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    Caveat Emptor!

Bel Canto!

gotta love the drama

The Coles Notes...and please correct me if I'm wrong...

Vance designs exhaust
Vance puts a GB on exhaust
Biscuit talked about knocking it off in the GB
Vance get pissed
Charley wants exhaust
Charley didnt like the GB
Charley bought exhaust off RJP
Charley receives exhaust
Charley shows off exhaust
Charley says he almost got gypped by other vendor
Other vendor = Vance
Vance = pissed
Taitec knocks off exhaust
Vance = more pissed

You got some part of the statement wrong. It's OK. I'll clarify it for you.

Five months ago during my
5.1 GB, I was asked if we could do a muffler for export only. Since the 5.1 was not obtainable any longer. He wanted to sell 50 exhausts in three months. I told him it will be a long shot but we can always try. A 10- 20 units is more likely. You guys know some of the early story from my long ass description from the other thread.

After the muffler was made, I was ask to give it a name so I give it the name "Bel Canto," a name of a trumpet I used to own, played by Doc Severensen. Bel Canto means beautiful sound in Italian. They though the name was hideous because it did not include the letters "GT,” but he went with it. He was aware of the knock off issue on in the US, stuff like Taitec and DC Sports NSX products, so we were discussing registered trade mark the name.

When the product was introduced, I had lots of interest, shortly after, the housing market crashed. Even at the GB price of $2300, no one bought it. The people in Japan probably panicked so they started to ask Procar, rjp, and another guy from England to carry the product. Of course I had problem with it because I had money stuck in the project. So while trying to work things out with Japan, there was drama here.

I told Japan that they really should market this muffler domestically so people can have an idea of the true MSRP, instead of the guessing game you witnessed.

I was told "no" because it was for export only.

The drama on this thread was not about who is selling what but the dishonest comment by the OP. The message is out, people took sides, and it is now over.


I was asked by my friend from Japan two weeks ago if the registered trade mark was complete, I told him "no" and the process takes a lot longer. I again ask him to sell the exhaust domestically, they begin to think it is a good idea since the the jigs are paid and production started while the US buyers are not jumping on the product even though the 5.1 is no longer available. I explained to him that the timing is bad due to bad economy, Christmas, and now the tax season. Also I explained that registered trademark is for future project as a brand recognition, not for this muffler, even though it is the first in the new brand line up.

Taitec did not knock it off, they were the producer of the exhaust, well, not quite, but there is a factory that produces exhaust for Taitec and other manufactures. So I assumed he and Taitec owners have business interest and used Taitec as the outlet source.

Quite frankly, I don’t really care who sells it. I did not make a single dollar from the five units I sold and my guy in Japan compensated me for my lost moola, so every thing is cleared.

For the convenience of local NSX owners, I will continue to broker the deal for people at below MSRP since shipping can be arrange with ease, and if you guys like to get it from rjp, go for it. I know this muffler is more superior to the 5.1 in every way and I’m glad there is a good alternative to the 5.1 since it is no longer exist. I wouldn’t be surprise to see in the near future; some of the 5.1 owners switch the Bel Canto. The only bummer part is the muffler is not offered with the quad tips any more, maybe later.

Buy the muffler and enjoy the sound, it’s a wonder exhaust!
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gotta love the drama

The Coles Notes...and please correct me if I'm wrong...

Vance designs exhaust
Vance puts a GB on exhaust
Biscuit talked about knocking it off in the GB
Vance get pissed
Charley wants exhaust
Charley didnt like the GB
Charley bought exhaust off RJP
Charley receives exhaust
Charley shows off exhaust
Charley says he almost got gypped by other vendor
Other vendor = Vance
Vance = pissed
Taitec knocks off exhaust
Vance = more pissed

If the sequence of events is as noted, I think Vance has every right to be ROYALLY pissed. FYI, I have patented/ trademarked before (wall clocks) and was subsequently knocked off, eventually suing the end retailers who had no idea that the product on their shelves was a knockoff. The paltry amounts collected did nothing to soothe the sting of feeling violated. Essentially, a patent only gives the holder the right to sue-that's all; and for such a tiny market like the NSX aftermarket, patenting any item is ridiculously not cost effective. So holding Vance to the "well did you patent it?" test is simply disingenuous. (FYI, my own NSX "invention" is the original CAI that I made in 1993 and Will Cantrell copied in 1996 and made into the Cantrell CAI> Downforce CAI). Bringing any product to market, especially into a specialty niche with a very small financial return requires a strong emotional commitment, so I sympathize with Vance on this one. Charley, while you are enjoying your new exhaust, you should thank Vance as well as RJP for your new addition.




You got some part of the statement wrong. It's OK. I'll clarify it for you.

Five months ago during my
5.1 GB, I was asked if we could do a muffler for export only. Since the 5.1 was not obtainable any longer. He wanted to sell 50 exhausts in three months. I told him it will be a long shot but we can always try. A 10- 20 units is more likely. You guys know some of the early story from my long ass description from the other thread.

After the muffler was made, I was ask to give it a name so I give it the name "Bel Canto," a name of a trumpet I used to own, played by Doc Severensen. Bel Canto means beautiful sound in Italian. They though the name was hideous because it did not include the letters "GT,” but he went with it. He was aware of the knock off issue on in the US, stuff like Taitec and DC Sports NSX products, so we were discussing registered trade mark the name.

When the product was introduced, I had lots of interest, shortly after, the housing market crashed. Even at the GB price of $2300, no one bought it. The people in Japan probably panicked so they started to ask Procar, rjp, and another guy from England to carry the product. Of course I had problem with it because I had money stuck in the project. So while trying to work things out with Japan, there was drama here.

I told Japan that they really should market this muffler domestically so people can have an idea of the true MSRP, instead of the guessing game you witnessed.

I was told "no" because it was for export only.

The drama on this thread was not about who is selling what but the dishonest comment by the OP. The message is out, people took sides, and it is now over.


I was asked by my friend from Japan two weeks ago if the registered trade mark was complete, I told him "no" and the process takes a lot longer. I again ask him to sell the exhaust domestically, they begin to think it is a good idea since the the jigs are paid and production started while the US buyers are not jumping on the product even though the 5.1 is no longer available. I explained to him that the timing is bad due to bad economy, Christmas, and now the tax season. Also I explained that registered trademark is for future project as a brand recognition, not for this muffler, even though it is the first in the new brand line up.

Taitec did not knock it off, they were the producer of the exhaust, well, not quite, but there is a factory that produces exhaust for Taitec and other manufactures. So I assumed he and Taitec owners have business interest and used Taitec as the outlet source.

Quite frankly, I don’t really care who sells it. I did not make a single dollar from the five units I sold and my guy in Japan compensated me for my lost moola, so every thing is cleared.

For the convenience of local NSX owners, I will continue to broker the deal for people at below MSRP since shipping can be arrange with ease, and if you guys like to get it from rjp, go for it. I know this muffler is more superior to the 5.1 in every way and I’m glad there is a good alternative to the 5.1 since it is no longer exist. I wouldn’t be surprise to see in the near future; some of the 5.1 owners switch the Bel Canto. The only bummer part is the muffler is not offered with the quad tips any more, maybe later.

Buy the muffler and enjoy the sound, it’s a wonder exhaust!


Thanks for clearing it up.


Great post by Danny, thanks for puting everything in perspective.

Whats been learned here is that anyone with any initiative to still develop products for our beloved NSX are going to read this thread and scratch their head wondering why they should even bother.

I hope thats not the case.

Vance, I hope this doesn't discourage you from future projects.
I would like to offer my experience working with Vance. I was one of the original participants in the Bel Canto GB. He has been one of the most conciencoious vendors I have ever worked with in a long time. He answered every question in a very timely manner and I received the exhaust system quicker than promised, in perfect condition, at the promised price.

Most importantly he has excellent knowledge about this subject matter and behaved very professionally throughout the entire process. I received email updating me on the where abouts of the system on route; even a request for confirmation that I actually received the system. No one except for Larry B has done that for me, very considerate.

I support Vance and would recommend him as a reputable vendor to anyone. I am saddened about the BS that has gone on over this system. Competition is good for the breed but this is not competition since no one built a better system. They are just repackaging something similar or blemished seconds; not new and improved. It is sad that threre is no respect in this community for something someone has toiled over and to copy is a form of flattery but not in this case.

Just my $0.02...

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i thought this exhaust was first made in Italy according to its name being in Italian...
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Oh no, I bet they love to hear your idea of knocking them off in your garage for $500 bucks each:rolleyes:

Now Vance, you know as well as i do that they dont cost that much to make.
Im suprised that you arent more upset that Taitec is supposidly ripping you off, copying your design, stealing your precious muffler!!
Oh, maybe its because the guy you buy em from is now selling them to a large company. Hes probably just selling them the ones that dont meet your approval though, right?
...I support Vance and would recommend him as a reputable vendor to anyone. I am saddened about the BS that has gone on over this system. Competition is good for the breed but this is not competition since no one built a better system. They are just repackaging something similar or blemished seconds; not new and improved. It is sad that there is no respect in this community for something someone has toiled over and to copy is a form of flattery but not in this case...

+1 Tytus,

I am too sadden that this has happened. We both know how good this exhaust is and how much time and effort Vance put into tracking and following up. The only way I can show him my support on a regular basis is to go buy some hookah and the occasional cigar. Good luck Vance!