Armageddon 2012 BABY!

And if you move you are 100% guarenteed to die. So what's the difference?
well, for one thing, in SF we have a lot of Queen Bees :)

oh, and doug... you'll be which one of the sf residents under their table... the one with the tin foil hat or the one in the middle?


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I think a lot of people would like to think and many who are no longer with us thought the world would end during their lifetimes. I mean what could be worse than the world going on without you?

Everything is going to be fine.

Sure, everything will be just fine UNTIL the Zombies show up. Then everything is going to really suck!

I can deal with earthquakes and global war and all of that stuff but when the Zombies are knocking on my door requesting my brains then i will no longer be a happy camper.:mad:

Hopefully i will already be in the ground by then so i can raise up and terrorize the living too.:wink: .... oh wait, i was planning to be cremated, damn.:tongue:
well, for one thing, in SF we have a lot of Queen Bees :)

oh, and doug... you'll be which one of the sf residents under their table... the one with the tin foil hat or the one in the middle?

No Hal, I am just sitting here under the table wearing a football helmet and holding a flashlight. But those pictures do look like the typical San Francisco resident.:biggrin:
Linux :eek::biggrin:

Oh Damn, we are SCREWWWWWED!!!!!!!!

The way the world is going today, something's gotta happen. We've fast found out that our way of life will not sustain us for long. The world is evil, greedy, back-stabbing, everything we've tried hasn't worked and there really is no reason for Mother Nature/God to keep us around. With morals, honesty and love fast deteriorating, I would welcome a catastrophe that will bring about a major change in our civilization.

Leave few alive and let's start over!
You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to fire up the rarest cigar I have one that day!!!

Not for celebration.

Just in case shit does happen, I want to know what it taste like.
You know what I'm going to do? I'm going to fire up the rarest cigar I have one that day!!!

Not for celebration.

Just in case shit does happen, I want to know what it taste like.

12/21/2012 falls on a Friday! Not only do the Mayans predict the end of your life, but they'll ruin your weekend while at it as well.

Since it's a Friday, chances are I will have a bottle of whiskey in my hand anyway. Make it quick and don't let me limp away from it and bleed to death.
Since we are at the end of days. F' it, just go out get your dream car and enjoy it cause you can't take it with you.:biggrin: Take those garage queens out and put some mileage on it. Better yet, spend your $$$ and slap on that CTSC you've always wanted. lol
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Since we are at the end of days. F' it, just go out get your dream car and enjoy it cause you can't take it with you.:biggrin: Take those garage queens out and put some mileage on it. LOL.

Hey Gabe, where were you this past weekend during our Hearst Castle run. Polishing up the garage queen. Ha!:wink: Drove right past your house. We only hit a little rain on Monday. You know the world might end by next years run and you would have missed out!:smile:
Hey Gabe, where were you this past weekend during our Hearst Castle run. Polishing up the garage queen. Ha!:wink: Drove right past your house. We only hit a little rain on Monday. You know the world might end by next years run and you would have missed out!:smile:

Yeah, I heard it was a great run. I actually had to go to work in the a.m. Sat. Speaking of cleaning, my car is still dirty from the mud and rain since last week's show. :biggrin:
Dec. 21, 2012.

The way the world is going Ya never know. Yeh or ney, or how about a mini armagedddon?

I figure sooner or later in human history somehow, someway the sh-ts going to hit the fan.

The big questions are:
Whats going to trigger it?
When's it going down?
Can it be avoided?

And if not, will the world become a living Hell?

Lets have some fun! Whats your best prediction for the end? :smile:

There you go again, you rebel rouser. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: So you wanna start another flaming thread and sit back and eat popcorn. :tongue:


Yeah, and Obama is the anti-christ... I just hope I don't get put into one of Obama's detention centers by one of his citizen security thugs :smile:
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It will happen :biggrin:

Whats going to trigger it?

Greed & evil will trigger it

When's it going down?

It can happen anytime does not have to wait til 2012

Can it be avoided?

No it can't be avoided. Unlike how the dinosaurs got wiped out years ago (by cosmic/asteroid), mankind will be wiped out by our own inventions (nuclear powers) based on greeds/power and world domination.

For me personally, when I wake up each day, I just appreciate life and clearly understood that I am still breathing. I take one day at a time and treasure every moment of it.

Time to take NSX out for a spin :tongue:
It can happen anytime does not have to wait til 2012

The reason that the date is pointed at Dec. 21, 2012 is because that's the date that the Mayan calendar ends. (They ran out of space on the rock)

Now, if I remember this correctly....

Mayan calendar counted the period of time that it takes our planet (and our solar system) to intersect the galactic equator. Our solar system "travels" through the Milky Way Galaxy going up and down intersecting that equator at an arch, taking about 26000 years to complete a cycle. The Mayan calendar was very accurate on this. Now, some scientists (with some probably questionable credentials) believe that once we cross this equator, we may experience a polar shift, meaning that the Qualcomm Stadium may end up in Buenos Aires. If any of you have been to the southern hemisphere and flushed a toilet, or if you have Aussie buddies, you'd know about the Coriolis effect, where everything is basically backwards down there, so to speak. Anti-clockwise. Those scientists believe that once we enter that other "galactic hemisphere" the poles may reverse due this same effect.

Now, the way I see it.... Our galaxy intersects the galactic equator every 26,000 years and that's a lot of time. If anything significant is supposed to happen in 2012, it would already be happening. With that much time, I'd imagine that we've already been on that "equator line" for quite some time now. Supposedly, on December 21st 2012 we'll be at the dead center of that line and Earth, Sun and the center of the galaxy will align. Sure we've been seeing an increase in geologic activity in the last few decades, but our record-keeping has been very good too and some of the past cataclysms may have not been recorded as well, which makes it look like we've been getting more lately.

Then there is the hippie interpretation...

New Agers think we may experience a global enlightening, leading to world peace and prosperity, living as one with nature and so on. If we are talking this vs. the above Armageddon scenario, I think I'll side with the hippies and hope for the best. Either way, we don't know, we can only sit and wait.... and be happy until then.
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There you go again, you rebel rouser. :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin: So you wanna start another flaming thread and sit back and eat popcorn. :tongue:
Yeah, and Obama is the anti-christ... I just hope I don't get put into one of Obama's detention centers by one of his citizen security thugs :smile:

Ah JEEZ Gary, just think,--------------------when it all ends in 2012 you won't have a second Obama term to deal with. This thread has been very civil compared to some of those FLAMING politico threads that you instigated.:smile:

"Such ingratatude after all the times I've saved your life!"----Quote: Clint Eastwood in Good, Bad And The Ugly.

See you on the next NSXCA meeting good friend!:smile:

By the way listen to myguitar. Dudes good!:wink:
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Yeah!:rolleyes: I read the most mind-numbing things.:wink:

btw, if the poles do reverse, its not going to affect the geology that much.... some ppl think that the earth is going to spin backwards which is impossible :rolleyes: the earth spins at 22,000mph... stopping this inertia is impossible let alone reversing it. The whole reason the earth is spinning, was because of an interstellar collision by a "Twin earth" 4 Billion years ago that eventually formed the moon. This impact started the earth in its spin. Without this, we would not be here. :)

If it happens, it just means that the magnetic field will reverse.... which can cause major problems for animals which use this magnetic field in their migration path...

Who knows what it would do to satellites (GPS, communications etc).... still its a theory so yea who knows whats going to happen. The Mayan calendar just shows that is and end of a cycle and a new one will start just after it. Our galaxy and solar system is like a giant clock... the Mayans were experts in reading this information. I'm not too sure anything is going to happen, but I'm sure tons of ppl are going to get very paranoid when we get closer to this time.... still not a bad idea to buy more canned food. :biggrin:
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