Bombing in Boston, WTF?

...Either way, some people are AOK with seeing a bunch of obese people run up and down the street in tactical gear and automatic weapons... I find it frightening, but different strokes for different folks.

I guess you've never been to Israel? I was there 33 years ago when I was 12yrs old. I was in shock seeing military people walking around everywhere with rifles over their shoulder. It's also popular for people to give soldiers a ride when they are seen walking along the road. This is exactly what the family did when I was with them, and it scared me. I guess it will take more bombs and terror for us to get used to seeing armed security out in public.

Back on topic. I'm glad that they killed one and captured the other. I hope that Boston and outlying communities can get back to their "new" normal lives.
Armed and scared citizens with itchy trigger fingers worry me a lot more than federal or state police officers in tactical gear. I think the authorities did a great job overall, as do almost everyone around me who saw this shit going down first hand.
Like I said, different stokes for different folks. Fortunately MA isn't a gun friendly state so you don't have to worry about armed and scared citizens as much as you would elsewhere.

It's a matter of what one is willing to trade in the name of perceived safety and we all have different ideas on what is acceptable. Like I said, fortunately none of those 40 rounds they fired at him actually hit and they were able to get him alive.
Sounded like a scene straight out of a movie. Lots of conspiracy theories going around already lol. People wanting to see the video of him dropping the bag. Hopefully they can get him to explain himself.
I guess you've never been to Israel?
Back on topic. I'm glad that they killed one and captured the other. I hope that Boston and outlying communities can get back to their "new" normal lives.

While knowing below won't happen in this country since we are so divided even in this thread, I am glad they caught #2. but not able to eradicate bombing which will take more drastic measure than arm, and #1/#2 continued to kill after the bombing showing the power of following Jihad. We only caught two of them this time but lost too many. the pessimistic side of me wonder how long it will take to see the next thread- Bombing in XYZ city and another round of heated threads because they are still here and ready/willing to meet the 72 virgins although Y or X chromosome was never made clear.
In the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre, leave it to the state-run media and politicians who surround themselves with armed security at all times to offer up exactly the wrong prescription to stopping the slaughter of more innocents.
Consider why Israel, a nation surrounded by madmen who seek to kill innocent Jewish children any way they can, has rarely seen the kinds of mayhem America witnessed in Newtown, Conn. I can show you in one simple photograph that doesn’t require any further explanation.

It’s a fact that many mass murders like the one we witnessed at the Sandy Hook Elementary School were averted because innocent children and adults were not left defenseless.
The massacre at Sandy Hook could have been minimized, if not averted completely, if just one teacher or administrator at the school had been armed – one teacher like you see in that picture from Israel.

The woman pictured above is most likely a trained female Israeli security officer (very common there) and not a school teacher. Arms are not sold at shops in Israel, but issued by the government, who heavily regulates ownership and licensing. You have to meet extremely strict criteria for your work, and place of residence in order to be qualified. Most all Israeli citizens, living in one of the most hostile places in the world, are in fact, not armed. So whoever captioned that photo above, isn't quite understanding facts. Israel is not a good country to site when speaking against gun regulation.
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thanks for the unlock.......lets see what we get....I hope those who lost limbs and loved ones can start to rebuild thier lives.
I think the appropriate answer would be..... .a Kenyan........:wink:
what are you doing to that cat?...and are your arms going to explode:eek:
what are you doing to that cat?...and are your arms going to explode:eek:

Cat and I are about to have special time....

- - - Updated - - -

Doc's just saying Kenyans are good long distance runners and have a track record of winning distance races. Jamaicans tend to produce great sprinters.

I know, I was just kidding :)
Just read an article that stated that the older brother had so many holes in him they could not pinpoint which one killed I guess they weren't that bad of shots. Justice served on one more to go.
I still can't get over the imminent deportation of that Saudi guy come this Tuesday. Apparently he has ties to other terrorists, was close enough to the Boston bombs to have minor injuries and yet we're hurrying to deport him (or maybe not) back to Saudi Arabia. Why? There are a lot of games being played.
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There was a terrorist on the loose hiding somewhere in that neighborhood that had just detonated bombs and murdered one police officer and attempted to murder another......should they have knocked politely and asked the terrorist to just come out, come out wherever you are? I think law enforcement did an exemplary job in apprehending these scumbags and should be commended.
There was a terrorist on the loose hiding somewhere in that neighborhood that had just detonated bombs and murdered one police officer and attempted to murder another......should they have knocked politely and asked the terrorist to just come out, come out wherever you are? I think law enforcement did an exemplary job in apprehending these scumbags and should be commended.

Different strokes for different folks. Some will trade liberty for perceived safety. I'm not one of those, but good for you.
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So lets get this straight......if I understand correctly.....the police should have driven up and down the streets asking the bomber to come out of hiding so they could arrest him over their loudspeakers and maybe hope to catch a glimpse of him sneaking away? If he was hiding in your house with a knife at your wife or children's throats would you still choose your so called perception of liberty over being safe. I bet you would be hoping they took everyone out to make sure your family was safe and not held hostage.....use your heads.... the guy had just blown up the finish line at a public event killing several innocent people including a child and injured/maimed 180 others and then assassinated a police officer and attempted to kill another. And after all that they were having a shoot out on public roadways throwing bombs out as they went.

I'm all for the constitution and preserving our civil rights, but get real. They did what they needed to do to protect citizens and get those psychopaths off the street as soon as possible before they killed more innocent people.