Describ the person above your post in one sentence

How about next Mon? You can fly from CVG-PBI-CVG for me (Cincy to Palm Beach & back). All the free peanuts you can eat. :redface:
has the funniest hooker stories. :biggrin:
Completely regrets giving up the NSX, because he knows that a Z06 looks just like every other Corvette on the street. Now he has no idea what to get to satisfy the "jones".

Should have kept the NSX and SC/turbo it as it's a completely different beast.
follows directions.......sometimes. :biggrin:
Must be very proud of his... ahem.... unit. :tongue:

Obviously not modest about advertising his access to money and women. And to anticipate the next post, "Obviously jealous about not having money or women." :wink: