Dealer scratches rims

14 September 2006
Update: Unbelievable

Update: 09/28/2006 (Thursday)

After speaking to the GM of the dealership, the service worker called me back relaying a message from the service director. They said they will not replace the one wheel, but they will refinish the wheel (using the same guy that painted the wheels while they were still on the car). I asked if I could just get it done at a shop I choose, and they agreed to wrtie me a check after I send them an estimate. So now my question is, what is the ABSOLUTE BEST wheel repair shop in the OC/LA area?

I did a search, and I found advance wheel repair in anaheim, but are there anymore options? Thanks!

Update: 09/23/2006

I went back for the center cap today (Saturday, 09/23/2006 at approximately 5:00 PM.)

I had an appointment to bring in my car with the damaged center cap removed so that we could swap for a new one. I was told by the service worker to come back today to swap.

When I arrived, he inspected my center cap briefly (the damaged one) and went to the service director's (I should note that I just found out that I have been dealing with the service director and not the service manager--I apologize for any misunderstanding.) office. He came back out, and informed me that they will not be swapping the center caps (and that the service director has physically taken back the new one he ordered).

Well, I am pretty upset at this point for 2 reasons:

1. We made an appointment to swap today, and not only did they not swap the cap, but they could not even call me to tell me not to waste a trip coming in (also wasted some time removing the rim to remove the old cap).

2. Left with more damage they are unwilling to fix.

I wasted some time talking to the service manager (yes, the real service manager, and not the director as he was not in today) and the service worker who has been helping me. Basically they told me they can't do anything, and that I would have to talk to the service director. After 20 minutes or so, I left without anything but the advice to document everything from this point on. So i hope I can use this thread to keep you updated and document my progress.


Update: 09/22/2006

Cliff Notes:

Dealer declines to replace passenger front wheel
Dealer declines to fix steering wheel pulling to right after their alignment
Dealer refuses to work on my car anymore--period.

I am in shock. Need some support.

Long version:

I got home from the dealer at approximately 5:15 PM on this Friday.

I brought the car in, to talk to the service manager about replacing just one of the wheels. I decided to just get the passenger front replaced since that one had the worst mismatch in the paint (and the damage was actually on the surface of the wheel). The others on the outside edge, although still there, are minor enough to let slide I guess .

Anyways, I talked to a service worker. He goes and talks to the service manager. He comes back out after 3 minutes, and tells me they are not going to replace the wheel. OK. I will try with the general manager.

So I bring up the fact that my steering wheel is pulling to the right ever since they did the alignment. The worker says he will talk to the service manager about it. In the mean time, I go to the front desk to ask for the general manager (as suggested). The receptionist said he is out for the day.

So I go and try to see the service manager myself. He is not to be found in his office. I go back to the service worker, and he said that they "will not be working on my car anymore."

I am pretty shocked when I hear this. I told them that they damaged the wheels, and that their alignment caused the steering wheel to pull to the right (which is common after a wheel alignment). He just says he doesn't know what to tell me and that he can't do anything about it.

So I get home and call the client services number to open a case, and they are closed until monday. Gen. manager won't be in until Monday.

The only thing the dealership did is order a new center cap for my driver side rear wheel. I am going to go in tomorrow to swap it with the damaged one. However, there is also damage on the wheel itself. See above pics for damage.

****updated with a few quick pictures on last post****

I will try to get better shots over the weekend. These were just some quick shots before the sun set.


Original Post: 09/13/2006

Well, I hate to start off on a sour note, but I could sure use some feedback from the pros on the board. I'll give the long story, and leave cliff notes for those who are pressed on time at the end.

Clif Notes:

Dealer damaged rims

Tried to fix but the job is poor in my opinion.

To make me perfectly happy, they would have to buy new rims for me and take my old ones (to sell or do whatever they do). I have not asked for this. I just said I will think about what I am going to do.

What do you think?

Long story:

I took my car in for service at a dealership, and the dealership managed to damage my wheels. These are the OEM 2002+ painted wheels.

Basically, they told me to come down and meet with their (outsorced) rim repair guy for an initial consultation. I thought it would be a professional, but in my opinion, he was not. He just came in a pick-up truck with a shell, with an air compressor/airbrush paintgun in the back with some sandpaper and clear coat that came out of a spray paint can (it looked like i could buy it at pep boys).

So I was assured it would be an initial consultation and that we would then decide what to do. So we made an appointment in the morning. I show up at the appointment time, and when I show up, they are not ready. He tells me to come back at over 4 hours later. Fine. I am pretty upset that they can't even keep the appt, but I just said "ok" and tell them to call me when they are ready. They call me, interrupting my lunch, and tell me to come down in 10 minutes. Fine, I will put up with it and show up. When I do get there, they pressure me to take the car to the back and to let them fix it--even though it was supposed to just be an initial consultation. I haven't really decided what to do with the rims yet. So I give in, because I am pressed for time, and decide to let the guy try on a small spot.

Well, this guy is very unprofessional. First, they are spraying outdoors. It is windy, and as he is spraying, I can see the spray coming onto the side of my car. I tell them to stop, and they say that it will be fine. I demand to have some plastic to protect my paint and everyone looks upset at me. Am I crazy? Who paints outdoors in the wind?

So the first spot looks decent, so I let him try the other spots. This time I am not really paying attention. They have guys telling me to go back out front since it is an insurance liability to have a customer back in the service dept. So he finishes, and I bring the car back out.

I notice right away, and so does the repair guy, that the job does not match. However, he said I should not be so scrupulous. I think otherwise. He gets them to pay the bill, and I bring up the mismatch with the service manager.

Basically, they tell me I should wait for the paint to cure (wait 3 days) and then see what happens. They say if it is not right, they are going to take the wheel off, and sand down and repaint the whole thing. I doubt they can get it right.

My question to you is:

What should I do? Can I ask for new wheels? I understand they are expensive, but my wheels were flawless when I brought the car in. My car only has about 8000 miles and is a 2004. Your feedback is appreciated.

Will this "patch-job" hold up over time? I don't want this chipping away over time leaving me helpless (I doubt the dealer would fix it monhts/years later). Maybe someone with wheel repair experience can describe a "top-notch" job.
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It's time to seek legal advice. A poor patch job isnt going to make you or any NSX owner happy. It has to be refinished to resemble new. Imagine if you got a dent on your car and they just spray painted it and the paint didnt match.

Seek legal advice on this one. A new rim costs $1750 each. It's still small claims court in California but since the NSX is rare and considered an exotic car, the court might side with you.
I think you are entitled to having your wheels put back to the condition they were in before the mishap, and no less. Meaning the same process as an OEM finish. If they feel that getting you new wheels is less expensive, so be it. But not a hack job like you described them performing.

Was this an Acura dealer? Specific name not required...
KGP said:
I think you are entitled to having your wheels put back to the condition they were in before the mishap, and no less. Meaning the same process as an OEM finish. If they feel that getting you new wheels is less expensive, so be it. But not a hack job like you described them performing.

Was this an Acura dealer? Specific name not required...

Yes it was an Acura dealer. Thanks for all the feedback so far everyone!
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I'd find a good rim man that you're comfortable with, get an estimate and get the dealer to pay for it. Seems like they're willing to do something for you, since they tried, albeit unsuccessfully.
KSXNSX said:
To make me perfectly happy, they would buy new rims for me and take my old ones (to sell or do whatever they do). I have not asked for this. I just said I will think about what I am going to do.

What do you think?

I think it's not even a topic for discussion. The dealer offered to replace the damaged rims with a brand new ones at their cost. That my friend is referred to as a "no brainer".
what all did they offer?

KSXNSX said:
To make me perfectly happy, they would buy new rims for me and take my old ones (to sell or do whatever they do). I have not asked for this. I just said I will think about what I am going to do.

What do you think?
Can you please clarify the statement above... rather, did you mean to say this: :confused:
they would have to buy new rims for me and take my old ones...

"To make me perfectly happy, they would buy new rims for me and take my old ones (to sell or do whatever they do). I have not asked for this. I just said I will think about what I am going to do. "

Did they actually offer you new rims, or are you saying that's what they'd have to do to make you perfectly happy?
After re-reading the original post, I think that's what he would like the outcome to be. I must have been crazy to thinnk that a dealer would actually offer this solution. :)
WTF??? An Acura DEALER treated you like this???

DEMAND new wheels! They damaged your car as surely as if they crashed it! They should be insured for this...

They are trying to pull one over you so someone doesn't get their ass kicked!

Your an NSX owner! Don't accept this sh*t from mechanics or salesmen!
You should have a talk with the highest level manager available.Don't waste your breath with anyone less.jack Williams dropped one of my oem wheels scratching the finnish .The first atempt was to resurface the damaged wheel which I let them do and it was not a match to the rest ,so they ended up buying me a new one.
KSXNSX said:
...I can see the spray coming onto the side of my car...

Seriously, please get this checked out, too.

I can't stand even having a single 0.0001mm x 0.0001mm spot of unwanted, mismatched, unidentified cheap rim paint on my car.

Btw, it is only ever-so-normal to perform repairs with the rim(s) taken OFF the car.

This Acura Dealership got some real issues!!! I say give us a name to minimize victims among Prime Members.
gene said:
"To make me perfectly happy, they would buy new rims for me and take my old ones (to sell or do whatever they do). I have not asked for this. I just said I will think about what I am going to do. "

Did they actually offer you new rims, or are you saying that's what they'd have to do to make you perfectly happy?

Sorry for the confusion. To clarify, they did NOT offer new rims. I was trying to say that to make me sleep soundly at night, they would offer to replace all the damaged rims at their cost. They have not done so.

They have only offered to repaint/refinish them.

I was examining one of the patches that the repair guy did: He had to sand down the existing finish before spraying on the repair paint. Of course, to blend, you have to sand more than just the damaged spots (you have to sand the good spots too). So in effect, even though you can't see the scratch after the repair, the surface shape doesn't match. You can tell it has been sanded down and repainted.

To make things worse, there are some spots he wouldn't even touch. He said they were small and I should just deal with it because if he repaired it, it would be worse than not touching it at all. To me, it seemed like he was in a hurry to get out of there. He just jumped up after doing 3 rims, and said "I'm done" or "I'm finished" (something to that degree). I pointed out a 3rd mark on another rim, and he said to talk to the dealership about it.

Let me just add one more tidbit: When they were painting outside in the wind with the rims still on my car, some dirt was blown onto a part he just painted on. I pointed it out, and he said he would take care of it. All he did was spray some more paint over the dirt. Can you believe that!? It was very small, but just knowing I have some shit under the paint there bothers me.

Of course I am being scrupulous, but who wouldn't? The repair guy said to just not look at it so closely. :confused:

The guys at the dealership are looking at me like I am crazy. I just needed to hear some opinions to make me feel like I am not crazy.
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Go in there first thing tomorrow morning and ask for the dealership's general manager. Calmly explain the situation to him and tell him that the ONLY acceptable solution is for you to have brand new wheels.

Please post the dealership's name and address in this thread. Let the general manager know that this situation is being closely monitored on NSXPrime and many potential customers are anxiously awaiting a satisfactory resolution.

If the dealer is unresponsive I would contact Acura Client Services at (800) 382-2238
bodypainter said:
I'm curious how the dealer damaged all four rims. What kind of service was the car in for?

Im curious about this as well? How were all 4 rims damaged? This dealer sounds very unprofessional even if this wasn't on a NSX. You should push for all 4 rims to be replaced and definitely call Acura Client Service like Hugh suggested.
KSXNSX said:
Of course I am being scrupulous, but who wouldn't? The repair guy said to just not look at it so closely. :confused:

The guys at the dealership are looking at me like I am crazy. I just needed to hear some opinions to make me feel like I am not crazy.

You are not crazy and you have every right to look at your rims that closely. They were in new condition when you dropped them off and thats how you should get them back. You are the one that is going to have to live with it, not them.

If after you talk to the manager about this they refuse to do anything it may be time to seek legal advice.
You're NOT driving a Honda Civic. You are driving Honda/Acura's best. Expect nothing less than the best - plain and simple.
KGP said:
I think you are entitled to having your wheels put back to the condition they were in before the mishap, and no less. Meaning the same process as an OEM finish. If they feel that getting you new wheels is less expensive, so be it. But not a hack job like you described them performing.

Was this an Acura dealer? Specific name not required...

KGP is right. You are entitled to have the car returned to the condition in which you presented it to them. They method that they chose is up to them, but if I were them I would use the insurance that they have for this exact situation.

You are an owner of the "Halo Car" in the Acura line-up. It is the most expensive car they offer, you should be treated thus.

Oh, and KGP is wrong. What is the name of the dealership? Specifically!
sjones said:
Im curious about this as well? How were all 4 rims damaged? This dealer sounds very unprofessional even if this wasn't on a NSX. You should push for all 4 rims to be replaced and definitely call Acura Client Service like Hugh suggested.

Second !!! (Or 3rd, or 4th, or whatever !!! :biggrin: )
No car owner would like to find themselves in the scenario and circumstances presented here. It sounds very unfair to the vehicle owner and there has been some very good advice given here in response. Anyone would be justifiably up in arms if they became embroiled in such a situation.
On the other hand, posting the name of a dealer based on a unverifiable complaint from an anonymous source is unfair and slanderous. JMHO.
pbassjo said:
On the other hand, posting the name of a dealer based on a unverifiable complaint from an anonymous source is unfair and slanderous. JMHO.

Its not slanderous, it may however be unfair, if they deal with it in an appropriate manner. Time will tell on the latter, I think dealers should start to realize that incidents like this can help them with business or detract from their business. Especially with the internet....
There are always two sides to a story,so pbassjo is right imo in this case. Because this is the internet, and the original poster has only 4 posts to his name I would be cautious.We have seen new posters before come on and fabricate stories for there own personal agenda.That said I mean no disrespect for ksxnsx, I too have asumed this is legit and is as described.
docjohn said:
There are always two sides to a story,so pbassjo is right imo in this case. Because this is the internet, and the original poster has only 4 posts to his name I would be cautious.We have seen new posters before come on and fabricate stories for there own personal agenda.That said I mean no disrespect for ksxnsx, I too have asumed this is legit and is as described.

OK your right, I based my statement on the fact that the dealer did in fact damage ksxnsx's rims and that they offered some hack repair shop to fix them. If they did not then it's slanderous.