Got my GPW coupe last month and loving it.

Awesome!! Glad to hear it, and that car looks AMAZING!! It makes me extra happy that I made that Grand Prix White Registry thread. LOL! :)

I hope to see the car in person someday, and may have to dig through my NSX parts warehouse to get the Yeti a housewarming gift. :)
holy s+++ batman... I thought my quest was arduous... Excellent buy Yinzer Hell, I thought you already had one... I meet you on the Ohio Penn border and we can race for pinks!!!hahaaaaaaaaa MPX (already jealous of Yinzer's GPW)

Btw - thx! Forgot to reply earlier. Be sure to meet up with is for the Pittsburgh vintage grand prix in 2 weeks. Plans to be discussed in the NE regional thread. Several of us plan to meet up along with home-towner NCNSX who will be in for the PVGP.
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Awesome!! Glad to hear it, and that car looks AMAZING!! It makes me extra happy that I made that Grand Prix White Registry thread. LOL! :)

I hope to see the car in person someday, and may have to dig through my NSX parts warehouse to get the Yeti a housewarming gift. :)

Thx Mitch once again. Wouldn't have happened if not for you! Or do I go one level deeper and thank your wife for letting you get your '94 GPW? Speaking of registries and gifts, I should open a bridal registry for the Yeti in white - I'm on the lookout for a spare Half-Black (grey) driver's side B-pillar interior cover. Jan cut the existing one for the racing harness. Really the car's only noticeable blemish. I'd love to have a pristine one on hand. Discontinued Acura part. I'll put up a Wanted ad soon.

Went for a ride this wknd and realized again how much I like the manual steering. Feels great at low speeds and just really works for me.

Hope to meet up too, maybe in the middle in Detroit near Neal later this year!
Very nice write up. Two things come to mind. Persistence pays off and the NSX will find you! Not the other way around!
Your story is an interesting combination of both of those I would say. Great read man and congrats on getting the wheels too. Welcome to the very rare club. :)
Fast forward into autumn and past a nice sub-20k mile '92 GPW in CA (still for sale and he's a good guy - email me if you're looking for a GPW and I'll put you in touch!)...

A little birdie told me that the '92 GPW 19.9k mile coupe time machine and former NSXPO concours winner has moved onto its next (and final?) owner.

Wonder when or if the Prime member will fess up and share. :)
Thx Mitch once again. Wouldn't have happened if not for you! Or do I go one level deeper and thank your wife for letting you get your '94 GPW? Speaking of registries and gifts, I should open a bridal registry for the Yeti in white - I'm on the lookout for a spare Half-Black (grey) driver's side B-pillar interior cover. Jan cut the existing one for the racing harness. Really the car's only noticeable blemish. I'd love to have a pristine one on hand. Discontinued Acura part. I'll put up a Wanted ad soon.

Went for a ride this wknd and realized again how much I like the manual steering. Feels great at low speeds and just really works for me.

Hope to meet up too, maybe in the middle in Detroit near Neal later this year!

You have an overnight(s) room available with a phone call! :smile: Drop a dime on me soon. The white would be a welcome sight. (No, dammit, not WINTER!).
You have an overnight(s) room available with a phone call! :smile: Drop a dime on me soon. The white would be a welcome sight. (No, dammit, not WINTER!).

Please don't say the S-word yet, I haven't thought about that word for months. Thanks for the reminder invite, I'm long overdue for a trip back to P-town to drop by the Neal compound finally with the new acquisition (still feels new - the honeymoon is far from over) and also visit some of my Ford friends. Can't wait to see what a GPW coupe looks like between a LBBP & Imola & black 300ZX, and hopefully sooner than later. First thing I need to do in August once my schedule breaks free is revisit Long Island to pick up the remainder goodies and then down into NJ to pick up my wheels. Would be cool if Jhae and maybe Mitch were in town that weekend too. Will be in touch...........meantime, it's resting and waiting to go (sorry for the dirty rear bumper - needs a wash).

A little birdie told me that the '92 GPW 19.9k mile coupe time machine and former NSXPO concours winner has moved onto its next (and final?) owner.

Wonder when or if the Prime member will fess up and share. :)

Still waiting for the buyer to appear! (hint hint if you're reading this)

I can't say it was any skin off my back to help link up a happy buyer with a happy seller and try to create another happy new GPW coupe owner, but it was REALLY nice for the seller to mail me a surprise today. I thought the package outside my door today was the smoke detectors I had just ordered from Amazon on Sunday so I left it on my kitchen ounter all evening and just opened it to find:


complete with a few crush washers. How cool!

I'm posting something in the "Pay it Forward" thread just to keep things going... Supporting/donating members of Prime, go take a look. Warning: it's not one of these tallboy filters. Don't want to disappoint. I plan to use one of these next week and the other will be a paperweight until it gets used. :)
One more digit left in the contest. Someone take it soon!

Freespace, congrats! I know the joy you speak of. Honeymoon is far from over for me even after a few months. In fact today marks the 3 month anniversary, lol (May 11 pickup).

Check out this new owner post, particularly the video. Love this guy's posting style and appreciation of the simpler things in life. The music and visuals in the video really convey the feeling of finding the right one and the first drive-away. Check it out!!
myw - thanks! Really enjoying it, so happy with the car. Am enjoying your posts in various threads. Hope to enjoy reading about your NSX purchase someday. :)

Did a quick trip last weekend to pick up a few new round goods in NJ and then to Long Island for the remaining parts that came with the NSX.

First a stop by PhillyNSX97's to pick up the first set of sandbags for the car - thanks again Bruce for all the help!!


Then to Jan's compound on Long Island. Goood stuff behind that door.


The man has good taste, even when the team is struggling this season...


I got to be reminded of the great wall art in that garage. I'll never forget the feeling I had the first time I saw the NSX in that garage, ever!



Then time to redistribute the cargo.


Crazy #1 - yes that's 8 phat phives.

Crazy #2 - I have 8 more at home; 4 on the NSX and 4 more in the basement


Gave Jan some mother's milk from the hometown. I think this was the first thing he parked in his new fridge that was delivered that day. An appropriate christening.


Stopped by DreamPowered's house on the way home and met his really cute kid and super shiny NSX - shiniest silver NSX I'd ever seen!


Then time to go. I have to spend more time in NYC next time. Wanted to stop by The Kid's but just couldn't fit it all in.


Then unpacked the car way too late Sunday morning and home to fall into bed.


I own 20 NSX OEM wheels. I really didn't plan it, it just happened...

Thanks Bruce and Jan again.
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you should powdercoat some of those fat 5's some wild ass bright colors to cruise when you want to look racy .....more street cred.
Hahaha "it just happened"

I wish stuff like that would "just happen" to me!

Are you planning to put the type r rims on the car?
Congrats buddy! Hope you're not too sad about having to store your baby away for the winter. Thanks for keeping me posted with the emails and texts. I can't wait to see you and your car in person. Hopefully at a future NSXPO, if not before. :smile:
Doc, I'm thinking Steelers yellow wheels and I'll have Away game colors vs your NSX's Home game jersey colors. :)

Vivan, most indeedy...stay tuned. Have to admit I really like good-looking retro 15/16's in a car as small as an NSX...I like seeing some rubber, and I love the feathery lightness...they practically pick themselves up.

PHX, thanks man! I plan to lay the groundwork now to be freed up for Oct 2014, especially with the chance it might be the Buckeye state. As for winter storage blues, I'm finding that owning an NSX in Pittsburgh is kind of like having the world's most most awesome fishbowl to smile & stare at for 4 wintery months.... BTW great to see you here again lately 'round these parts!
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I own 20 NSX OEM wheels. I really didn't plan it, it just happened...

That's what happens when you leave them home unsupervised . . . .

Nice story. Luv white. If I had to do it all over again, I'd start a quest for an early white coupe.
Thanks for stopping by and chatting, glad that you made it back home safe with all those wheels surrounding you
Great thread ... Love the details with the pictures to follow the story !! I love your white NSX, it looks like the one my dad purchased brand new though his was a 1992 (I should have bought that car).

What a great find, please post pictures when you put those white wheels on.

Enjoy !!!
I believe you contacted me about a possible sale.... still in love with my '92 GPW. thrilled for you that you finally found the right car in the BEST color. My car is currently sleeping high on my new 2 post lift. also a must have!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!
you got me beat I have 11 fat 5's LOL one set was chrome and one was not in good shape I told him he cold keep it LOL
One year ago today a dream was fulfilled with a 7 hour first solo drive home from the far right side of Long Island. I know this is self-indulgent schlock but even after 1 year, the honeymoon is still so very on. Happy 1 year anniversary to #000628! Got a few minor surprises lined up for you this summer. And happy Mother's Day to boot! I hope all of yinz got to go for a ride today.
Congrats Yinz! Wow, does time fly by !!! Seems like yesterday we were reading with glee about your long search for the perfect NSX - and now a year has gone by! Such a beautiful automobile. Glad you finally found the right one, and are enjoying her. Know that Pittsburgh had a tough winter, so assume you will be making up some driving time with the good weather. Cheers! Jay (born in little old Washington PA with relatives still in Monongahela !)

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