Bombing in Boston, WTF?

Pretty insane. I've been glued to reddit and couldn't tear myself away last night as people were listening in on the police scanners as the drama unfolded. Despite all the BS and false accusations, there's something to be said about this type of crowd sourced effort. They were able to correct identify both hats, find the 1st suspect walking towards the bombing site minutes prior to detonation, find the high res pic of the guy leaving the scene posted on FB, and even get the two brothers names + their personal pictures before any of it was reported on mainstream media.

I've gotta say that the real break came because of Jeff Bauman (the guy whose legs were both blown off at the first site):

“He woke up under so much drugs, asked for a paper and pen and wrote, ‘bag, saw the guy, looked right at me,’” Chris Bauman said yesterday in an interview.

Him identifying that the bag was dropped at his feet 2.5 minutes prior to the explosion helped authorities narrow down when the bag(s) were placed. With that critical piece of info, they were able to identify the white hat guy in the 2nd bombing spot, and from there it was a matter of scouring through the security footage from all cameras in the area to backtrack and get better images since they now had a clear way of identifying the one suspect. Jeff is a hell of a hero. His legs were blown off and the first thing he thought of amidst all that pain was how he could help.
The entire law-abiding Muslim world is hoping that the people behind this are not radical Muslims, in fear of the retribution that is to come from such a revelation.

The article has a point: if the person or group behind it is White, there will be no racial/national profiling or retribution to result from it. It will be chalked up to a few crazies (which is what should happen whatever the racial/cultural group is, but we know won't be if it is anything but White). This speaks a much deeper issue about our media biases and the systemic racism in our country.

Well you and the entire Muslim world can quit holding their breath. The ducks were ducks...again.

Systemic racism - are you speaking of quotas, affirmative action, BET, CBC, or minority only scholarships? Just curious.

Unreal how some can turn a tragedy like this into a political free for all.

God bless the families of the deceased and wounded.
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Wow. Way to out yourself.

I can't help but laugh, and worry at the same time, because no matter how stupid your ideas or arguments are, I know there are others out there that support you--others with the power to oppress the rest of us.

Now we know...Home bomb by muslims who couldn't/didn't want to assimilate to what America is all about but took on Jihad just like my muslim co-worker told me back in 911. Not wanting to adapt/adjust/assimilate to a new culture when you move to a different country is one thing, pushing a radical belief to carry out killing continually is quite another and that is what that religion has proven over the years. There is nothing new I am saying.

Everyone is cool and friendly until a hot button/issue is pushed to the extreme. Sometimes kinda like it here, we all love cars but when a wrong button is pushed, all hell breaks loose. If we don't stop these people prior to the next event(s), we are oppressing ourselves. We already have too many days on the calendar to remember those who died from terrorism. We have two polar opposite culture clashing with their deep belief.

I hope and believe we will be able to stop these people before another event happen.

KSX, no need for you to comment as everyone already know I am stupid.
as much as i want retribution/justice lets not level our understandable hate on this thread.i'd like to learn from this experience.If this is an organized cell,then it is what we thought after 9/11 that the new tactic would be to use ethnicity that would blend in/ and use woman as well.Plus now with our ability to strike back they are operating in cowardly silence.What we will now see is just like how air travel has changed we take our friggen shoes off at airports because of the chucklehead shoebomber ,I'm sure there will be no backpacks allowd at any organized sporting events.So in fact as far as altering our behavior they are affective.
as much as i want retribution/justice lets not level our understandable hate on this thread.i'd like to learn from this experience.If this is an organized cell,then it is what we thought after 9/11 that the new tactic would be to use ethnicity that would blend in/ and use woman as well.Plus now with our ability to strike back they are operating in cowardly silence.What we will now see is just like how air travel has changed we take our friggen shoes off at airports because of the chucklehead shoebomber ,I'm sure there will be no backpacks allowd at any organized sporting events.So in fact as far as altering our behavior they are affective.

I agree with everything you said, but I'm still going to hate.. because I'm good at it.

It's amazingly disturbing how quickly our freedoms can be taken away from us.....
It's amazingly disturbing how quickly our freedoms can be taken away from us.....

Exactly! and they are doing a great job at it. we keep trying to be PC making excuses for them not to offend them as if somehow we don't "understand" their culture. In their mind, they are not cowards like we think they are. We have learned enough. If my race/my religion calls me to kill others, I deserved to be tracked especially for mass killing such as this just like we track child molesters but some says that is invasion of privacy and its wrong. :mad:
There has always been a battle in washington as to how to spend our resources.We have spent considerable tax $ on trying to secure the middle east with an actual presence,while trying to keep our shores as free and open as possible...Maybe we will start to see a shift...Israel here we come.....:frown:
Picking on little kids. Thank God no one were killed. Too bad with their high birthrate, they will be around for a long time.

But investigators said Thursday Britain's domestic spy agency of MI5 and police were able to stop Zahid Iqbal, Mohammed Sharfaraz Ahmed, Umar Arshad and Syed Farhan Hussain before they could launch the deadly attack.
WTF are you talking about.

FYI: the terrorists are practicing muslims.

Well you and the entire Muslim world can quit holding their breath. The ducks were ducks...again.

Systemic racism - are you speaking of quotas, affirmative action, BET, CBC, or minority only scholarships? Just curious.

Unreal how some can turn a tragedy like this into a political free for all.

God bless the families of the deceased and wounded.

lol, the cowards surface after news comes out. I was up late listening to the live news, trying to provide info to Boston primers who were probably asleep while this was happening. Where were these guys? Who knows.

But as soon as info comes out that they are Muslim, they come out in masses with their "I Told ya so." Nevermind anyones safety. Nevermind family in Boston (and yes, I have family in the next town).

I am kind of glad you guys are outing yourselves. Celebrating that these people are Muslim when we should all be mourning the tragedy. It's better that you reveal yourself to the public for who you are, instead of hiding behind closed doors.

And for the record, I did not turn this thread political. You can find other people that did (if the posts weren't censored). In fact, I repeatedly said the first thing we should be concerned about is the victims, followed by finding the suspects. The whole time I have been saying "We cannot jump to conclusions about who the suspect(s) are," and, "we shouldn't blindly base our search on something we don't know to be true."

BTW Silverstone, wtf does affirmative action have anything to do with anything? Or BET for that matter? Ahh yes, I see. Brilliant. You are taking a lot of typically liberal/minority associated things, bundling them all up when they really have nothing to do with each other, and throwing it in my face in a discussion about terrorism for some reason. Not to mention that you are quoting me from pages ago, and I haven't heard a peep out of you until now. Maybe your own actions (e.g. that asinine post) should shed some light on the systemic racism you are so blind to. But to answer your questions, I am not an underrepresented minority, I do not watch BET, I am not a Muslim, I am not Middle Eastern, I am not Brown, and I am not even a Liberal. Furthermore, I am AGAINST affirmative action or any discrimination based on race--much like your comment about BET, EAC's commentS about brown people, etc. But thanks for trying. And thanks for the heads up about who you are. :rolleyes:

Some of the people here decided to BLINDLY (without any information) accuse Muslims, "brown people" as they so put it, etc. Yes, even if they turned out to be Muslim, that is still wrong. And no, they are not middle eastern as you were so hoping. Are we all forgetting the comments "that could only be a few races" based on the pictures released? Weren't these people wrong when the suspect turned out to be Chechen?

Our own MODERATOR, RSO, falsely accused two innocent boys of being the bombers and started a little witchhunt here, followed by more people falsely accusing undercover police/security of all people. Why? Again, because they were "brown." You know that kid with the Nike bag feared for his life and wouldn't leave the house? And I would say rightly so with people like you.

Then he backpeddled and deleted his posts, and everyone else's posts (including mine which told everyone not to jump to conclusions)

You also have EAC, directly calling out another prime member here saying "You are brown aren't you?' How has this guy not been banned, suspended or whatever it is that is supposed to happen when you rudely call another primer out on his race.

If you don't see the errors of your ways, then I feel bad for all of you.

I think my favorite part is how I've never seen one post from some of you until now, and the first thing you do is quote me from several pages back. Hey, at least it shows you are smarter than some that had been quacking this whole time without any solid info.

One tragedy is the violence in Boston. The greater tragedy are realizing that your friends and neighbors are probably the same type of people that would form a mob and lynch someone before any type of investigation/trial is done. Hell, we aren't even talking about due process. We are just talking about buffoons making wild assumptions.

Again, I'm not sure why people feel the need to whip out the "I told ya so" when they were wrong maybe 3-4 times before, falsely accused innocent boys, and probably had a 50/50 chance of guessing right on Muslim. It's either Muslim or non-Muslim. And I'm not even sure some people here were arguing that they were Muslim. Just that they were "brown." Sorry, majority of the world. We have a few primers that know you are culpable. Especially you, Brazil. They've got their eye on you.


Watch out for this guy.
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I'm sorry to say we are bluring the distinction between the faith of Islam and the agression and mayhem of Islamic extremists who wish to impose thier interpretation of the koran on the free world.....
Our own MODERATOR, RSO, falsely accused two innocent boys of being the bombers and started a little witchhunt here, followed by more people falsely accusing undercover police/security of all people. Why? Again, because they were "brown." You know that kid with the Nike bag feared for his life and wouldn't leave the house? And I would say rightly so with people like you.

Then he backpeddled and deleted his posts, and everyone else's posts (including mine which told everyone not to jump to conclusions)

I never accused them of being the bombers. I simply said those were the photos being circulated by the authorities as "suspects". And they were the photos being circulated and later published by several news outlets before the authorities went on the record the following day and said they "no longer were persons of interest".

It didnt make a difference what the color of their skin was, it was simply a link to photos being circulated by the authorities where the only colors of importance were the "black" hat, the "black" backpack, the "white" hat and the "blue" tracksuit.

And up until now, the only posts deleted were those of several persons (myself included) linking various "suspects" photos and that was done after the fbi requested all social media outlets to focus solely on the official photos.
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Time for a time out. Everyone is forgetting the tragedy of the situations and the natural "heat" of the arguments is taking away from the losses.

Thread will be closed until there is a "conclusion", namely capture/demise of the suspect.
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Congratulations Boston citizens and law enforcement. Who could have thought that two brain washed idiots could have caused so much loss and suffering. Gunman#1 got off easy. #2 your hell is just starting. Nothing will bring back those who were murdered or make it any easier for those who have suffered catastrophic injury. Politics and racial baggage aside, our prayers and all efforts should be geared toward their comfort and recovery. The justice system will do its part. God bless you Boston, you've had a terrible week and it'll get better now.
I can walk to where this guy was hiding. Been down that street 100 times. There were helicopters over my head all day. I went out west to work anyway and the highways and city was a ghost town.

I was hoping he wouldn't be killed because I really want to hear from him why. Not speculation but I wonder what went through his head. Right now I'm just relieved. Just sick and tired of hearing about people dying.
lol, the cowards surface after news comes out. I was up late listening to the live news, trying to provide info to Boston primers who were probably asleep while this was happening. Where were these guys? Who knows.

But as soon as info comes out that they are Muslim, they come out in masses with their "I Told ya so." Nevermind anyones safety. Nevermind family in Boston (and yes, I have family in the next town).

I am kind of glad you guys are outing yourselves. Celebrating that these people are Muslim when we should all be mourning the tragedy. It's better that you reveal yourself to the public for who you are, instead of hiding behind closed doors.

And for the record, I did not turn this thread political. You can find other people that did (if the posts weren't censored). In fact, I repeatedly said the first thing we should be concerned about is the victims, followed by finding the suspects. The whole time I have been saying "We cannot jump to conclusions about who the suspect(s) are," and, "we shouldn't blindly base our search on something we don't know to be true."

BTW Silverstone, wtf does affirmative action have anything to do with anything? Or BET for that matter? Ahh yes, I see. Brilliant. You are taking a lot of typically liberal/minority associated things, bundling them all up when they really have nothing to do with each other, and throwing it in my face in a discussion about terrorism for some reason. Not to mention that you are quoting me from pages ago, and I haven't heard a peep out of you until now. Maybe your own actions (e.g. that asinine post) should shed some light on the systemic racism you are so blind to. But to answer your questions, I am not an underrepresented minority, I do not watch BET, I am not a Muslim, I am not Middle Eastern, I am not Brown, and I am not even a Liberal. Furthermore, I am AGAINST affirmative action or any discrimination based on race--much like your comment about BET, EAC's commentS about brown people, etc. But thanks for trying. And thanks for the heads up about who you are. :rolleyes:

Some of the people here decided to BLINDLY (without any information) accuse Muslims, "brown people" as they so put it, etc. Yes, even if they turned out to be Muslim, that is still wrong. And no, they are not middle eastern as you were so hoping. Are we all forgetting the comments "that could only be a few races" based on the pictures released? Weren't these people wrong when the suspect turned out to be Chechnyan?

Our own MODERATOR, RSO, falsely accused two innocent boys of being the bombers and started a little witchhunt here, followed by more people falsely accusing undercover police/security of all people. Why? Again, because they were "brown." You know that kid with the Nike bag feared for his life and wouldn't leave the house? And I would say rightly so with people like you.

Then he backpeddled and deleted his posts, and everyone else's posts (including mine which told everyone not to jump to conclusions)

You also have EAC, directly calling out another prime member here saying "You are brown aren't you?' How has this guy not been banned, suspended or whatever it is that is supposed to happen when you rudely call another primer out on his race.

If you don't see the errors of your ways, then I feel bad for all of you.

I think my favorite part is how I've never seen one post from some of you until now, and the first thing you do is quote me from several pages back. Hey, at least it shows you are smarter than some that had been quacking this whole time without any solid info.

One tragedy is the violence in Boston. The greater tragedy are realizing that your friends and neighbors are probably the same type of people that would form a mob and lynch someone before any type of investigation/trial is done. Hell, we aren't even talking about due process. We are just talking about buffoons making wild assumptions.

Again, I'm not sure why people feel the need to whip out the "I told ya so" when they were wrong maybe 3-4 times before, falsely accused innocent boys, and probably had a 50/50 chance of guessing right on Muslim. It's either Muslim or non-Muslim. And I'm not even sure some people here were arguing that they were Muslim. Just that they were "brown." Sorry, majority of the world. We have a few primers that know you are culpable. Especially you, Brazil. They've got their eye on you.

Al Sharpton.. is that you?!? Are you serious.. who is the one acting "holier than thou".

I'm not going to go back to read every detail of this thread, but based on this post you are further out in left field then anyone you're trying to take issue with. Especially if you think a terrorist act has only a 50% chance of islamic involvement.
I'm sorry to say we are bluring the distinction between the faith of Islam and the agression and mayhem of Islamic extremists who wish to impose thier interpretation of the koran on the free world.....

Well in this country when a small percentage of crazy people do stupid crap the rest of the population sniffs them out and sends them to justice, just like what happened here with this most recent event in Boston. If this event had happened elsewhere in a Muslim country the entire population of that country would have supported the event openly, mostly out of fear. When 10% of the population can control the rest through fear there's a problem. When the crazies know they'll be put in check by the rest of the population fear is correctly being used.

Furthermore I do not allow neighbors in my house that do not allow me in their house. It's impossible to see how someone really lives without stepping in their house. <--- this is an analogy as I have had primers stay at my house and I've never been to theirs, however I have been invited. :smile:
It was nice getting to see this country turn into a police state in the name of safety on live TV.

I'm partially okay with the mass numbers of law enforcement used for this hunt, it's the door to door searches without warrants and the extremely trigger happy exchange of fire in a residential neighborhood that was too much for me.

The only reason they caught him alive is because they're horrible shots.
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It was nice getting to see this country turn into a police state in the name of safety on live TV.

I'm partially okay with the mass numbers of law enforcement used for this hunt, it's the door to door searches without warrants and the extremely trigger happy exchange of fire in a residential neighborhood that was too much for me.

The only reason they caught him alive is because they're horrible shots.

......and the news helicopters, although they were zipping around big bear too.
You don't need a warrant to knock on a door and talk to the homeowner. They didn't search people's homes. There is a big distinction there.
You don't need a warrant to knock on a door and talk to the homeowner. They didn't search people's homes. There is a big distinction there.

I've heard differing reports, obviously they wouldn't of had the time to do it to all. But I'm sure exigent circumstances were used to their favor a few times. Either way, the operation seemed like overkill. But then again my day started at Logan international with the sight of suppressed MP5's, M4's (real ones) and dogs everywhere. Not sure how thrilled I am to see State Troopers with that much firepower and excitement when normally all they do is supervise utility workers.

Either way, some people are AOK with seeing a bunch of obese people run up and down the street in tactical gear and automatic weapons... I find it frightening, but different strokes for different folks.