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REAL Witch footage! I captured it on camera, a hidden-camera

"Hi, I'm Linda. THIS IS A WITCH. I'm really shocked to see this, and it's really strange, but LOOK AT THE VIDEO because there's some weird supernatural stuff in there. I'm not kidding, this cannot be a normal person you're seeing in this film, alright? Listen, she levitates. Watch the video, she levitates off the ground while the camera's still flickering. And why does the camera flicker--I think she makes the camera flicker, because it's in synchrony with her actions, all the flickering, the flickering starts and ends in this kind of synchrony with her!

Look, this actual video was filmed with a motion-sensing camera, and I actually set it up in an area in which there was some strange things that I had seen, and on the rocks there were some strange signs written on there, and a friend of mine told me that she had seen some strange cloaked person disappearing in the trees, and this is while she was walking near there at sunset. So I got this motion-camera from school, they had it in their AV department, and I set it up near this creek, just near this foot-crossing. I came back the next day to get the tape, and I picked up the camera, and it had recorded something! And then it was this video that you're seeing here! I took the tape and transferred it to Youtube, and you're seeing it right now! How scary is it? Well it's a bit scary for me, because this is some witch, and it's living near where I live!

Alright everyone... I don't know you all, some of you are just some Youtube people who don't even know me... but LOOK AT THIS VIDEO, tell me what you think about this weird stuff. I know I can find out more about this witch! Tell me if you know anything about witches, alright? I need to know. Some of my friends say they know a bit of stuff, but I'd really like to see if I can get an expert opinion!

Wow... so much to say. I just want everyone to see this. SUBSCRIBE to me, guys, press the "subscribe" button up the top of the page (or wherever it is), because if I get any more footage of this witch, you can be the first ones to see it, alright? I'm keeping it a secret from my parents... and... I want to make a website, also, one of my friends is going to help me get a website up. I want to get some more footage of this witch, people! Me and my friends who have seen this video are so excited. Yeah, definitely keep track of me, because I'm going to see if I can get some more footage of this witch."

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"I have MORE witch footage! This is a REAL witch, videotaped!

I have now obtained some more WITCH footage! I am in awe. Have a look at this.

After the last video, me and my friends were just really excited. Lots of people were viewing the video I had put here on YouTube! Eventually, though, we managed to find another sign of the witch. Where it was, is it was in a similar location to that video you saw earlier in the creek near where I live. (Some people ask where I live. I live in this suburb called Epping, and it's north of Melbourne which is in Australia. So yeah, that's where I live). And it was just in the same kind of woodlands, or bushland area that you saw in that first video, u know? And this is the WITCH!

You can see some really strange things when the WITCH appears in this video! She must have like, triggered the motion sensing on the camera, by just walking out from behind that tree... but she wasn't behind that tree when I set up the camera, I didn't see her there, so how did she just get behind that tree without the camera turning on and seeing her? There's plenty of weird stuff that she is doing AFTER she comes from behind the tree and walks down towards the grass banks through which the creek flows through: and for example, have a look at about 30 seconds into the video, she picks up something (and I later found out that it was a calculator that someone had thrown away, and the calculator had separated into layers and as she threw it, it came apart). But then later in the video, it looked like she had got startled about something, and she was you know, retreating backwards, and she shoots out her arms and all the pieces of the calculator also shoot up into the air! That's at about 1 minute 40 seconds.

And there are other weird things in this video that was filmed by the motion-triggered camera. Some people asked about it: it just turns on when something moves, or however it detects the motion that it can see in front of it, and that's when it starts recording its video. As for this video that is my SECOND video of this strange creepy thing that must be a witch I think, and on my NEW website!!!... I have some further descriptions, u know, of this video and all the weird stuff in it. All the "time codes" showing the time in minutes and seconds at which strange things occur. That's because me and my friends were really poring over this video, analysing all the strange stuff in it, for a couple of hours before we even came here to upload it onto youtube.

I think I'd just better leave you now to watch the video. I think it had better stand by itself. Trust me, it's a pretty amazing piece of video because we just have no idea where this witch came from or what it's about or anything. Just watch the video..."
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...UPDATE: "My website is up, we've put it up on the web! Have a look at it,...

My website is here for you all to have a look at! It's all up and running. So check it out!"
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UFO Fleet in Lima, Peru ... May 2007
Journalistic news article on the UFO fleet in May of the 2007 to 14:00 hours (Local), 19:00 (Greenwich) in Lima, Peru.

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UFO in Brazilian Jungle
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Roswell 1947 UFO Crash Footage (alien)
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Roswell UFO crash debris (note markings form the word "V I d E o")
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Vandenburg Missile Test ... or UFO Wormhole ?
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Spiral UFO coming out Wormhole or Hyperspace?
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Sex Pistols Madonna ray of gob (mash up)
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Speed Painting with Ketchup and French Fries
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The Williams WASP
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welcome mr. bush
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Invoking My Pet Goat

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