AWD Talon vs Supercharged C5

26 November 2005
Sioux Falls, SD
This has been posted on almost every automotive board. For whatever reason, people seem to think the race was 'staged.'

What do you think? Left Click
i, umm... what just happened?

if that's you, be prepared to have your ass reamed for racing on public streets. That's definately not condoned on this board.

if there was talking, i idnt hear it, i had to turn the sound off because of the horrid music that started playing. so i really don't know what happened or what it proves??

if you both had ET's, why didn't u just take it to a track and settle it there.
I wouldn't expect a design major to understand this video.

It was posted because it's a good race, and to hear what others think about it.

Most drag strips are not open at 11:00 at night. If you drag raced, you would know that.
Boost Lee said:
It was posted because it's a good race, and to hear what others think about it.

Frankly Boost Lee...we don't care.....go play in someone else's sandbox.:cool:
I believe it. I womp on Mustang GTs all day, and my Talon isn't all that modded. I'm maybe putting out 320 hp at the crank. I've seen Talons putting out damn near 1000 hp at the crank, so anything is fair game, really.

That's EvilEagle's Talon... it's insane. He runs over 650whp. He's on Hit him up if you wanna find out about it.

Or check out the thread about that vid here:
Boost Lee said:
I wouldn't expect a design major to understand this video.

It was posted because it's a good race, and to hear what others think about it.

Most drag strips are not open at 11:00 at night. If you drag raced, you would know that.

haha, what would you expect a design major to understand exactly?

I guess I'm just not cool enough to race corvettes after dark on public roads... I must be too busy furthering my education, and not breaking the law or endangering other people. I must be a real loser.

Maybe post this over at, they'll care. This is an NSX board, and very very few people here see drag racing as the primary choice of competition. Granted I personally don't have an NSX, but most of us believe that real races involve turning the steering wheel. That wasn't even a real dragrace, it was a rolling start.

The only respect I have for dragracers is the mechanics that go into building the engine. As a former engineering major I can appreciate that aspect. But I could teach a monkey to press the right pedal, and shift when the little red light comes on from a rolling start. hell, alot of drag cars have automatics, all a monkey would have to do is press go.

Show some class.
That Mitsu may go faster than a corvette, but I wouldn't trade my car for it...
whatever floats your boat I guess......
oh yeah and that "evileagle" guy should be in jail.
that video is weak at can't tell sh!T from it...Looking at the white divider lines on the road it looks like the Vett is doing about 55 mph:confused:
95EagleAWD said:
Then you may not realize it's more than just "mash the gas"... :rolleyes:

yes it's more than just mash the gas, but not much more. It got boring pretty quick. The main point we're making is street racing blows, and no one cares.
95EagleAWD said:
I'm not advoctaing street racing... I'm just saying there's more to draggin' then mash the gas.

Plus, I'm stickin' up for a DSM... :)

Even when they blow up...:eek:...:tongue: ...:biggrin:
It NEVER ends!!! :eek: :frown: :wink: :biggrin: ... Thats the series of emotion whe you own a DSM.:biggrin:
95EagleAWD said:
You got any experience to back that up, or are you just talking out of your ass?

Out of curiosity, what do you drive?

Click on his Bio a 92 Blk/Blk and a Tech on top of it. :wink: