Describ the person above your post in one sentence

Doesn't know how hard it was for me to wait so the days would come out an even two months, and doesn't care that I will never let this thread die.
Doesn't know how hard it was for me to wait so the days would come out an even two months, and doesn't care that I will never let this thread die.

Needs a better hobby. :biggrin:
10k man:biggrin:
Needs to stretch his car urgently
Needs to put his car horizontally:biggrin:
Every time I see his avator I think it says ANGELINA:biggrin:
Has a mental fixation :biggrin:
Lives in a town that I visited while on vacation a long time ago (1989 I think) :rolleyes:
Apparently lived up to the Vegas motto of "What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas" as he can't even remember exactly when he visited. Must have been one hell of a mind erasing trip! :biggrin:
^^^^ Is always having a Good Day!