink and were wide awake when there were 3 very hard bangs on the guest room door. After the first I began getting up and could see the door moving inward with the other two impacts. I opened the door right as the third impact finished and there was no one there. The hall is long and was well light and completely empty. I of course thought it must be her Aunt so I knocked on her door and opened it when there was no answer. She was snoring and sound asleep. It could not have been her because she could not have gotten back in her room that quickly.

We were a bit frightened and nothing else happened after that event.

I seen a ghastly looking image this morning when I woke up... but realized I was looking in the mirror!:eek:
I used to live in a haunted house during my lae teens/early 20's I have seen and heard things that scare me to this day where I dont like to think about it sometimes.

Crazy things used to happen, we lived near a supposed civil war burial and or battle site in Chantilly Virginia

My dad recalls seeing a little girl in the woods banging on trees with a twig for a few hours one night around 2am in the backyard. He said she simply vansihed right in front of his eyes. She was dressed odd as well.

My whole family was eating dinner one night togetehr when a small little plastic fake fruit wall decoration came off the wall and hit the ground and startled all of us. Weird thing is the decoartion was made of hallow plastic and dint weight more than a few ounces. When it hit the floor it sounded like a 50 lb weight had hit the floor and shook the room.

We had about 7-9 people watching a movie together in the living room when the VCR by itself stopped and started to rewind the movie all by itself. I got up, stopped it and hit Play again, the second I would sit back down it would stop and go to rewind. Did this 4 times when we decided someone didnt want us to watch the movie.

On a regular basis I would always see this dark shadow figure raoming our downstairs and occasionaly he would come upstairs. He was tall and I could not see his eyes. He/she looked like the sterotypical movie style ghost, kind of transparent but really dark, almost black. I woke up one morning to get water and I saw him crouched on my bird cage. I froze as I got up and closed my eyes as my body went into ultra shocked mode. I had never been so scared in my life. I closed my eyes and started saying prayers for a minute, I opened my eyes to see it had left the room. I slipped under the covers and shook fromf ear for an hour before I could sleep again.

We had many birds in the house and on many occasions the birds would be disturbed in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. sometimes I could hear the sound of someone hitting the bird cages like a 3 year old will at the pet store. I would run over to them to find nothing and the birds practically having heart attacks and in a panic clinging to the cage.

I can go on and on on all night, we lived there for several years and my parents never really brought it up in detail but we all knew what was going on around us. To this day I refuse to drive by my old house if I am ever in that area.
Accomplice said:
Care to share the details?

When I was in junior high, my cousin's grandfather died. Our families were very close, but I missed the funeral because I had a school function to attend. The day after the burial, my mom, grandmother and I visited the home of my widowed grandmother to pay our respects. While they were in the kitchen preparing lunch, I stayed in the living room watching tv. In the living room they had flowers from the funeral up as well as pictures of my deceased grandfather. I was looking at his picture when suddenly I felt this heavy weight over come me, as if someone had thrown a heavy blanket over my head and shoulders, then I began to cry. I called out to my mom and grandmother and they all came running from the kitchen. They asked why I was crying I said I didn't know. My widowed grandmother then asked my uncle to retrieve an article of clothing that belonged to my grandfather and they wrapped it around me. The moment they did that, the feeling instantly lifted and I stopped crying. My grandmother then told me that the reason for that happening was my grandfather. He didn't see me at his funeral, so he came to visit one last time and that was his way of showing that he was there.
existence of angles but they can never prove it.

I think some mathematician did, or was it Einstein, someone similar?:p

I don't believe in ghosts, but after watching ghostbusters...... hmmm.

Living alone i don't want to start either..........

While your at it, what about the UFO's seen recently over new Mexico (saw it on Japanese news last night)
During my teenage years, a few of us snug into the local cementary in the middle of night and just hang out hoping to see something oddly...hoping to see some goblins and yes.....ghosts. However, no luck. Until this day, I have not seen one. I am sure we can be friends and I can take him/her to Vegas...and vivaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa vegas!!!!! think of possibilities :D:p
There is definitely a spiritual realm which science/logic obviously will never prove, so the existance of spirits (aka ghosts) is not unreasonable.

Now the Toothfairy and Santa Claus... science has disproven them. :p

<B>hlweyl</B> : lol... same! :D
yeah...ghosts rule. I've always had an interest in them.

I grew up in South East asia and remember aloto of stories coming from the older my maids and their stories of living in the village and all that. spooky stuff.

The ultimate haunt for me was Philly. M Night Shamalyan captured THE EXACT FEELING when he did the sixth sense. I used to live in the area where he filmed that movie (center city philadelphia) with all the old townhouses and brick sidewalks.

You sense so much history and you also know your not alone when you walk the streets at night and even during the day.

Its not a creepy or scary feeling, but rather one of deep interest and curiosity. I remember with a group of friends we went at night to look at the old hospital (closed as it is a historical landmark). We were at the gates looking in (picture an old victorian building/mansion similar to the white house with a large nice garden).

We noticed a small light at the top...kinda like those small attic windows...round or oval. We saw shadows moving around in it. We just stared at it for about 20 was soo cool.

I got plenty of ghosts stories, but I'll save them for later...

Oh yeah, down the road was a small old, old church. I've never been inside (I regret I haven't...I really should go back), but the gravestones were sooo old, alot of the carvings of names have weathered away. Anyways, the weirdest part was the gate: It has a small wooden sign: Closed at Sundown. That's all it said.

I remember it was Halloween (can you believe it??!! Out of all the nights in the year!!) The gate to the cemetery/church was closed, BUT it wasn't locked. I went in out of curiosity (I was still new to Philly so I didn't know too many people)...I could hear Monk style choirs or singing going on on the inside. quite beatiful actually. Nothing happened....just kinda weird.