Just a little clarity for the cheap seats. Most blacks(and some whites) are not complaining about the hurricane, its the response time it took for help or something positive to take place in light of the situation and how black people are being portrayed in the news. Nobody has any food but blacks are "looting" and "whites" are finding food. The bush administration took a little to long and Fema didn't act fast enough, well who knows. People were suffering and our president didn't act in a very concerned matter. Tax paying blacks are being called "refugees" in a country were they pay taxes like everyone else. I agree with Kanye's message, not his exact statement. Blacks are only 15% of the population in these united states. This is not a race card thing. I cannot comment on asian and other minorites(they probably got beef too) in these united states, but i can speak about being black. I believe and all of you know if this had been in a heavy populated white city, the news would have been different. I don't get mad when i see roots or when i see a white girl who's missing for 3 hours( and got the entire country looking for her) and a black girl or hispanic thats missing for months(and not a fk'n peep), why do you care what Kanye said. Nothing will change, we will all be divided in the united states. That is his opinion(that's what everyone else says). When you are portrayed in the media as "these people or those refugee's and other ignorant stuff", its hard to not wonder the reasons for it. WE all know what happened in the OJ case. I couldn't tell he was found not guilty. He could have cut his 1st wifes(she was black) head clean off and pissed down her throat and he would have gotten a slap on the hand. But that shit happened to some white folks, end of that story. In a country were a man was DRUG BEHIND A PICK UP TRUCK(for what?????), the race card will always be in someone's hand one way or the other. I personally don't care who you are or where you come from as long as you treat me the way you want to be treated, im cool. I have many friends of different backgrounds, and some are on the forum, but i'm just saying what is true. Kanye West worked to get what he has and were he is. He should be able to speak his mind. I guess people should at least try to understand why he said what he said or why he did what he did. Thats what most minorites have been doing in the United States for decades.