
shiftibub gets wiki'd:biggrin:
This thread will keep you busy for a while. 100 pages of photoshop madness.


Ghosts, Spirits, and Demons!!
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test post


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Originally posted by ALSWEL...

WTF!!! :eek:
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Hawaii Five-O Theme Song Lyrics

I love me some Don Ho, but I'm a bit crestfallen to find out that not only were there lyrics penned to the greatest instrumental television theme song of all time, but they had nothing to do with McGarrett's hair or the fact that Herman Wedemeyer and one of Los Jalops are both graduates of Saint Mary's college of California. Instead, they are as follows:

"If you're feelin' lonely/
You can come with me/
Feel my arms around you/
Lay beside the seaaaaaa/

We will think of somethin' to do/
Do it til it's perfect for you/
And for me too/
You can come with meeeee./

So leave your world behind you/
You can come with me/
Sing a song I'll teach you/
Live your fantasyyyyyyy/

Love ya in a natural way/
Doesn't matter what time of day/
You and I play/
You can come with meeeee/

Won'tcha come with meeee/
You can come with meeee."

The slope of the hypotaneus is not straight in the new rectangle. In other words theres an area where the pieces don't fit right which gives the extra 1 sq of area.

(I drew it up on ProEngineer to be sure) :biggrin:


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Wascally Wabbits

Okay, this one is a bit far out, but it's short and sweet. You know how Bugs Bunny is always getting abducted by Marvin the Martian right? He's in his rabbit hole and a UFO lands on top, and he climbs up into its shaft - then he runs around on Mars stealing the Illudium Pu-36 Explosive Space Modulator. Well, on the surface it's just a harmless cartoon - funny rabbit gets abducted by UFO. Ask no questions and think no more about it, right? But what a weird connection - rabbits and UFOs. Could it be there’s something there – lurking just right below the surface, hiding in plain site, pointing us in the direction of hidden truths where we dare not go? You bet’cha.

That first Warner Bros cartoon was originally broadcast in 1948. "Haredevil Hare" was broadcast before any claims of human abduction in UFOlogy, well before, in fact, the famous 1961 abduction claims of Barney and Betty Hill. So now our Bugs Bunny cartoon is somewhat prescient, and we've got a genuine rabbit-UFO connection. Let's look a little further, shall we?

Would you believe that MUFON - the Mutual UFO Observation Network in Evanston, IL - has records of scores of cases in which farmers claimed that UFOs and weird humanoids were stealing the rabbits out of their hutches? They do. And then there are reports of processions of rabbits seen just before UFOs land, and country folk out hunting for rabbits spotting UFOs, and even one case of jack rabbits dancing before a UFO encounter.

So - at least as far as UFO lore is concerned - Marvin's Martians really do abduct bunny rabbits.

Now, go back and watch E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Notice that when E.T.'s spaceship first lands - it's greeted by a rabbit. And rabbits run across the road before the second UFO sighting in Steven Spielberg’s classic film Close Encounters
And take a closer look at the Teletubbies too while you’re at it. Those weird alien babies with televisions in their bellies – and don’t try to tell me they’re not aliens. They all live underground in a partially buried space ship! But when they come out to play on their impossibly green, perfectly manicured rolling lawn - they're surrounded by bunnies! Real live bunnies hopping all over the place. There’s really something going on here folks.

On a scarier note, there have been a score of dead rabbits found in Central America, all connected with their bloodsucking monster down there - El Chupacabre.

So what's the deal folks? Is Marvin really after Bugs? Well, back in the 1970s, the L-5 Society - the organization trying to foster interest in space colonization and research - published the results of a study that proclaimed that rabbits were the ideal space livestock - given that they produce the most meat for the least feed. So maybe it really does make since that Marvin would stop by the third rock from the sun if he needed to restock his pantry before a long trip.

But just in case you want some more "proof" – he’s a bit of weirdness from the history books: Fact - Jimmy Carter was a US President that went on record as having seen a UFO- and he was ridiculed in the press for this admission and for one other very strange occurrence. Do you remember what it was? On April 20 (4/20!), 1979, while on a fishing trip in Plains, Georgia, President Carter claimed to have been attacked and said that he had to fend off his assailant by beating at it with his oar. What did our President claim it was that attacked him, "hissing menacingly, its teeth flashing and nostrils flared"? You got it, folks - he was attacked by a "Killer Rabbit." (The source of the material for the Monty Python skit.)

Eh, what's up Doc?

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