How long after install can one wait before bedding the brakes? I just had my stoptechs put on and I did a search here and found the bedding proceedure is rather drastic, 10 hard stops from 80 MPH in a row followed by a cool down and 10 more. I don't have a local track so I have to head out to the highway to do this nutty proceedure late night when there is no traffic.
How fast does this need to be done? Is it OK to put some miles on the car before doing this? The stoptech manual doesn't really say and I didn't find anything on my searches.
Bedding is done for a couple of reasons:
- to transfer some of the pad material to the rotor to have a mating surface that optimizes friction.
- to heat up the pads so that any gases that might have been trapped while the pad was manufactured can escape.
I'm not sure which pads you are running on your car, but most pads that I've used in the past like Carbotech XP10/XP8's do not really require multiple 80-0mph stops, instead I do about 15-20 back to back 45-5 or even 50-5 stops in a row until the rotors/pads have heated up and pad material transfer takes place.
I don't recommend trying to bed the pads in the highway, that is just asking for trouble.
Find an industrial/commercial/office complex area that has reasonable speed limits (35-45mph) and try to find a loop that allows you to drive around without hitting the brakes while making a bunch of right hand turns. Once you scope out the area go back in the evening when there is very little to zero traffic and start doing short acceleration runs to 45-50mph and brake hard until ABS is invoked, repeat the steps about 20 times and then drive around without using the brakes to allow the rotors/pads to cool down so that no extraneous pad transfer happens (5-7 minutes should do). Then drive back home and park the car overnight. You might need to repeat the bedding process if the pads and rotors are new.
Once your rotors are bedded you can always switch up to pads that are compatible without having to bed the rotors again.
For example I only bed my rotors with Carbotech XP10, but I am able to use pre-bedded XP12 since the pad compound between the 2 are compatible. I just need to make sure to order the pre-bedded pad from the manufacturer.
As far as to when to do it, that is up to you.
As long as the pads are not race pads with crazy operating temperatures like 600-1600F the pads should have plenty of bite for street use. Since the rotors don't have the transfer layer, most of the braking is just either adding a tiny amounts of pad material little by little or just wearing out the rotors without any real pad transfer happening.