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Carbon 6: Super GT Mirror

Nice! Jeff, could you please put me on the list too

Question Jeff - is there any way to use the dark clear coat if requested ?


Smoke/tints are generally done by adding small amounts of black pigment to the clear. I can do that in the finishing stage. I would just need to know how dark you want it.
Awesome product but no way Id pay that much for mirrors. Thats more then I can get Ferrari CS Carbon mirrors for.
I hate being #2. :(



Sorry George, but you know how well these will go with the Madonna.


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I like to be number 8 please. Add me. :smile:


0. Vroom (first prototype as shown) completed
1. Juice
2. Synth19
3. socold57
4. Blue Batmobile
5. Synergy004
7. junior40er
8. IsR
Jeff, please add me to the list. Frank

Frank, I have you added.

0. Vroom (first prototype as shown) completed
1. Juice
2. Synth19
3. socold57
4. Blue Batmobile
5. Synergy004
7. junior40er
8. IsR
9. Frank Spano
synth19, are you gonna paint match your set or leave it cf ?

cant wait for these...:smile:
synth19, are you gonna paint match your set or leave it cf ?

cant wait for these...:smile:

The clear coat I use is from Dupont. I have a call into my rep to make sure there are no issues with painting over them. That way you can get them in your hands and see them on the car before you decide if you want to paint them.
synth19, are you gonna paint match your set or leave it cf ?

cant wait for these...:smile:

At this point I think I'm going to leave them unpainted and ask Jeff to kindly apply the darker "smoked clear" so it matches my smoked CF downforce spoiler. I think I have enough black and CF accent pieces to make these side mirrors flow well. I'm waiting on some more pics to 'chop these on the car.
0. Vroom (first prototype as shown) completed
1. Juice
2. Synth19
3. socold57
4. Blue Batmobile
5. Synergy004
7. junior40er
8. IsR
9. Frank Spano
10. SOLD
11. SOLD

Because the first 9 pair were reserved so quickly, I will be offering all buyers the special price.

My goal is to start production on March 1st. I will keep this thread updated as I progress.

Thank you.
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Vroom, this last post has me thinking. I have some concerns. I thought that the high asking price was offset by the fact that this was a limited one time run and we would have a somewhat rare collectible product on our car. But I am concerned that with the part heading off to Science of Speed that there will soon be SOS replicas available for others to purchase. No disrespect to SOS.

Early adopters always pay the cost for exclusivity so that others pay less as the product becomes more readily available, which is how this always seems to work. But will this strategy result in a lack of exsclusivity almost imediately? IOW, did a "limited production run" suddenly turn into "any Joe can buy these from SOS in the future"?
Vroom, this last post has me thinking. I have some concerns. I thought that the high asking price was offset by the fact that this was a limited one time run and we would have a somewhat rare collectible product on our car. But I am concerned that with the part heading off to Science of Speed that there will soon be SOS replicas available for others to purchase. No disrespect to SOS.

Early adopters always pay the cost for exclusivity so that others pay less as the product becomes more readily available, which is how this always seems to work. But will this strategy result in a lack of exsclusivity almost imediately? IOW, did a "limited production run" suddenly turn into "any Joe can buy these from SOS in the future"?

I understand your concern. Keep in mind I will only be making 12 sets in total. That includes any allocated to SOS. No additional sets will be made. The molds will be retired and used only for potential repair of existing pieces. I will also have SOS sign an agreement that will prevent them from making any duplicates from outside sources. I want this to be as "exclusive" as you do. I hope that eases your concerns a bit.

Also, because of additional interest from other NSX Prime members, They may all be reserved anyway.