Dealer scratches rims

bodypainter said:
I'm curious how the dealer damaged all four rims. What kind of service was the car in for?

The car was in for an alignment and to replace the front tires. The service manager was nice enough to help me get the alignment and the front tires replaced under warranty as a one-time good will repair (the front tires showed accelerated wear on the inside edges such as seen here:

However, I do believe this was caused by an improper alignment from the factory, since I have read about several other 2004+ members with the same problem (and Acura has reimbursed them for their tires and alignment).

Well, he thinks he did me a great favor, and that I am asking too much now when i complained about my rear rims being damaged. He said that just the fronts were damaged. I really appreciate him helping me get the alignment and the front tires, but I think the damaged rims are a completely different matter.

Now to be objective, the damage is not major. I guess to paint a picture, you should imagine some chips that went through the clear coat and paint. I don't know what color the primer is, but there was some white plastic-looking material exposed. I am being meticulous about the condition of the rims. But as another poster said, I think I have the right to be meticulous. If they could give me the condition I brought the car in, I would be happy. They haven't done so thus far.

If I were less picky, and I just looked at the rims standing up (without crouching down and really inspcting) then yes, they look normal. But when you get close, I think the damage is apparent.

Some damage was left on the outer edge (almost where the wheel meets the tire). Would you just let it go? I'll try to take some pictures and post them up (I think that is about as objective as it can get--however, some damage was already painted over so it may not show up well).
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Hugh said:
I think it's not even a topic for discussion. The dealer offered to replace the damaged rims with a brand new ones at their cost. That my friend is referred to as a "no brainer".
agreed. s/he who hesitates may not get a 2nd chance. get on it.
Well...if they can't fix it to your satisfaction. How about contacting a local consumer reporter and ask for their help? Trust me.....a reporter can work wonder since this may create a PR nightmare for the dealer. If I were you, I would be extremely upset too.
queenlives said:
agreed. s/he who hesitates may not get a 2nd chance. get on it.

Sorry for the confusion again, but they did not offer to replace them. They offered to repaint them.
Wishy-washy commitments = RED FLAG......... In the world of accountability..... take it like a man.... eat the cost of the rims.... your fault..... let your hole (and wallet) tell you what kind reaming you took while bent over. How they treated you is how serious about your business they contemplated it to be.

JMO...I pissed you off probably..... Danny RED SR 71:eek: :wink: :tongue:
Just a quick update. I was in a rush to take these since the sun was setting by the time I got home, so I will try to get some better pics during the weekend. It gives you a general idea of what kind of damage we are talking about. Pretty minor, but still...I can't really capture the mismatch on camera, but I will try during the weekend.

Let it slide or pursue new rims? Keep in mind that this is AFTER the repair job. I know they are just on the outer edge, but I didn't bring the car in like that.

In the second picture, most of the damage is on the center cap (which the service manager offered to replace after much debate). He maintains that they didn't do that damage. I know I didn't bring the car in like that. I hand washed/waxed the rims the night before I took it in so it would be easy to assess the before and after. There is still some damage to the wheel itself, but I am not sure what to do about it. I have decided to leave it up to you guys--the pros.

I will try to take more detailed pics during the weekend. These were just some quick shots to help maintain some objectivity. All the events that happened are true, but I suppose the way you piece the events together may bias the story a little. I try my best to be objective. I understand it was an accident (maybe due to negligence, maybe due to unavoidable circumstances).



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They are from the wheel alignment clamps. They could of put duct tape at the clamp sites to prevent this. Some ham fisted person tried prying the center cap off when they put the new tires w/wheels on the balancing machine. Lame.

They were on the right track getting them refinished but doing it in the parking lot with a guy working out of a pickup is bogus.
It is how many dealers takes care of small damage that requires refinishing.Here's a picture from the 3M site promoting such.

If that damage is going to make you unhappy then they need to take the wheel/tires off the car, break the tires without dismounting them, refinish them, reseal,balance and reinstall. I feel replacing them is out of proportion to the problem but they need to raise their sights and get a better company than pickup truck Pete to repair/refinish the wheels. My 2 cents.
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last time i brung my car to the dealership last year, the service manager told me that they are not held responsible for any damage that may occur on the rims... was like w/e, but was in luck. i only bring it to the dealership when i have to.
Along the lines of what pbassjo said. Getting four new rims may be hard but what if you find a place that does quality refinishing and getting the dealership to foot the bill. If they are not responsible for damages to rims as some one else has stated then they need to let you know and have it written on the service agreement so you know what you are getting into before, not after.
i am a service manger and a master tech.
if you raise enough hell. and believe me i know upset customers can
and if the service manager does not get you new undamaged wheels.
go to the general manager.
open and shut case here. if they value there customer and i believe they do.
show them the wheels. and demand new factory rims. plane and simple.
if they do not call the acura 1800 customer service and start and log a case
they will do the right thing.

ky chris:eek:
as far al alig. mechines
the heads that bolt on the rims to alig. the car attaches 2 different ways.
one way (the easyest and fastes to attach ) is by placing hte ali. head on the rim and cranking it up and 4 little ears or taps lock on the lip of the car. the other was is to change the little ears to the hook style that slid on the outer side and push the heads into the lip of the tires and tighted down slightly. we ali. cars all day long and im the service manager. and if done right they will not damage or nick a rim.
ky chris
ckarate2 said:
i am a service manger and a master tech.
if you raise enough hell. and believe me i know upset customers can
and if the service manager does not get you new undamaged wheels.
go to the general manager.
open and shut case here. if they value there customer and i believe they do.
show them the wheels. and demand new factory rims. plane and simple.
if they do not call the acura 1800 customer service and start and log a case
they will do the right thing.

ky chris:eek:

You or your general manager would replace those wheels, over $1700 each, list, for the condition that is depicted in those photos on a two year old car?

That's something! Please share where you work, there are people here who would be glad to be your customers.
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I have similar nicks on my wheels (2004 with less than 8000 miles) from tire changes. I let it go. Sometimes fixing small nicks are worse than a half patched job. I learned that mistake when I demanded the dealer to repaint the whole hood on my 86 CRX when I believed the dealer chipped it during a routine service when the car was new. The hood never looked the same.
Well, it is 09/22/2006

Cliff Notes:

Dealer declines to replace passenger front wheel
Dealer declines to fix steering wheel pulling to right after their alignment
Dealer refuses to work on my car anymore--period.

I am in shock. Need some support.

Long version:

I got home from the dealer at approximately 5:15 PM on this Friday.

I brought the car in, to talk to the service manager about replacing just one of the wheels. I decided to just get the passenger front replaced since that one had the worst mismatch in the paint (and the damage was actually on the surface of the wheel). The others on the outside edge, although still there, are minor enough to let slide I guess :frown: .

Anyways, I talked to a service worker. He goes and talks to the service manager. He comes back out after 3 minutes, and tells me they are not going to replace the wheel. OK. I will try with the general manager.

So I bring up the fact that my steering wheel is pulling to the right ever since they did the alignment. The worker says he will talk to the service manager about it. In the mean time, I go to the front desk to ask for the general manager (as suggested). The receptionist said he is out for the day.

So I go and try to see the service manager myself. He is not to be found in his office. I go back to the service worker, and he said that they "will not be working on my car anymore."

I am pretty shocked when I hear this. I told them that they damaged the wheels, and that their alignment caused the steering wheel to pull to the right (which is common after a wheel alignment). He just says he doesn't know what to tell me and that he can't do anything about it.

So I get home and call the client services number to open a case, and they are closed until monday. Gen. manager won't be in until Monday.

The only thing the dealership did is order a new center cap for my driver side rear wheel. I am going to go in tomorrow to swap it with the damaged one. However, there is also damage on the wheel itself. See above pics for damage.
Update: 09/23/2006

I went back for the center cap today (Saturday, 09/23/2006 at approximately 5:00 PM.)

I had an appointment to bring in my car with the damaged center cap removed so that we could swap for a new one. I was told by the service worker to come back today to swap.

When I arrived, he inspected my center cap briefly (the damaged one) and went to the service director's (I should note that I just found out that I have been dealing with the service director and not the service manager--I apologize for any misunderstanding.) office. He came back out, and informed me that they will not be swapping the center caps (and that the service director has physically taken back the new one he ordered).

Well, I am pretty upset at this point for 2 reasons:

1. We made an appointment to swap today, and not only did they not swap the cap, but they could not even call me to tell me not to waste a trip coming in (also wasted some time removing the rim to remove the old cap).

2. Left with more damage they are unwilling to fix.

I wasted some time talking to the service manager (yes, the real service manager, and not the director as he was not in today) and the service worker who has been helping me. Basically they told me they can't do anything, and that I would have to talk to the service director. After 20 minutes or so, I left without anything but the advice to document everything from this point on. So i hope I can use this thread to keep you updated and document my progress.
I'll probably get flamed for this reply, but here goes.

I worked for six months as a service advisor (I took a sabbatical from my career in IT and Project Management). Customers like yourself (and myself, even), were a service advisor's and service manager's nightmare. But that doesn't justify the dealer's position.

Here's my opinion:

Are you really serious about the small scratches on the wheel? Please, get over it. They are so small and are really inconsequential. Is it stupid that the technician didn't take better care when doing the alignment? No question. But chalk this up to experience. Don't deal with that place any more.

I am incredulous that the dealership would have brought in a wheel repair tech that would attempt to paint the wheel on the car. That is just plain stupid.

I agree that the there is no reason the center caps needed to be pried off; the technician should have removed the wheel from the car and knocked them out from behind if need be. That was just stupid.

But the blemishes on the wheel, as depicted in the pictures, are really pretty trivial. When faced with a similar situation, understand that sometimes the remedy is worse than the problem. You need to be realistic about your expectations. In today's environment, with the bullshit about "customer service" and all that, it's true that customer service really means "as long as it isn't too hard for me to make you happy".

I truly am getting pretty bitchy when it comes to how I'm treated. I sound like an old fart (which I am getting to be), but the reality is that in today's business environment, true customer service is very rare; if you find it, latch onto it and be a loyal customer.

This is the opinion from someone, who, about 20 years ago, would have gone totally ballistic over the smallest indiscretion or blemish. Today I realize that "stuff happens" and it's not worth the stress or worry. While I don't let people take advantage of me, today I live by the philosophy "In a hundred years, will it make a difference?", and if not, I don't worry about it. It's not worth my stress and worry to sweat the truly small stuff. I don't see customer service as being what it was 20 or 30 years ago, unfortunately, and I've adapted to not let it bother me.

This in no way is attempting to disparage your outrage. You have pretty much every right to be angry.

But in my opinion, please try to be reasonable about your expectations. You'll live longer.

Been on the planet half-a-century, and have mellowed a WHOLE LOT since I was younger,

I appreciate that, and I agree about the small nicks (I should let them go). In fact, I have already done so. I only wanted them to replace one wheel (the wheel that they mismatched the paint on). I am sorry I did not upload any photos, but the mismatch doesn't show up in pictures. You have to see it in person.

I just can't believe that they are treating people like this. As you said, what do you expect?

Well, I hope I can just use this thread as a tool to document what is going on.
Dude, relax... you're nuts to think a dealership would replace your 1500 rims for that nonsense. My sympathies for the nicks but jeez.

If you have an '04 with 8000 miles, you would have already gone through a set of tires before this. Dealer probably thinks someone else did it at the 4000 mile mark. Best of luck to you though.
Ski_Banker said:
Dude, relax... you're nuts to think a dealership would replace your 1500 rims for that nonsense. My sympathies for the nicks but jeez.

If you have an '04 with 8000 miles, you would have already gone through a set of tires before this. Dealer probably thinks someone else did it at the 4000 mile mark. Best of luck to you though.

Yeah, I agree. I have already let the nicks go as stated above. However, other members have recommended I try (as stated above).

This is my first set of tires (rear). I can take some pics of the remaining tread if you like. Still have the "nipples" on sides. That is how well I have maintained the car.
KSXNSX said:
Yeah, I agree. I have already let the nicks go as stated above. However, other members have recommended I try (as stated above).

This is my first set of tires (rear). I can take some pics of the remaining tread if you like. Still have the "nipples" on sides. That is how well I have maintained the car.

You got 8000 miles from your Bridgestone RE040s?? Well done my friend. Mine were 80% toast by 4000 miles. That is unfortunate if they look worse now because of bad paint job. Maybe you could amicably approach the GM about getting reimbursed for professional refinishing. 100-150/wheel wouldn't be that much to them. If you're friendly, and bring a cute girl with you, and promise future oil changes there, they might cave. They don't want pissed customers any more than you want a decent resolution.
Sounds pretty straightforward at this point.

1. Get an estimate from a professional to refinish the wheels.

2. File in small claims court for that amount.