Cover my NSX at work.

AU_NSX said:
Cover it!

If it was me... I would have another car to park outside and leave my NSX in the Security of a coverd lock-up garage.... Oh wait... I do! :biggrin:

well I do have another car but I like to take the NSX to work at least once a week.
I cover rain or shine, and my 13 year old interior looks great except for the worn seat bolsters which is another story.....and in Florida, the sun would have destroyed a red car by now. If it gets wet, I hang it up in the A/C room at work and it is usually dry the next day. It is absolutely worth the trouble.
VampNSX said:
well I do have another car but I like to take the NSX to work at least once a week.

Now it's once a week ? Before it was once a month.

Before you didn't want the sun to eat up you car but you also told us you didn't want all the "pine sap" to get on your car. If there are so many pine trees around it doesn't sound like the sun's much to worry about, especially if you only bring the car once a month (or is that once a week ? :rolleyes: )

And BTW, you *sound* like you're a young fella when you say things like "I always tell them " Well since the car is paid off and actually belongs to me I cover it." that always makes them get a little pissed off." :eek:

You might want to actually NOT piss off people, especially when your car is sitting around unattended (even though covered) and so many of them have access to it when your "back is turned". Seems a bit silly to me.

Why not simply tell them the truth; you love your car and don't want the sun and/or pine trees to damage the paint ? Takes about the same amount of time and DOESN'T piss anybody off. :wink:

Just a thought.<!-- / message -->
NSX-GUY said:
Why not simply tell them the truth; you love your car and don't want the sun and/or pine trees to damage the paint ? Takes about the same amount of time and DOESN'T piss anybody off. :wink:

Just a thought.<!-- / message -->

Because they think thats a NSX is not a big deal of a car and that its not worth covering it. And any one who tells me that after all my hard work to get were I am and get a NSX should be put in there place. I did not get a free lunch like most people who get money from Mom and Dad to go to school or open a Bussiness. I worked hard so it pisses me off when "Free Lunch" people talk shit. :mad:

well now I bring it once a week now I like to change my NSX days to drive it. I am young and love it. :smile:
VampNSX said:
Because they think thats a NSX is not a big deal of a car and that its not worth covering it. And any one who tells me that after all my hard work to get were I am and get a NSX should be put in there place. I did not get a free lunch like most people who get money from Mom and Dad to go to school or open a Bussiness. I worked hard so it pisses me off when "Free Lunch" people talk shit. :mad:

well now I bring it once a week now I like to change my NSX days to drive it. I am young and love it. :smile:

Well, I kinda thought you were a young feller and now that you've confirmed it........

Try not to be so "angry", even at people who may be envious at your good fortune and/or hard work.

You will learn at some point not to piss people off unnecessarily. (Just hope it's not the "hard way" !) :wink: