Beware of Costa Mesa police on Harbor blvd

Eddie, Though this sounds good and perfectly legal, i wouldn't advise it. When my beatin' happened, I went to complain for building up my case. What happen when I went into file a complaint was another story, as the officers behind the desk remarked to me "you sure you want to do this...remember, you live in the same city" and started laughing as if some sort of "set up" will be done if I did file.

Anyway...i'll just leave it up to Karma and let it be.

Sorry to hear that man.....but actually now a days officers are scared of I.A investigations. If they actually said that to you thats even more ammo to be used against them in a lawsuit. If you have a case of getting beat up and can prove it was excessive force then you have a great case. (Larry H. Parker?)

No officer can threaten you not to file a complaint.....if they do they better be ready to get to go pound sand, suspended or even fired. Now a days its a lot harder for Officers to get away with misconduct.....ever since Rodney King things have turned with legality wise against departments.

Remember this too, the city is liable for 95% damages if awarded to the person and the Officer is liable for 5% of that. So if there is a multi million dollar lawsuit and the city loses the officer will be paying 5% of that judgment. There has been Police departments that have been bankrupted because of this.

One of the many things they teach at the Police Academy's is liability against the department and your role as an Officer not to get the city and department into trouble.

Karma will get those bad apples....maybe they will come back as sloths when they are reborn.
Hey Jason,
I have few officer friends who can sign your ticket off for you...I m not sure if it matters what city you get it signed off at or not as I am in the bay area..

Why did they beat you up? Like hit you with fists or just throw you around? Did you run away from them? Just curious....

Some lame excuse was made up in the end (after the F#@$% had there fun) where they thought and mistaken me as some reported motorcyclist who shot a cops a few nights earlier, because of my helmet they didn't want to take chances. Oh well, that's the world we live in....I'm sure there are thousands more of the same story, so I don't feel all that bad. :mad:
My business partner bought his S2k from an AZ dealer, the car already had tinting on it and every car on the lot had it.

He heard Jason's story and he is going to get a doctor's note regarding the skin cancer issues he had, which you can clearly see the scares from the surgery and plus some.

Well, California is 21 billion in the read and the officers can probably keep their job by issue more tickets.

Remember the ticket I got two years ago on the same block/street during the SCA meet? Yeah, it sucks...

Let this one go Jason, regardless the out come, no tinting is allowed regardless of the shade, that is why they came up with the biggest scam of them all - You can keep it illegal as long as you pay a fee every time they feel like to get you.
Yeah, no tint in the front in CA, but I've heard of people getting exceptions if you have Doctor's note saying that you need in your car. I guess people with eye problems (sensitivity to light), skin problems (sensitivity to UV rays), etc can probably get it excused.

Just a thought. ..

It's summer now, you should be driving with your windows down so you can hear the sweet sound of your exhaust! :biggrin:
I got one about 3 weeks ago for having a clear cover over my plates. All that cover does is keep my plates clean. The Cop told me it was to reflective and that the reflection made it hard for him to see my plates. I call BS on him because he pulled me over and looked at the car like for 2 minutes as he walked around it then told me that. He was about 25 years old and I could tell he was just being a hater. I told him are you really going to give me a ticket for that? and he then tells me you are lucky I dont also give you a ticket for having fog lights. WTF is up with some of the cops out there. :mad:
I got one about 3 weeks ago for having a clear cover over my plates. All that cover does is keep my plates clean. The Cop told me it was to reflective and that the reflection made it hard for him to see my plates. I call BS on him because he pulled me over and looked at the car like for 2 minutes as he walked around it then told me that. He was about 25 years old and I could tell he was just being a hater. I told him are you really going to give me a ticket for that? and he then tells me you are lucky I dont also give you a ticket for having fog lights. WTF is up with some of the cops out there. :mad:

lol sorry to hear that.

they got to bring the $ before they get their jobs cut. :biggrin:

right now cali cant pay the state workers.

keep your nice modified vehicles in the garage.

just on the 14 freeway. CHP activity has gone up probably 300%

now they tag team in groups of 3s. before it was just 1 chp once in a blue moon.
My nephew is a Costa Mesa cop. The next time I see him I'll ask about the officer who ticketed you and see if can shed some light on his reputation.

I frequent the area on occasion, and in the next couple of months I will be in that area for work. Since I have tinted widows, I'll be sure to keep them rolled down. However, I also have no front license plate, so I'll be sure not to let any officer get ahead of me.

Well, on second thought, a no front license ticket is cheaper than a speeding or evading police ticket, so I'll just let them pass and go in a different direct LOL.

My nephew is a Costa Mesa cop. The next time I see him I'll ask about the officer who ticketed you and see if can shed some light on his reputation.
I think officer Johnson must have had a bad day that day so he took it out on me. I took care of the ticket already, piece of cake.

What sucks for me that day was that I went way out of my way just to go there to eat.

I have not visited Costa Mesa since. I miss the food.:frown:

So, we have the ^monthy NSX meet in Costa Mesa on Harbor Blvd. Now I'm wondering if I want to risk going to it with my tinted windows and without a front plate. I already have a speeding ticket in the works. :frown: We always see a bike cop there. The S2000 meet is across the street at the same time.
just lower your windows.. I have tinted windows myself and I keep my windows lowered at night or when i drive through cop dense cities.

So, we have the ^monthy NSX meet in Costa Mesa on Harbor Blvd. Now I'm wondering if I want to risk going to it with my tinted windows and without a front plate. I already have a speeding ticket in the works. :frown: We always see a bike cop there. The S2000 meet is across the street at the same time.
I went to the NSX meet today with both of my windows down. John told me he saw Steve/NSXone got pulled over today at Costa Mesa. I hope Steve is ok.

I had the window tint removed on the 335i and took it to CHP to get the ticket signed off. The officer said "come back next time after you put on the front plate".

I then went straight to another CHP in Huntington Beach, the lady officer was super nice and signed it off for me with a smile, we had a nice little car chat. Tint going back on in a few days:biggrin:
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I went to the NSX meet today with both of my windows down. John told me he saw Steve/NSXone got pulled over today at Costa Mesa. I hope Steve is ok.

I had the window tint removed on the 335i and took it to CHP to get the ticket signed off. The officer said "come back next time after you put on the front plate".

I then went straight to another CHP in Huntington Beach, the lady officer was super nice and signed it off for me with a smile, we had a nice little car chat. Tint going back on in a few days:biggrin:

Unfortunately, I was pulled over underneath the 405 freeway at Harbor following the meet today. I don't know who NSXone is, but my name is Steve. The only other Steve at tonight's meet was Ca AGNSX, the other Steve's car. I suppose I drew attention to myself by accelerating in 2nd gear to catch the onramp going northbound on the freeway from lane #1. I didn't cut anyone off (I don't drive like a fool), but my headers and exhaust caught the good officer's attention.

It has been years since I last received a ticket so I am happy to say I am not a pro at this. The officer was rude and already yelling at me when he approached my car. I was sitting there with my hands on the steering wheel. I knew to do that. He cited me for speeding and for no front license plate. I showed him the plate, which I keep in my trunk, but he cited me anyway. He was being difficult (that's the nicest thing I can say about his demeanor), so I did not expect him to go easy on anything.

He muttered comments like, "I suppose you're gonna tell me you car is not modified? Is your car able to pass smog? Yea, right!" Like I said, this guy was just grumpy. I can barely make out his name. Looks like officer C. Cejas or something. He looked caucasion with short light colored hair, a light complexion, and a stocky build at about 5' 10" tall or so.

I think he said I was going 50 mph. As far as I know, that is the posted speed limit for Harbor Blvd. I don't plan on fighting city hall. Stuff happens. Like I said, if I drove with a little less gusto on my way home, I would not typing this email. Oh well. :frown:

So, what's the drill for the fix-it ticket? Do you simply go down to the police station and say you fixed it or do they come out to actually look at your car?
Sorry to hear that Steve; too bad. I am sure the cops are now all aware of these monthly meets thanks to those S2k guys who accelerate up and down Harbor. You may remember I was followed into SCA by a motorcycle cop at the May meet and thankfully got away with it.
In the future I will be using the rear service entrance of the dealership; it does connect with a back alley that runs parallel to Harbor. BTW, I think Harbor is a 45 mph limit. I would fight the 50mph ticket. I am not sure about the fixit ticket but I think any CHP office can sign it off.
So, what's the drill for the fix-it ticket? Do you simply go down to the police station and say you fixed it or do they come out to actually look at your car?

Sorry to hear about that:frown:. You can go down to any CHP or police station by city hall to and get it sign off. The officer will come out with you and look at the car before they sign off the ticket.
Sorry to hear that Steve; too bad. I am sure the cops are now all aware of these monthly meets thanks to those S2k guys who accelerate up and down Harbor. You may remember I was followed into SCA by a motorcycle cop at the May meet and thankfully got away with it.
In the future I will be using the rear service entrance of the dealership; it does connect with a back alley that runs parallel to Harbor. BTW, I think Harbor is a 45 mph limit. I would fight the 50mph ticket. I am not sure about the fixit ticket but I think any CHP office can sign it off.

So, you'd fight the ticket? From my limited experience with traffic tickets, maybe that would have been a good idea years ago. Given the fiscal crisis our state and local governments face, this may be a fools game right now. If anyone has any recent experience fighting a speeding ticket in California under 65mph, I'd like to know.
So, you'd fight the ticket? From my limited experience with traffic tickets, maybe that would have been a good idea years ago. Given the fiscal crisis our state and local governments face, this may be a fools game right now. If anyone has any recent experience fighting a speeding ticket in California under 65mph, I'd like to know.

If you have no ticket, you should probably just take the traffic school to avoid the points, and insurance rate increases, etc.

Typically, if you attempt to fight the ticket, either in court or by written declaration, you lose the option of taking traffic school, which is considered a plea bargain without admitting guilt (this is why the citation doesn't go on your driving record).

I feel for you, I drove by while the cop had you pulled over... I put my car in neutral and coasted by trying to avoid looking suspicious
Steve, it is always a hard call to advise someone for or against fighting a ticket. By sheer coincidence, just a few minutes ago, I received a notice from the OC Superior court dismissing a ticket I received last March. I fought it by written decleration and won. I am not a careless driver but did get 4 tickets in the last 7 years. Fought all of them and won all of them. I am a sixty years old law-abiding, tax-paying citizen who has driven the streets and roads of California for the past 30 years and has grown to dislike law enforcement because of their attitude and practices. I will spare no dime or minute to fight a ticket.
Steve!!! I too am sorry to hear that. Usually when leaving....I make that u turn and do a pass so everyone can hear my exhaust. But I made that u turn I saw a patrol car up ahead so I didn't open it up. He went into a side street and made a quick u turn and stared at me as I went by. I think it was the same cop that pulled you over. I thought he was going to come out with lights on and pull me over for no license plate....but he didn't even pull out. I guess I was just one of those lucky my car looks totally stock.:wink:

Steve, it is always a hard call to advise someone for or against fighting a ticket. By sheer coincidence, just a few minutes ago, I received a notice from the OC Superior court dismissing a ticket I received last March. I fought it by written decleration and won. I am not a careless driver but did get 4 tickets in the last 7 years. Fought all of them and won all of them. I am a sixty years old law-abiding, tax-paying citizen who has driven the streets and roads of California for the past 30 years and has grown to dislike law enforcement because of their attitude and practices. I will spare no dime or minute to fight a ticket.

^I'm very interested in your written declaration fighting and winning. Right now, I have the Court issued forms for the same thing, for fighting a ticket I got in my RAV4 for 65 in a 50 zone. I'm going with the Ticket Assassin's advice on it being a safe speed for the conditions. The motorcycle cop who gave me the ticket was parked in a No Stopping Anytime, zone, and did a U-Turn across a double-double yellow line to pull me over. :mad:

Steve, you told me about this ticket you got, today, at Cars and Coffee. I got on the 405 going south as you were pulling over under the freeway. Sorry you got nailed. I would also go the traffic school route if I could, but I just did that last year for a different ticket, in my S2000, I got last March. It won't go on your DMV record so your insurance won't go up, even though you still have to pay the fines and extra traffic school fees.
^I'm very interested in your written declaration fighting and winning. Right now, I have the Court issued forms for the same thing, for fighting a ticket I got in my RAV4 for 65 in a 50 zone. I'm going with the Ticket Assassin's advice on it being a safe speed for the conditions. The motorcycle cop who gave me the ticket was parked in a No Stopping Anytime, zone, and did a U-Turn across a double-double yellow line to pull me over. :mad:

Patty, I am not sure about this but a cop can only brake the law in an emergency situation. so says Cheryl , my local resident wife/paralegal advisor. :) why don't you do some research on the officer's actions; you may find cases where similar tickets were dismissed and use them for your defense.
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^I'm very interested in your written declaration fighting and winning. Right now, I have the Court issued forms for the same thing, for fighting a ticket I got in my RAV4 for 65 in a 50 zone. I'm going with the Ticket Assassin's advice on it being a safe speed for the conditions. The motorcycle cop who gave me the ticket was parked in a No Stopping Anytime, zone, and did a U-Turn across a double-double yellow line to pull me over. :mad:

Patty, I am not sure about this but a cop can only brake the law in an emergency situation. so says Cheryl , my local resident wife/paralegal advisor. :) why don't you do some research on the officer's actions; you may find cases where similar tickets were dismissed and use them for your defense.

I plan on putting that information in my written declaration, the fact that he was in a "No stopping anytime" zone, and that he did a U-turn over a double-double yellow, to pull me over. I took photos of the street to submit with the declaration. Thanks for the advice. I'll check into it.
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I'm no expert, but i think the better defense may be that you were driving at a safe speed. basically you can fight speeding tickets on any city tickets except those for a 55 mph freeway (you will always lose the 55 mph tickets) but for the city tickets you can argue that based on time of day, flow of traffic visibility etc that you were driving in a safe manner. i think the idea is to defend your actions as opposed to saying that you and the cop were both wrong.
Tom, my first part will be about driving at a safe speed, because the road was dry, the air was clear and the traffic was light, but part of my support for saying that the traffic was light is that the officer had no problem parking in a no parking zone, knowing that he had to do a U-turn across the double-double to pull me over. (He circled on the ticket that the Weather was clear, Surface was dry but that Traffic was medium.) I will mention both.

BTW, Tom, I'm driving to Colorado on Saturday in the NSX and decided if I have my front plate on, cops will have one less reason to pull me over. I found the mounting bolts in the trunk but no license plate bracket. Do you have one you can sell me? If so, I could get it from you at Fudruckers if your in town, tomorrow.
I plan on putting that information in my written declaration, the fact that he was in a "No stopping anytime" zone, and that he did a U-turn over a double-double yellow, to pull me over. I took photos of the street to submit with the declaration. Thanks for the advice. I'll check into it.

that wont work...... the officer CAN disregard traffic laws when pursueing traffic violators..... there is an exception for offices in the vehicle code....

secondly, i assume he got your speed by either RADAR or LIDAR.... and assuming he did, he cited you for 22350 of the vehicle code, unsafe speed for conditions.... and in order to cite that section by use of RADAR or LIDAR, there HAS to be a traffic engineering survey done. and in that case the 85th percentile is used to determine the SAFE SPEED for that area (along with roadway conditions)..... and based on the 85th percentile, the speed limit MUST be posted within 5-10mph (depending on other conditions, which have to be noted on the survey) of the 85th percentile...... if you were cited for 65 in a 50 (was this on El Toro Rd???) the 85th percentils is probably between 55-60mph.... and you are over that by 5mph....

good luck at trial, but dont hold your breath..... VERY difficult to beat a RADAR or LIDAR ticket these days.....

BTW... i grew up in El Toro and graduated from El Toro High School..... one of my best friends lives less than 100 yards from Cooks Corner on Trabuco Canyon Rd...

Dave, I got the ticket (radar) on Glenn Ranch Road. I sent in my written declaration on Wednesday. I only used the facts of the cop parking in a no stopping any time zone, and making a U-turn across a double-double yellow line, to make my point that the traffic was light. My defense was that I was not breaking the basic speed law of traveling safely for the conditions. I included three photos of the road and signs.

I've only lived here for a little over a year. I grew up in North Hollywood and recently lived in Acton (high desert, small town) for 23 years.