Dealer scratches rims

dquarasr2 said:
Are you really serious about the small scratches on the wheel? Please, get over it. They are so small and are really inconsequential. Is it stupid that the technician didn't take better care when doing the alignment? No question. But chalk this up to experience. Don't deal with that place any more.
the blemishes on the wheel, as depicted in the pictures, are really pretty trivial. When faced with a similar situation, understand that sometimes the remedy is worse than the problem.
I agree with all of this post, but for the purpose of brevity, have deleted all but the two most salient points (IMO).

Since you then said that you are now only concerned about one wheel, my advice is to go get that one wheel refinished by the very best wheel refinishing shop in your part of the country. (If you tell us where you are located, we can give you some recommendations, or check the wheel repair section in the tires and wheels area of the NSX FAQ.) This will cost something in the $100-200 range. A really good refinishing shop should be able to match color and make it look just like new. It's then up to you whether to just let this relatively small amount slide, or to pursue small claims court to recover it from the dealership.
dquarasr2 said:
...I agree that the there is no reason the center caps needed to be pried off; the technician should have removed the wheel from the car and knocked them out from behind if need be. That was just stupid...

It wasn't just stupid, it is in direct conflict with the NSX Service Manual (mine is a 1997 version) which states, "On the aluminum wheels, remove the center cap from inside of the wheel after removing the wheel." I can't see anywhere in the service manual where it states, "...from the outside of the wheel, remove the center caps with a large pair of slip-joint pliers." They SHOULD replace the cap.

You might try mentioning the service manual directions to the service mgr/dir. Then mention that you are willing to file a small claims court claim. We have an Acura dealership here in California (Acura 101West) that is notorious for ripping off customers over nickel/dime stuff... they figure people will not go to the trouble.

At this point, you have to wonder what other things are they doing wrong... torques, alignments, oil changes, etc.

The nicks in the lips of the rims are a different story. That happens even when using the proper tools and techniques. (Though, it is possible to take greater care -- like inserting a rag.)

If you haven't already, you should post the dealership name. (I couldn't find it in this thread.)