Can a black man or any other minority own a NSX without getting hassled?

I just recently met a fellow owner that is black and I will say that I couldn't have met a nicer person.
His name is Charles from South Carolina. I met him while in Atlanta for NOPI along with Romeo and they both were invaluable to me the whole weekend. I can't say enough kind things about them.

I am a "minority," and I have never been "hasseled" by the police. Although I have had all the things you listed happen to me over the past year. I think you may just be a little too sensitive when it comes to the topic. Look, these guys are just out doing their jobs. Ease up.

You have got to be kidding right? A officer of the law pulls me over for no apparent reason, Asks what am I doing in the neighborhood, who's car I am driving, can I search the car, all before he tells me what he is stopping me for. He is not doing his job.

You have it nailed. Other people won't undersand until it happens to them on a regular basis. Then it will become an issue. Until then some people will believe that the officers that do this are just doing their job. Profiling is so selective within itself, which schools have the metal detector? which ones wish they had? why can trucks/vans with mysterious items still park too close to buildings? While they are stopping me for being in the wrong neighborhood, Joe blow is driving drunk and may just hit Sally sue in the crosswalk.
Come to my town and we will go riding and I will show you how easy it is for it to happen. I have a brother with a Supra 3 friends with vettes, 8 or more with Porsches. All of us live in different counties within our state and it has happened to every one of them. Now I know that people get pulled over all the time,and
i know that police have to do their job. I am greatful that they do. But show me where profiling is nothing more than a shortcut for other motives and I will be quiet on the matter. It's like lets shake the weeds to see what comes out. Now I will stop posting because I already know what's going to happen to this thread, if it lasts that long.
If you don't believe SANSNSX statistics go into a court room for traffic violations sometime and wittness it for yourself.


This topic was part of our conversation before we got to the track. 2 of us were stopped before we could get out of our neighborhoods.

[This message has been edited by len3.8 (edited 03 October 2002).]
I'm glad to see so many people who can comment on a subject that IS A PART OF SPORTS CAR OWNERSHIP. I did want to mention that people I know on the force tell me "situations" where they pull people over. Police are like any group, there are good and bad ones. Sadly the bad ones REALLY make the good ones look bad.

My WORST experience did happen to me in the South: In 1995 I had a red 1986.5 Pontiac Fiero GT fastback. That weekend Atlanta was having a black college party called "Freaknic". This is where black college kids from all over the U.S. hit Atlanta for one large weekend party. (I saw the worst ghetto'd NSX during Freaknic by the way. Wheels sticking out from the car etc. horrible, horrible.)

I was broke and had no money so I decided to go back to Birmingham and visit the folks while Atlanta was being overrun. Driving west on I-20 30 miles outside of Atlanta is a SPEED TRAP PAIN IN THE ASS TOWN THAT IS THE WORST PLACE I'VE EVEN BEEN THROUGH! called Villa Rica Ga. STAAAAAAY AWAYYYY!

The local police pulled me over, told me that I was speeding and that I had to pay $58.00 dollars RIGHT THEN or he would have to hold my license. I asked what happens if one of his co-workers pulls me over a few miles down the road and I not have my license. "That's a chance I'd have to take"-he said. He then told me that I could ride in his squad car to the nearest ATM and get the money like the guy he already had in the car (also black.)I told him that I didn't even have any money in the ATM. Once he realized I was flat broke he gave me the ticket, and my license.

I was selling a piano and a nice black lady with her son came to look at it. She was stopped once on the way into town for no reason "a routine stop". She decided to buy the piano and came back into town with two (black) friends to get it. They loaded the piano into the back of their truck and they were stopped THREE!! times on their way out of town with the piano in the back. Three times by three different police officers on their way out of town. If that is not the most blatant profiling, downright pathetic case of driving while black, then what is. We are a racial society and we need to do a whole lot of work to get the profiling/stereotyping out of our society. I live in a town that is 40 percent hispanic 60 percent white - almost no blacks.

I'm a Hispanic, Greek, Italian, Middle Eastern looking guy with a slight accent who drives expensive cars including the NSX. Nobody has ever harassed me while driving, however, flying these days has gotten a lot more challenging for me. I'm the guy who get's checked more than three times. In fact, on a flight to South America recently, I was the only one who was pulled aside from the door of the plane for a "last check". I have no problem with that, I would check myself if I were in their position, I just look too arabic.
If you work for the government, ie, military, probation department, etc. It really help that when you get pulled over, almost all the time they will let you go, or if you meet am asshole, and you have to go to court, you better believe that the judge will listen to you, just because you are a gov. personnel, and most of the time, you will walk out a happy man.
I said "consider".

I appreciate your passion on this thread.
No one likes the idea of the police using their authority to detain without just cause.

I feel NSX owners should have a special lane just for us and never be pulled over.

Marvin, if you want a NSX buy one. I'm sure you will enjoy it as much as most of us do.
I hope you don't let the possibilty of being pulled over stop you. If you are harassed because of your race - scream. There plenty of people who will listen and scream with you, including me.

[This message has been edited by pbassjo (edited 04 October 2002).]
I agree with this last post. Please buy the car first and see what happens. If you have problems then protest.

I am sorry you have encountered these problems in the past. I am sure the ACLU or NAACP would have a web site with more useful info for you.

I also, think those might be more suitable places for this discussion, but what do I know.

Just one owners opinion or 02 cents.

Good luck finding a NSX!
Originally posted by RichH:
I agree with this last post. Please buy the car first and see what happens. If you have problems then protest.

I am sorry you have encountered these problems in the past. I am sure the ACLU or NAACP would have a web site with more useful info for you.

I also, think those might be more suitable places for this discussion, but what do I know.

Just one owners opinion or 02 cents.

Good luck finding a NSX!

Maybe it should just go to off topic.
I can see that it will make some people uncomfortable.
But as you can see it has happened to people that may not consider the NAACP web site.
I felt that the topic was appropriate for this forum because it is about the car ownership "Experience" (specifically the NSX).

Sometimes the "Experience" isn't good and not the same for all" but a part of reality, just like bad service, high insurance, car trouble etc.

I'll get the NSX because I like exotic sports cars so no matter what I get the same situations will be there both good and bad.

I'd also like to point out that I've received a lot of emails from people on this forum who have had experiences that they'd rather share privitely. (Some are quite painful.) They'd rather keep the NSX forum as a happy place not because of denial, but because here they can escape the harsh reality of life to a happier place where NSX are king and everyone is judged by their intrest and comments...Race has no real place on this forum, nor should it have in life...

After all's hard to believe that I do comedy for a living...
I just put on my flame suit so here goes.

There are two sides to every story, and I am clearly on the other side of the road. I believe in the law enforcement agents. Truthfully, I have been pulled over for what I perceived to be nothing, and frankly I believe the police are watching out for us. You can call me naive, you can call me stupid. Yet, this is part of the system, young white American teens are pulled over everyday for little or no reason by minority LEAs, can we call that reverse racial profiling or age profiling? I have immense trust in law enforcement; granted, there are bad seeds in every group, and you cannot fault the efforts of the entity based on the inadequacies of the few. Suggested reading here. For those who want to prove me wrong, email me privately.
There are two sides to every story, and I am clearly on the other side of the road. I believe in the law enforcement agents. Truthfully, I have been pulled over for what I perceived to be nothing, and frankly I believe the police are watching out for us. You can call me naive, you can call me stupid. Yet, this is part of the system, young white American teens are pulled over everyday for little or no reason by minority LEAs, can we call that reverse racial profiling or age profiling? I have immense trust in law enforcement; granted, there are bad seeds in every group,

Yes it's reverse racial profiling and it's just as wrong.

I wish I lived in your world...If you truely believe what you say...would you like to live in mind?...again see the Chris Rock Quote.
Originally posted by Marvin Lee:
I wish I lived in your world...If you truely believe what you say...would you like to live in mind?...again see the Chris Rock Quote.

Marvin, I do live in your world; and likewise, you live in mine. I just choose to look out of a different window.
What does Cris Rock have to do with NSX ownership? I did not know he owned one.

What does your topic have to do with NSX ownership?

The owners I have met have accepted any owner with open arms. I feel you are bringing a very negative element into the community, and you don't own a car. PLEASE: What negative experience have you had being a NSX owner? None.

You guys (not a racial statement) should calm down. If you want a political forum, find one. This is car forum black, white blah, blah, Blah. Before this post the only colors I have seen here are: Brooklands Green, Formula Red, Sebring Silver, Monte Carlo Blue, Kaiser Silver...

You fellows that continue this thread and claim to the purveyors of good, seem to be the ones with the racial and police issues.

That's it for me. I like the cars could give a shit what your color is, and could give a damn what you think of that.

To all level headed people please excuse the language and ignore these guys.
Which I ussally do.
Chris Rock, the comedian and actor, entered the picture with a quote that he has never found a white person who would gladly trade lives with him, even though he is rich. FWIW, I would not want to trade lives with Mr. Rock, because I find his humor to be racist (anti-white) and divisive and for that reason do not respect his character. However, while I am white, I would gladly trade lives with some of the black people I know, who are professionals with loving families and live their lives with dignity and integrity.

Perhaps we can all take a deep breath and realize that we share a common belief (at least, I think we do) that, to quote the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., people should be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Originally posted by RichH:
What does Cris Rock have to do with NSX ownership? I did not know he owned one.

What does your topic have to do with NSX ownership?

The owners I have met have accepted any owner with open arms. I feel you are bringing a very negative element into the community, and you don't own a car. PLEASE: What negative experience have you had being a NSX owner? None.

You guys (not a racial statement) should calm down. If you want a political forum, find one. This is car forum black, white blah, blah, Blah. Before this post the only colors I have seen here are: Brooklands Green, Formula Red, Sebring Silver, Monte Carlo Blue, Kaiser Silver...

You fellows that continue this thread and claim to the purveyors of good, seem to be the ones with the racial and police issues.

That's it for me. I like the cars could give a shit what your color is, and could give a damn what you think of that.

To all level headed people please excuse the language and ignore these guys.
Which I ussally do.

Sorry, Rich H but sometimes the real world intrudes on your NSX dreams. Marvin Lee's original question was whether a minority owner of an NSX can drive without fear of being harassed by the police? It is a legitimate question and he has every right to ask it. Obviously, for Marvin Lee it is one of the factors he would consider in the decision to purchase the NSX. So therefore it is relevant to this board. Actually, you should calm down. The other "guys" that have posted have been very calm and have made very interesting comments. I enjoyed reading all of them. We are the level headed ones. And I might add we have refrained from the use of profanity, which is something you could not do. Really, profanity has no place in a civil discussion.

I must also point out that I am not a purveyor of good. I have only attempted to spread the truth. The statistics I cited were from the Department of Justice Report and the NJ Attorney General's Report. If you had bothered to read any of the previous posts or for that matter anything besides Car and Driver and your owners manual you would know that racial profiling exists and it is a serious societal issue. Still, the thread has unspooled and perhaps it is best moved off topic. But it deserves discussion and how dare you tell other people to ignore it.

Amazingly, I am still calm.
Couldn't have said it better, in response to Rich H.
Marvin I am a minority (African American) is
my choice. (That one is an iside joke between me and NSXTACY. :^) if he is listening.

Marvin I own an NSX and a Porsche 911/928 and
a beat up old Jeep cheerokee.
I can honestly say that I have been stopped just as much in that old Jeep than in my other cars. I think that by the posts that we have all posted or read, that we know that at some point we are all going to get a BS stop. Some more than others. Some people find it hard to talk about reality, when others find it easy. Talking and hearing other peoples views has always helped me. Gratnted this is not a political forum, it is still a forum. I for one understand what you meant with the question. I ponder it whenever I am about to drive anything. If you let something like that keep you from getting anything you want you lose. I would buy the NSX over and over again. I love it
not because of stature, It is a car. It doesn't mean anything to have it other than that is what you chose to drive and pay for with your hard earned $$$$. I honestly think if you are going to get stopped, it will happen no matter what you are driving.
When you get the NSX what modifications are you going to put on it? What color are you going to get? Older or Newer? That is all you should have to worry about.(Real world may be different, but there are ways to change that.
Rich H dialouge is one of those ways.
Most people curse when they do not have the thought or intellect to say something else.
Some people do it when they truly don't give a d$%n. Do you really not give a care what your fellow NSX owners feel? I was posting and I have one.
I would hope that the forum could handle any topic that comes up. Race seems to get out of hand. Right up there with MR2's.
Does it really make people that uncomfortable? What are you thinking when I am around you? What do you think I am thinking? If I tell you in a public forum letting down my guard you have a pretty good idea. Otherwise if we were to meet at some place like NSXPO, will the entire topic be about NSX's? If so do you really want to know you fellow owners? Maybe not that intimately, I am sure people go there to make friends. The cars are the Common interests, the ice breakers. They are what we do for excitement. I mean damn, I don't
worship mine, But I love talking to car guys about whatever.
Much respect, thanks for the honesty and the correct way to carry out dialouge.
excuse my grammar, didn't do well in writing.
Nice and cool outside, I am going to make my supercharger hot, and my wife mad.
You guys take care.
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Chris Rock, the comedian and actor, entered the picture with a quote that he has never found a white person who would gladly trade lives with him, even though he is rich. FWIW, I would not want to trade lives with Mr. Rock, because I find his humor to be racist (anti-white) and divisive and for that reason do not respect his character. However, while I am white, I would gladly trade lives with some of the black people I know, who are professionals with loving families and live their lives with dignity and integrity.

Perhaps we can all take a deep breath and realize that we share a common belief (at least, I think we do) that, to quote the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., people should be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.

Have to agree there. I wouldn't change with him either. Can't get past the teeth.
He assumes the money is the end all.
My family is the most important thing to me
to switch with him would mean giving that up,
and to me it doesn't get any better than what I already have if I have to become someone else to have it.
Now if you say I can keep my life and have his $$$$, then that is different.:^)
Originally posted by pbassjo:

I'm curious because of your handle.
Do you own a NSX?

As I mentioned in my previous post I am calm so I know that your response was not an attempt to stiffle discussion on this interesting topic but merely an invitation on your part to give me a ride in an NSX if I did not own one. Thanks
Also, I am aware that this is an NSX forum and nonowners should not hog the forum. Rightfully so. However, the discussion was moved off topic so I felt that anyone could post their views on the subject. I am not an NSX authority but this topic mentioned is one that I know a little about hence my willingness to post my views and attempt to add to the discussion. Sorry if I was speaking out of turn. I will sign off now and get on with my life.
coming into this a little late, but yeah i do think nice cars equals more attention, and race does sometimes play a part along with the car, where you are at(neighborhood), etc. im not classified 'minority', but looking at census projections probably could be before long. ive had good friends who were, and they endured some serious racism. likewise ive had the slightest taste of the experience, from people who gave the whole 'you wouldnt understand', or 'id rather hang with people my own color'. hardly the same thing, but an inkling nonetheless. the most painful thing i witnessed was a good friend, very successful, who got the racism from many whites, and the 'youre not one of us, uncle tom' thing from much of the black community.

id like to think that 'racists are the minority', and we all need to provide the best example of 'race doesnt matter', whatever our skin color. not trying to sermonize, just have strong feelings on the subject.
Originally posted by Marvin Lee:
I'm glad to see so many people who can comment on a subject that IS A PART OF SPORTS CAR OWNERSHIP. I did want to mention that people I know on the force tell me "situations" where they pull people over. Police are like any group, there are good and bad ones. Sadly the bad ones REALLY make the good ones look bad.Freaknik?Oh, the white man has been trying to figure that out for years- what can we do to stop it? How can we make money off these kids? Why are the girls looking so hot? What's up with the cameras? Why is there a traffic jam? Even Mayor Cambell didn't know what to do. It just kids hookin up and das all! But the cops black ad white are trippin. Mo Money
My WORST experience did happen to me in the South: In 1995 I had a red 1986.5 Pontiac Fiero GT fastback. That weekend Atlanta was having a black college party called "Freaknic". This is where black college kids from all over the U.S. hit Atlanta for one large weekend party. (I saw the worst ghetto'd NSX during Freaknic by the way. Wheels sticking out from the car etc. horrible, horrible.)

I was broke and had no money so I decided to go back to Birmingham and visit the folks while Atlanta was being overrun. Driving west on I-20 30 miles outside of Atlanta is a SPEED TRAP PAIN IN THE ASS TOWN THAT IS THE WORST PLACE I'VE EVEN BEEN THROUGH! called Villa Rica Ga. STAAAAAAY AWAYYYY!

The local police pulled me over, told me that I was speeding and that I had to pay $58.00 dollars RIGHT THEN or he would have to hold my license. I asked what happens if one of his co-workers pulls me over a few miles down the road and I not have my license. "That's a chance I'd have to take"-he said. He then told me that I could ride in his squad car to the nearest ATM and get the money like the guy he already had in the car (also black.)I told him that I didn't even have any money in the ATM. Once he realized I was flat broke he gave me the ticket, and my license.

Originally posted by sansnsx:
As I mentioned in my previous post I am calm so I know that your response was not an attempt to stiffle discussion on this interesting topic but merely an invitation on your part to give me a ride in an NSX if I did not own one. Thanks
Also, I am aware that this is an NSX forum and nonowners should not hog the forum. Rightfully so. However, the discussion was moved off topic so I felt that anyone could post their views on the subject. I am not an NSX authority but this topic mentioned is one that I know a little about hence my willingness to post my views and attempt to add to the discussion. Sorry if I was speaking out of turn. I will sign off now and get on with my life.

You must be a doozey when you get excited.
I can't promise you'd be too calm after a ride in a NSX and it would be my pleasure to give you a ride in mine.
It seems you are not too far away(CT) and I am in upstate NY.
Best hurry though cause the season is fading fast.
Joe Lomoriello
