Armageddon 2012 BABY!

100% of the bible's prophecies have come true? Give me a break!

I think more of Ms Cleo's have come true than the bibles. First of all 100% have not come true and those that have, are so generically and vaguely written that you can try and make it apply to seem that it is true.

One of the reasons that you have 8,312 offshoots of Christianity is the bible is vague in its writing and interpretations.

Now you may return to your bible thumping... :wink:

Thanks for adding clarity, i was so dumbfounded by that post, my eyes almost rolled out of my head!:biggrin:
btw, if the poles do reverse, its not going to affect the geology that much.... some ppl think that the earth is going to spin backwards which is impossible :rolleyes: the earth spins at 22,000mph... stopping this inertia is impossible let alone reversing it.

Only about 1000 mph, but other than that, you're pretty much correct.

Looking at samples out from the mid-Atlantic ridge, scientists have found many, many pole reversals in the geologically recent past, none of which have corresponded by an extinction event. I don't think the poles are going to reverse in 2012 (indeed, I don't think anything of grand significance is going to happen), but even if they did the man on the street would scarcely notice. Now that everything is GPS-based, navigation tools would probably also be pretty much unaffected by a pole-reversal.
Around, what do you mean around! The world is flat!!

Good point.

I think what will happen in 2012 is that the gigantic overlords of the Universe will find the flat Earth and attempt to skip it across the Oceans of Eternity. That would suck.
Earth's about 25,000 miles around, and does one rotation in 24 hours. Fairly simple math, there :tongue:

You both are correct. At the equater, it rotates about 1000mph. at 53degrees north it is about 600.

cos(lattitude)*1000= speed in knots

Good point.

I think what will happen in 2012 is that the gigantic overlords of the Universe will find the flat Earth and attempt to skip it across the Oceans of Eternity. That would suck.

I lol'd
I am not worried. My followers and i believe that we will be beamed aboard a cosmic starship on the day of armageddon. I have them all preparing for the day now...

Shopping list---

1 pair black nikes
1 pair black sweatpants
1 black sweatshirt
since the world is going to end. i am going to give you my paypal address so you can send me your lifes savings. you wont need it in heaven. i will come to your house. promise you will be saved...put my hand on your head and give you a cup of the hailbob koolaid. when the world ends people...dont forget your carkeys...we spent enough on that stupid heavy key....God had better let me take it with me. maybe we will luck out and the world will just implode? maybe the alians will save us!lol
Is this a question that involves division?

So, what exactly is a New York minute then??? :)

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btw, if the poles do reverse, its not going to affect the geology that much.... some ppl think that the earth is going to spin backwards which is impossible :rolleyes: the earth spins at 22,000mph... stopping this inertia is impossible let alone reversing it. The whole reason the earth is spinning, was because of an interstellar collision by a "Twin earth" 4 Billion years ago that eventually formed the moon. This impact started the earth in its spin. Without this, we would not be here. :)

If it happens, it just means that the magnetic field will reverse.... which can cause major problems for animals which use this magnetic field in their migration path...

Who knows what it would do to satellites (GPS, communications etc).... still its a theory so yea who knows whats going to happen. The Mayan calendar just shows that is and end of a cycle and a new one will start just after it. Our galaxy and solar system is like a giant clock... the Mayans were experts in reading this information. I'm not too sure anything is going to happen, but I'm sure tons of ppl are going to get very paranoid when we get closer to this time.... still not a bad idea to buy more canned food. :biggrin:

You know by now about how big the # trillion is. We hear it everyday. Your explination why the earth spins the way it does is a perfect example of one of the trillions of mathematical equations that had to fall into place for us to be here. Something I had posted a few months back. I don't believe in hundreds of worlds with intelligent life no matter how big those estimated numbers might be because that number is still insignificant compared to our being here on this unbelievable hunk of perfectly blended elements.

I don't see why we couldn't be the only ones. Why can't there be just one.
Gods and flying saucers, the numbers just don't add up! What does add up however is mans inability to cope withl his own fear of everything he can't
control, his only threat in the entire universe------------------


2012 maybe not, but one thing we can all bank on, humans are on a major collision coarse, (with each other) and it ain't going to be pretty!

Have a good evening.:smile:
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The big questions are:
Whats going to trigger it?

Environment factors.

When's it going down?

In the future.

Can it be avoided?


Earth's about 25,000 miles around, and does one rotation in 24 hours. Fairly simple math, there

Actually it's not that simple. Buy me a beer and I'll tell you all about it.

New York is spinnig at about 750 mph. (40.5)N


And the polar bears are effectively going zero.

Here's the only velocity that counts: how fast is the propeller on your hat spinning? None of us want to see you in orbit!

What happens if I am not christain? Thank God that All this talk really does not apply to me.:wink:
What happens if I am not christain? Thank God that All this talk really does not apply to me.:wink:

The 12/21/2012 date was predicted by the Mayans, Egyptians and the Chinese, among others. Not Christians. I don't have a clue where you got that from.