fwiw, we buy our dog's insulin / humulin @ walmart ... MUCH less expensive than vet or costco.
^My Bengal, Talia (7 months old), is always entertaining. 4-13-2014.
^My Siamese, Zion (9 months-old) , is still a little skittish but he's getting better. He hid for 3 full weeks when I brought him home, as a kitten. 4-13-2014.
My old girl, Crystal (almost 16 yrs-old) seems to love the outside and rolling in the sand. I had no idea until I took her with me on a trip. I think she was just thrilled to be away from the two kittens and just with me. 3-14-2014.
you all have some really cool cats, but this cat is my hero!!!
this is one bad mofo
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/Eqz4PYhyI-A" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Mushu's condition started declining rapidly this week. Yesterday we had to make the difficult decision to end Mushu's suffering and he passed peacefully this morning while lying on my chest, purring until the end.
How high maintenance are you guys finding your Bengals? Are they indoor only cats?
So..... not a lap cat . I'll check out the FB group, thanks!