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Bel Canto!

30 June 2003
Columbia, MD
After a month of waiting, finally got my Bel Canto exhaust. I will post up some sound clips after I install.

I picked this up from "RJP". Got a great price and smooth transaction. I almost paid a lot more from another vendor.


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omg... that looks so sweet
I wish I could hear this bad boy in person! Looks insane!!
Really, did you pay less than $2300 from the initial GB? or $2450 from second round of individual order? It amazes me how "the other vender" said he will have his order in by December and did not get "yours" till after I pushed the factory through for the production two weeks ago.

And perhaps the joke is on you.

Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get.

There were five total produced two weeks ago in order to prevent the death of this muffler, the first one was the prototype single tip, a test subject. I have the pictures on file. Production #2 and #3 were sold to Tytus and Long, and fourth and fifth were the Inconel version which my friend kept on for domestic product demo, and the last one awaits me for next month delivery.

Do me a favor, post some better picture, I'm curious if that's the first single tip prototype. Focus area is under side of the left bank (LHD driver side) from the can to the exit pipe. I curious see if it matches the pictures sent to me last week.

I wish I could hear this bad boy in person! Looks insane!!

Come down to Car and Coffee NSX special event, you will hear it on both NA1 and NA2. Bring down some buddies and help us reach 100 NSX for the meet!!! Mike Cruise is bringing down his NSX and Danny's 1000hp monster will be there too from Vegas.
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Really, did you pay less than $2300 from the initial GB? or $2450 from second round of individual order? It amazes me how "the other vender" said he will have his order in by December and did not get "yours" till after I pushed the factory through for the production two weeks ago.

And perhaps the joke is on you.

Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get.

Actually, I think this thing was shipped out before Christmas, but I used a slow shipping service to save some money on shipping. So I don't think it had anything to do with you pushing anything two weeks ago.

But what's with the confrontational tone, Forrest? I don't know you and you don't know me.
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Actually, I think this thing was shipped out before Christmas, but I used a slow shipping service to save some money on shipping. So I don't think it had anything to do with you pushing anything two weeks ago.

But what's with the confrontational tone, Forrest? I don't know you and you don't know me.

No not at all, just want to make sure any exhaust wears the Bel Canto name live up to my expectation. I don't believe in Scratch and Dent units leaked through another channel should wear that name since I told the factory to move any units I refuse to take. I guess I now know which channel it is. Think about it, this muffler was created for export purpose only, you don't see it in Japan, at least not yet. One the minimum units guaranteed to the US is sold, they will start to market them over there.

If you believe it was shipped before Christmas, more power to ya:wink: Slow boat will take at least 2 to 3 months, standard air shipping takes about 5 days (which only cost $20 bucks cheaper than EMS), EMS will take about 3 days once it leaves Norita Air Port. However, let's say you're correct about the shipping date, it just further convince me it is the actual test type unit. :rolleyes:

However, for your sake, it really doesn't matter if it was a test type, the jig of the body was done and that's what matters. I understand if you don't want to post the pictures I request. It is really not a big deal.

But regardless, it is a nice muffler and I'm proud of it.

Good luck!
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I wish I could hear this bad boy in person! Looks insane!!

i'll have mine installed next week and will be up in NorCal for a bit. PM if you want to hear it sometime.
Wow charleysung, Your real nice, I would have told him to F...Off with that tone and ignorance.
Wow charleysung, Your real nice, I would have told him to F...Off with that tone and ignorance.

Absolutely Trev, "F"!!! Keep in mind that I get full report from Japan daily on the exhaust and other stuff, I know exactly what's going. Keeping it simple and get the truth out is what I care for. The tone of ignorance you considered may be vital information to others. Too much confusion is going and trash talk from a guy who had no idea what he bought and trash talked in the opening thread is what I considered ignorance.
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Thank you for your kind explanation.
I appreciate that.
I have to remember that text is a very bad form of communication.
10 people can interpret one statement 10 different ways.
I like to get my friend Ed to read what I post before I post sometimes.
A second opinion on the way things are worded can be the difference between love and hatred!
Thank you for your kind explanation.
I appreciate that.
I have to remember that text is a very bad form of communication.
10 people can interpret one statement 10 different ways.
I like to get my friend Ed to read what I post before I post sometimes.
A second opinion on the way things are worded can be the difference between love and hatred!
Trev, can you post some pics of the bike somewhere? Thanks.:wink:
Sorry to the OP for this in his thread, but until you post your sound clip, the boyz can check out the sound of the new bike with the 113 cu in S&S and Martin Brothers Daisy Cutters!
Hey, You guys got to lengthen the name of that exhaust like to
Bel Canto Python Wrangler!
Don't forget the fact that "You get what you paid for".
I hope you enjoy your exhaust. We would love to see and hear your exhaust in action. So lets not bring vendors in to this thead, because comments for vendors has it's own section.
Now let see some close-up pictures to show that nice built quality, and installed pictures and videos would be nice.

After a month of waiting, finally got my Bel Canto exhaust. I will post up some sound clips after I install.

I picked this up from "RJP". Got a great price and smooth transaction. I almost paid a lot more from another vendor.
I would respond with more, but I can't even figure out what the hell he's trying to say...:cool:

Please response with more.

You're a liar. Not only you’re an opportunistic liar, you’re a bad liar.

Let’s start out with a quick definition - “The other vender” = Vancehu

-You did not "almost buy" the muffler from "the other vender" when you never contacted "the other vender."

-You were offered a lower price "by the other vender" as part of the product launch GB, but you didn't take the deal.

-However, you talk smack later by lying publicly about “almost” paid a lot more."

-When the "other vender" was “cool enough” to tell you what type of unit you possibly received like to verify that with you, not only you denied it, but made up bunch of BS story.

-When "the other vender" called you out on about your lies and the box of chocolate you received, you lied again about the shipping method plus the completion date, which "the other vender” has the log sheet of the production number and date. You tried to cover up some thing again.

I was wondering why you will talk so much smack when we haven zero business relationship, until some one from your part of the world told me "don't you get it? He's practically in-beded with the person who sold him the exhaust, they're practically neighbors!"

While you try to discredit “the other vender” by making up a story about the muffler was shipped prior to Christmas via slow boat from China to save your face, you lied again. Because “The other vender” has PM forwarded to him by another Primer, written by “your vender” regarding the delivery date of “his” batch (which is on Christmas date, but cannot promise it will happen), and but never happened.

Charley. I still remember you said, “Competition is a bitch.”

My statement is, life is bitch – When you get caught for lying.

Nice one!
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Please response with more.

You're a liar. Not only you’re an opportunistic liar, you’re a bad liar.

Let’s start out with a quick definition - “The other vender” = Vancehu

-You did not "almost buy" the muffler from "the other vender" when you never contacted "the other vender."

-You were offered a lower price "by the other vender" as part of the product launch GB, but you didn't take the deal.

-However, you talk smack later by lying publicly about “almost” paid a lot more."

-When the "other vender" was “cool enough” to tell you what type of unit you possibly received like to verify that with you, not only you denied it, but made up bunch of BS story.

-When "the other vender" called you out on about your lies and the box of chocolate you received, you lied again about the shipping method plus the completion date, which "the other vender” has the log sheet of the production number and date. You tried to cover up some thing again.

While you try to discredit “the other vender” by making up a story about the muffler was shipped prior to Christmas via slow boat from China to save your face, you lied again. Because “The other vender” has PM forwarded to him by another Primer, written by “your vender” regarding the delivery date of “his” batch (which is on Christmas date, but cannot promise it will happen), and but never happened.

Charley. I still remember you said, “Competition is a bitch.”

My statement is, life is bitch – When you get caught for lying.

Nice one!

You have an amazing ability to come off looking like an arrogant ass you know that? Why on earth would anyone on this forum want to do business with somone who throws a hissy fit everytime someone mentions getting or trying to get a beter deal on an exhaust that you claim as your own design. If its your design why arent you building them? Is it patented?
You brought his guys thread down to the level of a playground while hes just proudly showing off his new exhaust. That makes you look like a immature punk. If youre a businessman grow up and try acting like one.

Now go run to the forum moderators and have this post removed like you do everytime someone has a different view than you do.
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You have an amazing ability to come off looking like an arrogant ass you know that? Why on earth would anyone on this forum want to do business with somone who throws a hissy fit everytime someone mentions getting or trying to get a beter deal on an exhaust that you claim as your own design. If its your design why arent you building them? Is it patented?
You brought his guys thread down to the level of a playground while hes just proudly showing off his new exhaust. That makes you look like a immature punk. If youre a businessman grow up and try acting like one.

Now go run to the forum moderators and have this post removed like you do everytime someone has a different view than you do.

Biscuit, you OPENLY talking about taking the Bel Canto Exhaust and replicated - On MY thread until your post was removed by the administrator, yeah, that is very businessman like!! Great creditbility you have. You are not only a liar like OP, but you are also a thief. Arrogance? I like to know who taught you business ethics 101. Cute.:rolleyes:
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Simmer down Vance, no need to be a internet tough guy, and don’t get all Fast and Furious on us. We know you are no Vin diesel.

Charleysung I bet you are glad you did not do business with that guy. Congrats on the sweet deal, on a even sweeter exhaust get it mounted so we can see some picks.
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Biscuit, you openly talking about taking the Bel Canto Exhaust and replicated on MY thread until your post was removed by the administrator, yeah, you and OP flock together. Cute.:rolleyes: Liars.

What? Did you even read my post? Do you have any comprehensive skills?
Again, you continuely imply that the bel canto exhaust is your design yet you have someone in another country build them for you and you dont really have any control over the production or the ship times. Is it patented? Secondly why are you calling me a liar? Again your consistant use of little cute smileys make you seem even more immature than you come off in your posts. Thats quite an accomplishment.

With your logic the admin will soon delete your post because youre openly harrassing the op on HIS thread.
Simmer down Vance, no need to be a internet tough guy, and don’t get all Fast and Furious on us. We know you are no Vin diesel.

Charleysung I bet you are glad you did not do business with that guy. Congrats on the sweet deal, on a even sweeter exhaust get it mounted so we can see some picks.

Fast and Furious, did you come up with that one on your own?

I hope I'm not Vin Diesel. Ever met him? He is shorter than I am and I'm not that tall.:wink:

I do appreciate the virtual protection you guys give him, after all, every one, including Charley, can use some friends:wink:
What? Did you even read my post? Do you have any comprehensive skills?
Again, you continuely imply that the bel canto exhaust is your design yet you have someone in another country build them for you and you dont really have any control over the production or the ship times. Is it patented? Secondly why are you calling me a liar? Again your consistant use of little cute smileys make you seem even more immature than you come off in your posts. Thats quite an accomplishment.

With your logic the admin will soon delete your post because youre openly harrassing the op on HIS thread.

That's Yay talking right there. LET ME SAY THIS AGAIN, YOU OPENLY TALKING ABOUT REPLICATION THE BEL CANTO ON MY THREAD - A THREAD that is meant to sell the actual product. THAT MAKES YOU A THIEF!!!
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Lol you guys crack me up...I'm waiting for Yay to come bust all you down ,with some mad CAPS and multiple colors.:rolleyes:
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Biscuit, you OPENLY talking about taking the Bel Canto Exhaust and replicated - On MY thread until your post was removed by the administrator, yeah, that is very businessman like!! Great creditbility you have. You are not only a liar like OP, but you are also a thief. Arrogance? I like to know who taught you business ethics 101. Cute.:rolleyes:

Vance i cant have a conversation with you if youre going to continuely go back and change your posts. Before you type it down, think it out, maybe say it outloud and THEN maybe your can type it down on hit send.
Again what have i lied about? I ask once again, is it patented? If not and its your design and you want to protect it, patent it and then you wont have to come on here and cry. Thas what a business man would do.
Fast and Furious, did you come up with that one on your own?

I hope I'm not Vin Diesel. Ever met him? He is shorter than I am and I'm not that tall.:wink:

I do appreciate the virtual protection you guys give him, after all, every one, including Charley, can use some friends:wink:

That's Yay talking right there. LET ME SAY THIS AGAIN, YOU OPENLY TALKING ABOUT REPLICATION THE BEL CANTO ON MY THREAD - A THREAD that is meant to sell the actual product. THAT MAKES YOU A THIEF!!!

Ugh, ive had more intelligent conversations with my 6 year old. Again can you answer any of the questions ive asked you? Patent? Your Design? Exactly when did i lie or steal?

Here maybe you can relate :) :) :) :) ;)