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The truth....



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German food fail. Idiots....


On a side note, who the hell eats "curry dip" with chicken fingers??
Not that I dislike our President, nor do I agree with him on everything... but this is funny...

The Debt Star....


Neil Berrett decided it was time move on from his job so he put in his two-weeks notice... in an unorthodox, delicious way!

The cake reads as follows:

"Dear Mr. Bowers,

During the past three years, my tenure at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard has been nothing short of pure excitement, joy and whim.

However, I have decided to spend more time with my family and attend to health issues that have recently arisen. I am proud to have been part of such an outstanding team and I wish this organization only the finest in future endeavors.

Please accept this cake as notification that I am leaving my position with NWT on March 27.


W. Neil berrett"

Nice guy, this Neil.

I still prefer an f-bomb parade along with a good old-fashioned Xerox'ed penis, sent into everyone's e-mail and real-mail receptacle.

Ripped off from Geekologie....
Here's your winner!

Party last Saturday night - w4m - 18

Reply to: [email protected]
Date: 2009-03-25, 8:40AM MDT

Try this again... Saturday night I got really drunk at a party at a friends house and was laying face down on her bed. You came in and kissed my neck. I didnt really notice you much until I felt you entering me. I tryed to stop you at first but it felt so good I let you keep going. It was big and I loved it. You finished and lefted so fast I didnt get to see your face. All I know is you have a big dick and have dark hair.
I am five five, light brn hair, hazel eyes, 34C pierced nipples. shaved. You said you never felt one so tight.
I want it again.
If you read this please reply. i would also like to see pics, kind of curious who fucked me. Kind of embarrassing that I dont even know what you look like.

She got raped, and she's encouraging it again. :eek: Very effed up imo...