Daily Driving : Theft and Accidents

12 March 2009
Hello Primers

Like many others on this forum, I am finally reaching a place in life that I could realistically own an NSX. I am a mechanic turned engineer, so no worries on DIY things. I already bought a home and a garage and have been financially responsible for years.

After much searching, I thought of a few interesting questions:

1. While its a Honda, is there a big issue with people vandalizing these cars "just because"? I live in a nice area, but I want to daily drive an nsx, not garage queen it. That means driving to the SF or on road trips. I understand dents and dings happen, but im talking "smashed windows and keyings".

2. Does having a bright color (like red) instead of black tend to attract more vandalism?

3. Does having a dark color (like black) tend to have more parking lot accidents/hit and runs because people "don't see it there".

Just thought I would pose a few questions to those that have ownership experience!

I don't think the color has anything to do with it. If u leave your car stock, it doesn't really stand out. If you mod it with wheels, suspension and all the good stuffs, chances are your car will be a target. My car is nicely modded and some haters already spit on my car once.
You're asking a lot of hypothetical things that have nothing to do with the NSX and can happen to any car. Color does not matter - I used to have yellow cars and no issues but my black m3 always got tons of attention by both police and vandals.

Fixed up cars always attract more attention but sometimes it's just bad luck being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

The fact is that the nsx is more costly to repair (dents, accidents, etc) so if you plan to DD it to SF, it won't look pretty after a while. People in general are careless and with so many people out of work, you end with a lot of haters.
I don't think the color has anything to do with it. If u leave your car stock, it doesn't really stand out. If you mod it with wheels, suspension and all the good stuffs, chances are your car will be a target. My car is nicely modded and some haters already spit on my car once.

Oh I will Beat the S&$* out of someone!!:mad::biggrin:
LoJack and good manners on your part.... NO DOUBLE PARKING in the front row at a mall or at K-MART and you should be ok

Also when people ask you about the car DON'T act like it's million dollar Bugatti and your some 'Super Star' be friendly and let them look in it and answer the curiosity questions we all get as owners.

I have a 2002 Yellow/Yellow and I haven't had any punks vandalize my car but when I'm in Atlanta I don't park in a front handicap spot either like some other (Ferrari and Lambo :biggrin:) owners.

Bottom line it's a car:

drive it and have fun...... and repair it when it gets damaged..... then drive it and have fun, repeat!
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I'm starting year 7 of daily driving my NSX and have never had any problems. I have even (gasp) let valets park it on occasion.
i agree with the comment about parking.if you don't want it to get dinged,park away from everyone and then you're not putting anyone else out.it's a great car,buy and enjoy it
re: accidents - the first day I bought my car, I was at a stop sign and the car in front of me decided to back up instead of making a U-turn. Took me a few seconds to find the horn button. She stopped within 5 inches of the front bumper. She said she did not see me in the rear view mirror. Almost peeed in my pants when I saw that car backing up.

the problem I have in orlando is that every civic and integra wants to race. Just ignore "kids" like that so you wont get in trouble

I have a garage for my nsx, so theft at night is not a big concern. I have my honda pilot blocking the way of the nsx in the garage.
I appreciate the feedback so far. I used to have a very fixed up RX7 (bright red) and never had any problems. However, and NSX is far more exotic and I wondered if it would fare differently with "haters" as you suggested.

Im very ok with NOT double parking, parking away from people being courteous etc. Maybe Im just overthinking people's general intentions (and assuming that people would want to vandalize it for no good reason).

Thank you to the Daily Driver owners who have pitched in on their experience!
Some purchase an NSX and then drive it like they stole it ! :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: Smiling the whole time...

I don't DD mine... mostly because I park in a parking garage. Not so worried about theft as I am the door dings, etc.

As long as you don't have an attitude you should be fine... and live in a nice neighborhood... not that living in a nice neighborhood won't mean nothing will happen to it.

I stored a buddies 81' Delorean at my house for 7 years or so in my garage. He finally took it to the place he was living, almost had a garage made for it, and one of the neighbors took a drill to his tires and fenders... ouch.... it was supper nice, less than 5k original miles on it.

He didn't live in the best of neighborhoods and apparently this person was jealous...

His insurance covered it, but with the Stainless Steel body, not much they could do with the fenders. I believe the insurance company may have totalled it. I can't remember if they did or if he found a Delorean person who was experienced with stainless steel repair.

I would just buy one and drive it and enjoy it.

As long as you don't put any bumper stickers on it you should be fine... :smile:

- Rod
There are a lot of owners in Sacramento, none of which I have heard of having a problem. I live in Sacramento too and I drive mine often. Never any issues. You just don't be a sh!t head car owner and double park and so on.
Get one first then worry about it. Even if some thing does happen that's what insurance is for. If you don't buy it outright just purchase gap.