Did you buy your nsx before or after you got married?

23 July 2006
It seems like a lot of guys are married and so I gotta ask the obvious, it’s an easier decision when you’re single with less priorities, right?
Im not married but I will be getting ready for it soon in the next few years!!! Glad to have the NSX before the expenses go up!!:smile:
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I bought the NSX about six years before my wedding date.
I learned from my friends... that's why I bought one when I'm still single. :wink:
got married first

During the NSX purchase, we have an 18month old baby at the time and still dont know how wifie let me get the NSX :biggrin:
maybe becuse my son thew his bottle on the nsx (no damage :smile: )

glad she did not decide to get a minivan :tongue:
I guess I will be different. We have been married a dozen years now. Second marriage for both of us, just for the record. I bought mine 3 years ago. No sweat.
I agree with (MY1stnsx) will be married soon and I'm glad I got mines before I start my family and all the expenses go up. atleast now I can plan everything and include my dream machine in it..

Just my 2 cents....
I was already married nine years and had three kids when I got my Red one in 1992. Still married, three kids have grown up and I still have the 92:smile:


Married or not, it shouldn't (though sadly, it often does) affect the decision in purchasing an NSX.

We are boyz and we buy toyz, this is an universal statement.

To stay on topic, I'm not married.

I highly suggest buying the NSX ASAP before things get complicated :biggrin:
If you are not financially well off....then you better buy it before you get married.......most women do not like impractical things like the NSX.

And don't buy it and hide it from them...... because they will find out! :eek:
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About a year after I got married. Only problem is I can't go to far with mods as she likes to cruise around in the car with her girlfriend/s ( one at a time of course ).
I've been married 17 years and purchased my car shortly thereafter. Originally she thought I was crazy to buy a 15 year old car for 30K, but after riding in it, she realized what it was all about.
very interesting topic - 5 years after marriage and 3 month after my first child was born, I decided to get my dream car - it was a toughest choice I have ever made from the practicality and wisdom point of view - my wife knew I would get one soon - but did not agree - she was so depressed and would not speak to me for 3 days - but I am glad I did it because my expenses keep going up now especially after my second child.

here is a short story but makes sense: After I bought my NSX, a very old man (>60 years old) approached me when I was coming out of the driveway with the NSX - he asked me my age and was surprised I am driving such a car at 32 years of age with a child seat beside me. He pointed at his brand new Mercedes and said I wish I had bought that when I was your age - it was my dream car and I could have afforded one but I kept delaying it for the right time and I would have enjoyed it way more back then because I definitely do not care much for it now.

So if you can afford it, do it
It was mid-life crisis car buy for me (turned 50 when I bought it...or should I say my wife encouraged me to buy it).

I never looked back... in fact, my wife and I got into DE events thereafter, and have subsequently bought five other "classic" or "historic" performance cars together. It so much easier when you involve them (women) and get them to catch the car enthusiast "fever" too.