If you ask any safety expert about street driving, none will suggest to buy high performance tires. They will all suggest to pay attention while driving and observe posted speed limits and signs. Defensive driving is what leads to a safe experience driving on public roads, not the braking or turning ability of the vehicle.
They would say that tires are an important part of active safety, just as much as your seatbelts or airbag. Defensive driving = Scared/reactive driving. Racing schools teach you "Assertive" driving and being aware of your surroundings and pro-active and anticipate accidents rather than reactive (but that's a completely different story). Braking and turning ability of a vehicle is EXTREMELY important for a safe experience on the street. Why do you think that over the years OEM cars' TIRES, BRAKES, and wheels have gotten larger? Why do cars handle and brake better than those huge tanks of the 60's?
Think about what you are saying. My wife and I own 4 cars, 3 of which can not handle as well as the NSX. Are you saying that everyone whose car doesn't handle as well as a stock NSX with high performance tires is equivalent to an unsafe driver or car owner? One of my cars is a tow vehicle (full size van). It comes with cheap 4-season tires. You are implying it is not safe to operate this vehicle on the road because the tires aren't good enough. Ridiculous.
And what 4 cars are those?
I'm not saying that whose car dosnt handle as well as a stock NSX with HP tires is unsafe on the road. I'm saying that you are REDUCING the ABILITY of ANY CAR by putting cheap tires on it. Once again, tires are a very important safety component on ANY CAR.
Full size van/fleet vehicles have all season/fleet vehicle tires. And yes they do not perform as well as other vehicles/tires. But its unquestionable that you could avoid an incident in your NSX that you couldnt have avoided in your Van. So when buying tires for your van, do you buy $20 tires from a local 'tire-stand' or buy decent fleet vehicle/SUV tires?
Stuntman, the next guy after you will say that you need shocks, springs, sway bars and aerokits to be safe on the street. They are better, right???
Those aren't wear items, and aren't something that you consume/buy new ones often. Tires are consumable items and are a great importance in regards to safety. Yes a better handling car - shocks/springs/etc.. when done right can aid in performance and safety, but you are on a slippery-slope with that remark. Brakes and Tires are always changed and are an important BASIC safety device that is far to often overlooked.
Here are some facts.
1) High performance brake fluid will not help ANY in regards to safety on the street. None. Zero.
2) Stainless steel brake lines will not help you at all on the street.
3) Higher performance brake pads will not help you at all on the street. They may be worse that the OEM pad for street use.
4)Big brake kits will not help you at all in street use. The stock brakes can lock up the tires and activate ABS just fine.
1) - Wrong
2) - Wrong
Where do you get these "Facts" from? I have personally installed SS lines and upgraded fluid to over 20 direct friends/family members and ALL OF THEM (even mom who is asian and can't find the parking brake) noticed a difference.)
3) - Depends on the pad, some track pads or HP pads only work at higher temps and have a terrible cold bite - most people wouldn't buy these pads for street only use.
4) - If your limited by your tires - then True, but if you have really good, grippy tires, still probably true. Stock brakes are fine for 99% of the people and 99% of the people who track their cars. Those 1% who have upgraded the power (super/turbo) and heavily track their cars are the only ones who would benefit from a BBK.
Regarding testing and products that people stand behind (your discussion point) - I believe that Honda standing behind the stock NSX trumps other vendors and their improved fluid|pad|brakes|lines argument.
Stock NSX pads/tires/etc... are great and helped the car achieve great performance/handling. But why put brake components and tires worse than stock? - limit the performance/capabilities of your car. Why put on better? -to raise the performance/capabilities. Also remember, this is essentially a 15 year old car, newer brake and tire technology has made leaps and bounds over 15 years ago -including aftermarket Brembo kits/pads/tires.
The one part that is left is that you had a bad experience with an aftermarket brake product, in race conditions, on a TSX.
A lack of further response to this thread by myself and others does not comply consent with these recommendations. I now return you to your regularly schedued "how to fix the NSX for street use" discussion.
The pictures again are to show that brake failures do happen. And a lot of people on Prime track not only their NSX but other cars too. its to spread awareness, not try to scare or deter people from buying stuff, but to spread knowledge (the opposite of what you are trying to do). The thread is about all safety -street or track, and tires/brakes are a huge component of that.
A lack of further response to this thread by myself and others does not comply consent with these recommendations. I now return you to your regularly schedued "how to fix the NSX for street use" discussion.
First off, you are a very ignorant/mis-guided individual who spreads mis-information and brings up irrelevant points. You bring nothing but stupid questions (which sometimes is good for clarification to others who may be asking the same thing) but as a whole, are nothing but argumentative.
Your comments show your lack of experience on the topic and as a whole-does not benefit the community. This thread is not "how to fix the NSX for street use" and that further shows how irrelevant your comments are and how you dont even understand the purpose of the thread.
These are reccomendations from personal experience from someone who has been there, done that, tried that, broke that, had success with different products. The point behind these kinds of threads/posts is to help better guide those who don't have the experience to make better decisions. These are mere recommendations, and its upto the reader whether to believe/follow someone who has actually seen both sides of the fence on many of these topics rather than someone who just stirs up controversy and is a PITA and comments from their 'knowledge' that apparently has no justification and probably comes from reading posts of other ignorant individuals.
"A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing".
You are more than welcome to ignore my recommendations but quit spreading mis-information and being useless to not only this, but other threads as well. Quit taking away from those who are interested and want to know/learn how to maintain a safe car. Once again, brake components and tires are greatly over-looked as a safety device and are very important to not overlook.