Describ the person above your post in one sentence

Has a secret passion for scrapbooking.
Underestimates the power of a well off and extremely motivated person.
Every time I go on Prime, his name is the first to pop in my eyes:biggrin:
Is jealous that I drove his car before he did. :biggrin:
Has a best friend from the same city as I am:biggrin:
Thinks Big D stands for something other than my first name...:eek:
Is using this thread to exponentially increase his thread count, which incidentally heavily contributed to him breaking 10,000 posts and increase his already sizable lead in thread posts above just about everyone, while simultaneously reeling in Ken Sax who hasn’t been posting much, and who cannot post a follow up post to this one about breaking his original thread rules about only posting one sentence in response to the above poster, because this is just one really long run on sentence.
Just made a Duck Tales reference FTW!


