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Bel Canto!

Ugh, ive had more intelligent conversations with my 6 year old. Again can you answer any of the questions ive asked you? Patent? Your Design? Exactly when did i lie or steal?

Here maybe you can relate :) :) :) :) ;)

Biscuit, stop panicking. Just because you openly talk about copying some one's product on their actual product page, that does not make you a criminal, not yet, until the you cops at your door.

And why do you have to bring your six year old into the conversation?
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Biscuit, stop panicking. Just because you openly talk about copying some one's product on their actual product page, that does not make you a criminal, not yet, until the you cops at your door.

And why do you have to bring your six year old into the conversation?

Avoiding the questions again i see. Patent? Your design? Liar? Thief?

You are continuly making unsubstantiated threats to, i assume, move the attention away from your childlike behavour and avoidance of apparently revealing questions. Youll need to get me the law book that states where copying an unpatented product thas not even produced or designed by said op is a crime. Howabout you stop making claims that it is your design and your product before the legal owner of it decides to take legal action against you.

Like i said before, youre accusing me of doing exactly what you have done to the op and his thread yet youre too blinded by your own arrogance to see. I have nothing to lose here, you however are reveiling yourself to the type of person and "businessman" that you are.
Wow, from a small vendor bashing "hint hint" post to a full blown hating.
It is clearly that the OP didn't intend to JUST showoff his exhaust but in this case trying to return a favor for RJP (because cheap price my friend) by bashing on VanceHu. Envy and jealousy still play big part in this little community. Why can't we all furgitaboutit and leave everyone alone?
Avoiding the questions again i see. Patent? Your design? Liar? Thief?

You are continuly making unsubstantiated threats to, i assume, move the attention away from your childlike behavour and avoidance of apparently revealing questions. Youll need to get me the law book that states where copying an unpatented product thas not even produced or designed by said op is a crime. Howabout you stop making claims that it is your design and your product before the legal owner of it decides to take legal action against you.

Like i said before, youre accusing me of doing exactly what you have done to the op and his thread yet youre too blinded by your own arrogance to see. I have nothing to lose here, you however are reveiling yourself to the type of person and "businessman" that you are.
So what you're saying is, you were serious about buying the muffler and replicating it because you have the "right" to do so?

Thank you for your honesty.
I’m still curious if Vance Is going to answer the question of is it patented?
Not trying to start a fight, but I'm really curious……

No, there is not a single JDM related aftermarket mufflers you see that is patented. Look under the definition of Patent you will have a better understand of that word. People like to throw that around as a tool/weapon during legal and none legal arguments just to see how other side reacts, and some times they overlook an alternative.

There is an alternative and cheaper form of protection on both shores - Register trade mark. There is a good reason why no one did a direct replica for GT-One products as well as Fujitsubo, and other larger manufactures, because larger manufactures have the funding to go after them, however, that is limited to small law suits.

Once the application is complete, you will see the phrase "Bel Canto JGTC Soprano exhaust system is a registered trade mark of Bel Canto."

Do a search on Patent, Patent Pending, and Registered Trade Mark and you will have a better understanding.

The application was drafted and submitted through a local attorney; I'm waiting for additional information from Japan, while at it, we are working/seeking other product for our line up before we launch our website.
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I know this is none of my business, but I think some people here don't understand intellectual property laws and the protection(s) they may provide.

Firstly, a trademark--if issued--will grant you exclusive rights to a name, logo, design, color or combo of colors, etc. to be associated with a particular product or class of products.

In this case, the Bel Canto JGTC exhaust can be trademarked, but that protects the name of the product and possibly logos--but it does not protect the design of the exhaust itself.

That means if your trademark is issued, you can then sue someone for infringing on your trademark if they make another exhaust with a similar name.

In the mean time, while your trademark is pending, you don't have the exclusive rights to that name. Furthermore, you cannot go back and claim for damages incurred while the trademark was pending.

Even if the trademark is issued, all someone would have to do is change the name of their product to something else. Since this exhaust doesn't have any brand-prestige of say a product like the iPhone, I don't expect a trademark to offer much protection or to be potentially lucrative.

If you want to patent the design of the exhaust itself, you should seek a design patent. I don't know if you have anything novel here in terms of design--that would merit issuance of the patent--but that is what would protect you from replications.

And most importantly, even if the trademark was issued, cops are not going to go pounding on the infringer's door. LOL. They are not going to be arrested, fined, etc. by law enforcement officials. The owner of the intellectual property must himself go and seek compensation for damages, or seek a permanent injunction.
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I agree with KSXNSX-Design patents are only available if you have a specific process of design. Such as a design of a chair and how it goes together from manufacturing and connection details. To patent a form will not really work in today's world.
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After a month of waiting, finally got my Bel Canto exhaust. I will post up some sound clips after I install.

I picked this up from "RJP". Got a great price and smooth transaction. I almost paid a lot more from another vendor.

RJP rocks!:)
I agree with KSXNSX-Design patents are only available if you have a specific process of design. Such as a design of a chair and how it goes together from manufacturing and connection details. To patent a form will not really work in today's world.

You are incorrect. You can have a patent for a process, you can also have a patent for the design itself, however it would have to be something innovative/revolutionary that hasn't been done before...this would not be the case here.
All this talk about patents and trademarks are almost useless here, but very informational.

A patent, trademarks, etc are only as good as your ability to defend it. Do you have the money and time to go after every possible infringment?

Even if your patent and trademark is approved, YOU have to take the other party to court to protect it. The government will not do it for you. And it does not mean you automatically win. It is a very costly process.
If you believe it was shipped before Christmas, more power to ya Slow boat will take at least 2 to 3 months, standard air shipping takes about 5 days (which only cost $20 bucks cheaper than EMS), EMS will take about 3 days once it leaves Norita Air Port. However, let's say you're correct about the shipping date, it just further convince me it is the actual test type unit.

I had to chime in. Vance, you are such an arrogant guy. I dont know what slow boat you are taking from Japan but if my freight forwarder took 2-3 months to get me a shipment from Japan (even being LCL) I would be livid.

The transit time from Asia is about 22-25 days (FCL) and about and extra week for LCL. I would say that if he received the item today the ship time would have been around Christmas - New Year.
All this talk about patents and trademarks are almost useless here, but very informational.

A patent, trademarks, etc are only as good as your ability to defend it. Do you have the money and time to go after every possible infringment?

Even if your patent and trademark is approved, YOU have to take the other party to court to protect it. The government will not do it for you. And it does not mean you automatically win. It is a very costly process.

very costly and could take years...........my company was sued for patent infringement in 99.......7 years later and millions of $$, the suit was finally settled and in the end it was lose lose for both parties (actually cost the plaintiff more in attorney fees than they won). The only winners were the attorneys....it was $win$ $win$ for them........

Im confused.....so this system can be bought from Vance or on EBAY or direct from the manufacturer??

crazy. but its 2600$ for the taitec =X
Oh snap! I wonder if those sold by Taitec are all visually inspected by Vance before there sold. Do they have his approval?
I bet they cops are gonna show up on there doorstep once Vance finds out.

Oh no, I bet they love to hear your idea of knocking them off in your garage for $500 bucks each:rolleyes:
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gotta love the drama

The Coles Notes...and please correct me if I'm wrong...

Vance designs exhaust
Vance puts a GB on exhaust
Biscuit talked about knocking it off in the GB
Vance get pissed
Charley wants exhaust
Charley didnt like the GB
Charley bought exhaust off RJP
Charley receives exhaust
Charley shows off exhaust
Charley says he almost got gypped by other vendor
Other vendor = Vance
Vance = pissed
Taitec knocks off exhaust
Vance = more pissed
Wow. I'm just gonna say as a consumer and not biased towards anyone that I will never buy/recommend these Bel Canto "style exhaust" at all.

Really, good product or not all the BS has tarnished this product and some vendors that act like children.

What happened to the OP thread??

Good luck with future sales. On anything.