Bear Mountain area run this weekend?

4 November 2007
Westchester County, NY
Well, acording to the weather predictors, this weekend should be great for a drive. Any takers? Looks like I am free this Sunday, not Saturday. If we can get an rearly start say 8:00 AM we should have the roads to ourselves. Post up if u can go...this is an impromptu event.

Dam Saturday would be perfect for me. I have Paintball practice this Sunday. My teem is practicing for World Cup I have to go.
Damn....I miss going on these runs with you guys.......I hope the next time i'm back in NY I can tag along...
I'm there, probably can't make it till 9am. Let me know the meeting spot.
Here goes a video from the run that was on the same day as the Mt Fuji run

<object width="400" height="225"> <param name="allowfullscreen" value="true" /> <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always" /> <param name="movie" value="" /> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="400" height="225"></embed></object><br /><a href="">FoLI Rally To Brooklyn 2008</a> from <a href="">JAdamz</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.
I'm there, probably can't make it till 9am. Let me know the meeting spot.

Hate to say it but the earlier the better, traffic really builds up there and with the foliage changing, everyone will be out for a "Sunday Drive".
So we meet at 8:00 AM at Mighty Joe Young's parking lot at the intersection of Dobbs Ferry Rd (Route 100B) and West Hartsdale Ave in Hartsdale NY, 10530. Actually at the corner is a gas station and the restaurant is just right next to it. You take the Greenburgh exit off the Sprain parkway and turn left or head South off exit 4 (Knollwood Rd) off 287. Check Mapquest or your GPS.

Since their hasn't been any rain Storm King highway should be open :biggrin:.

Any thoughts about lunch as Unami doesn't open before 1:00 PM on Sunday. There is a great place in Hastings called Blue right on the water if you guys want to try something new.

See y'all then,

So we meet at 8:00 AM at Mighty Joe Young's parking lot at the intersection of Dobbs Ferry Rd (Route 100B) and West Hartsdale Ave in Hartsdale NY, 10530. Actually at the corner is a gas station and the restaurant is just right next to it. You take the Greenburgh exit off the Sprain parkway and turn left or head South off exit 4 (Knollwood Rd) off 287. Check Mapquest or your GPS.

Since their hasn't been any rain Storm King highway should be open :biggrin:.

Any thoughts about lunch as Unami doesn't open before 1:00 PM on Sunday. There is a great place in Hastings called Blue right on the water if you guys want to try something new.

See y'all then,

I should be there by 8am, don't count on me for lunch as I have big early dinner plans for that evening, besides there are a couple of car shows that I might have to check out, after the drive! The Festa d'Ferrari is in Stamford, went there last year it was fantastic. Also, Mt. Kisco Chevy has their show which is also good. One more domestic, the other more Italian:wink:

We meet in the triangle area just below the A on the map; just about there just a little more to the South. Technically it is the intersection of Knollwood and West Hartsdale Ave, but I'm not sure Mapquest sees it that way, it's a little goofy there. The restaurant is Mighty Joe Young's so it should come up that way on your search for the restaurant.

So John, we'll be seeing you?

Who's in?

Mike (don't be late!!!!!)

Doc Bling?

Post up!

See you at 8am sharp Mighty Joe's
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working the graveyard shift tonight, don't get off til 7am and it is about a 50minute ride
:biggrin:Just got precise directions to Mightys. 53min ride from Long Island. I will definately be there before 8am, goodnight and see you guys in the A.M.:smile:

Sorry :frown: I can't make it but look for me at the Fiesta d'Ferrari in Stamford. I'll be representing the NSX's hiding amongst all the Italian guys. Love to watch the look on people's face when they try to figure which Ferrari I have . Enjoy the run and see you at the next one.

Roger, look for me if you can make it. :)
