Cover my NSX at work.

3 January 2003
Today I brought my NSX to work. When its at home its in the garage covered up and when I bring it to work I also cover it but my coworkers always say why do you cover it and act like I am making a big deal out of the car when I cover it. Well I love my car and I really don't care what they say but I just want to know if you guys have the same situation when you take it to work.

I always tell them " Well since the car is paid off and actually belongs to me I cover it." that always makes them get a little pissed off.
I would never put a cover on a car after it's been driven, but that's just my opinion. If you don't have covered parking at work, it may be the only way to protect the paint from the sun.

As for the coworkers, just ignore them.
PHOEN$X said:
I would never put a cover on a car after it's been driven, but that's just my opinion. If you don't have covered parking at work, it may be the only way to protect the paint from the sun.

As for the coworkers, just ignore them.

I dont want to sun to eat up the paint so I have to do it.
as long as you wax your car enough, guess 3-4 times a year; and clean your car should it got acidic things on it .(Tree sap, Bird poo, acid rain..etc) Sun should not be able to eat into your car's paint. and yes, the car cover will actually do more damage to your car, as you'll notice, it will make it dirty, and also brushing your paint when you putting it on and off.

Knowing you are in CA, I would probably worry more about your interior than exterior. Those reflective sun screen does work, and you could also leave your window down a little, so the hot air can escape. Another tips, parking next to the building or a big tree could be a plus, you may do some homework and see how the shades move and choose the parking according to it. So in theory, your car won't be under the sun for all 8 hours. Also, you could open all the doors at your lunch break or something to further 'cool' the car down.

And no need to worry about your co-workers' saying, those people who say it just won't understand cuz a car is just a car to them.
NSXDreamer2 said:
as long as you wax your car enough, guess 3-4 times a year; and clean your car should it got acidic things on it .(Tree sap, Bird poo, acid rain..etc) Sun should not be able to eat into your car's paint. and yes, the car cover will actually do more damage to your car, as you'll notice, it will make it dirty, and also brushing your paint when you putting it on and off.

Knowing you are in CA, I would probably worry more about your interior than exterior. Those reflective sun screen does work, and you could also leave your window down a little, so the hot air can escape. Another tips, parking next to the building or a big tree could be a plus, you may do some homework and see how the shades move and choose the parking according to it. So in theory, your car won't be under the sun for all 8 hours. Also, you could open all the doors at your lunch break or something to further 'cool' the car down.

And no need to worry about your co-workers' saying, those people who say it just won't understand cuz a car is just a car to them.

The problem at work with the parking is that there are pine trees all over and they drop some kind of "honey" that does not come off very easily and when it does it leaves a mark. My Civic has it all over unless I show up to work at 5 AM to get the good parking next to the office then I have to just park were all the pine trees are. Its kind of a no matter what I have to cover it just to not let that tree crap get on it because then with the sun it just bakes it into the paint. I should change job to a place with better parking because there is no way I will show up at 5 am.

plus I only bring the car in 1 day of the month so its not that bad.
I heard you, bro, yeah, I parked my car under pine tree too, wonder why people liked to live around those trees. Summer, it drops these transparent honey, which is alright, it should be washed off with water. Fall, it drops dried leaves, and those skinny needles like leaves got into anywhere, under the hood, trunk, carpet. Winter, it droppes branches; the most horrified is that in Spring, it had all those yellow flowers and it does melt and eat into clear coat if not treating them right away. Yeah, I drove my car in sub-zero weather, even when it snows (not stick), but it is hiding in the garage in Spring time.
VampNSX said:
Today I brought my NSX to work. When its at home its in the garage covered up and when I bring it to work I also cover it but my coworkers always say why do you cover it and act like I am making a big deal out of the car when I cover it. Well I love my car and I really don't care what they say but I just want to know if you guys have the same situation when you take it to work.

I always tell them " Well since the car is paid off and actually belongs to me I cover it." that always makes them get a little pissed off.

If you do cover it after the drive to work, I would go over it with a Cali Car Duster very lightly to remove the dust before covering. If it is really dirty, I wouldn't cover it.
Based on the tree situation, I wouldn't take it to work.
I only drive mine to work now if I have to work weekends, because I can get a good, covered spot and no door dings. I have the lot to myself.
I've been covering my 92 at work every day for over 10 years, and I think keeping the sun off the red paint and interior has been worth it. I work at a chemical plant, so there is no way I will ever leave it uncovered.
Just like Joe I used to California Dust my 92 and then cover it. I did this for years with no problems. You can even open th windows a little to keep it cool. The only problem I had was when it rained the cover would get wet and was a pain to dry out before driving home. I used to carry a plastic bag in the trunk to store the cover in to get home. Just make sure the car is clean . Don't cover a dirty car.
pt91 said:
If you do cover it after the drive to work, I would go over it with a Cali Car Duster very lightly to remove the dust before covering. If it is really dirty, I wouldn't cover it.
Based on the tree situation, I wouldn't take it to work.
I only drive mine to work now if I have to work weekends, because I can get a good, covered spot and no door dings. I have the lot to myself.

I would agree. My concern woudl be dust being pushed as you put the cover on scratching the paint job.
On a related note, my gilfriend just got an S2000 and asked about covering it at her work. No shade, massive Honda plant parking lot! What effect would the sun have on her top if left uncovered vs. covered? Thought I would ask here before dropping it on the S2KI guys.
A car cover won't hurt the car as long as (a) the car is clean (b) the cover is clean and (c) it's a custom fit car cover that is snug and doesn't flap around.

I would leave it off in the event of unusually high winds (30+ mph).
Juice said:
On a related note, my gilfriend just got an S2000 and asked about covering it at her work. No shade, massive Honda plant parking lot! What effect would the sun have on her top if left uncovered vs. covered? Thought I would ask here before dropping it on the S2KI guys.

We have an S2K and I cover it, my wife does not. I would say that it is worth it for a few reasons. Depending on how vigilent you are about keeping UV protectant on the soft top, a cover will help prevent premature drying out of the convertable material. I use 303 Aerospace UV Protectant. This stuff kick butt. It has a ton of UV inhibitors and it is used for all sorts of things. Marine and Aviation folks use this stuff and their toys are much more expensive than an S2000 or an NSX.

I have covered my X (and all of my previous other cars) for the past 10 years. I dust before I put the cover on. For the NSX, which is black, I can usually drive the car to work 3 times before it is too dirty to cover, so I either wash the car, or drive my other car to work.

As for the original poster, I get razzed by folks at work too, but they know when I go to sell a car, I have a line of people waiting to buy it. I could give a crap what others think. Hell, I used to cover my 1986 Acura Legend and that car was 19 years old when I sold it.

It is not so much that I am shouting that "My Car is Special", it is more that I would prefer that my cars stay nice, without sap, oxidized paint, bird crap ruining my hard work.

well every time I use the car it does get cleaned like yesterday I got home at 12:30 am and was cleaning it till 1 am in my garage befor I covered it up again. The NSX I had befor I covered all the time and I actually never had a problem with the paint job. Even when people with other NSXs would see it they always asked it I repainted it because the paint was so nice on it. So I thought if it worked on my first NSX it should also work on my second one. I just love my F*cken car..

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :wink:
The people that do not understand, or who give you the most back talk, probably own boring cars. I would just tell them, 'I do not feel like cleaning all the sap off of my car. What is wrong with that,' and see what they say. People that are not 'car people' never understand the obsession. :(
Cover your car and forget about what people say. I actually need to start throwing a cover over my car at the shop. Between the winds picking up dirt from the fields and the damn 'custom speaker' builders a few doors down in our complex, there is always dust and other crap flying through the air. I show up at 9am.... by 10am my black car looks like a grey car since it's entirely covered in dust. If the dust isn't too bad, I just use the CA duster everyday before I take off (and now I have lots of swirl marks because of it.... time to buff them out). If it's really bad, like it was for me yesterday, I just spray the car down with the hose and dry it off before I take off.
Newman said:
Cover your car and forget about what people say. I actually need to start throwing a cover over my car at the shop. Between the winds picking up dirt from the fields and the damn 'custom speaker' builders a few doors down in our complex, there is always dust and other crap flying through the air. I show up at 9am.... by 10am my black car looks like a grey car since it's entirely covered in dust. If the dust isn't too bad, I just use the CA duster everyday before I take off (and now I have lots of swirl marks because of it.... time to buff them out). If it's really bad, like it was for me yesterday, I just spray the car down with the hose and dry it off before I take off.
cover it that way no one will key it.
I was in Cali and used my car as a daily driver and drove to work. We did not have covered parking. I covered my car all the time and parked as far away from people as I could.

People who drove shitboxes and had no appreciation for cars wondered why I bothered but all my co-workers who were "car people" would be shocked whenever I "don't" cover it up due to dirt or the fact that I was just coming in to grab something and going to our other office.

I keep my car cover pretty clean. I usually beat the dust off it every time I put it on and take it off (just takes a few seconds). I keep my car waxed and very clean. In Socal, you only get some dust which literally blows off with a breath. With a good wax (Zaino) and car kept clean, you can cover the car every day.

Keeps the car nice a cool and protects the paint. Most people think it's a Vette when it's covered up so one really pays any attention.
Cover it!

Have you ever seen what the Sun does to red or metalic paint? And even worse what the sun does to your interior?

Get an OEM cotton cover from Dali. It is felt lined so that if the car is a little bit dusty (NOT DIRTY) the felt absorbs the pressure so there is no pressure on the dust to scratch the paint surface.

If it was me... I would have another car to park outside and leave my NSX in the Security of a coverd lock-up garage.... Oh wait... I do! :biggrin:
Joe Gliksman said:
I've been covering my 92 at work every day for over 10 years, and I think keeping the sun off the red paint and interior has been worth it. I work at a chemical plant, so there is no way I will ever leave it uncovered.

If you work at a chemical plant and have reason to be concerned about your car's finish from incidental air bourn debris or pollution generated by your workplace,what are you doing about your skin, eyes and lungs? :eek:
I've started covering my car at work during the day and have a couple questions.

- How do you dry a wet cover, specifically what kind of hardware to clamp or hold it? I'm thinking of a hanging rack either on my back yard fence or perhaps in the garage.

- Can you wash/dry the cover? I know there's dirt in that cover and wonder if I can take it to a commercial laundromat.

I'm not sure where my cover came from but it's a cloth cover with a felt backing and "NSX" embroidered in red on the front.
PHOEN$X said:
I would never put a cover on a car after it's been driven, but that's just my opinion. If you don't have covered parking at work, it may be the only way to protect the paint from the sun.

As for the coworkers, just ignore them.

Heard this a thousand times, but I have always had exceptional paint even after years of covering with no ill effects. I have grown to accept that there are two schools of thought regarding covering a car and both are religious. Why fight the battle? :)

I have to agree with your "ignore them" comment. I have been made fun of for YEARS about covering my cars, now it's just fun when I move to a new company and I get to hear the same joke re-runs. And I, like my brother, covered my black (like a mirror) NSX, Legends, BMW's, MB's, Lexus' . . . getting the picture? Kevin
I'm not worried too much about my paint, I'm worried about the interior. I'm afraid that the leather, plastic, vinyl and painted bits that are now pretty much all the same shade of tan will fade at different rates (or not at all) and in a couple years they'll be different colors.

It may just be impractical in Florida summers though since in a few weeks it'll start raining almost every afternoon. We'll see...
bodypainter said:
I'm not worried too much about my paint, I'm worried about the interior. ..

Isn't that the beauty though? I'm concerned about my paint, but I get interior protection "for free". You are worried about your interior and YOU get paint protection "for free"! Works great, eh? Kevin