Are there any other dudes out there that love cats?

I was planning on buying relion at Walmart but my vet researched and shot it down. Apparently it can be difficult to regulate a cat with it. On the other hand many cat owners have good luck with it. Might be worth a shot in the future.
gotcha. our vet recommended the humulin / walmart route and so far she's doing very well with it. (fingers crosses :)
Here is some latest pics of the pride. ;-)


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^My Bengal, Talia (7 months old), is always entertaining. 4-13-2014.

^My Siamese, Zion (9 months-old) , is still a little skittish but he's getting better. He hid for 3 full weeks when I brought him home, as a kitten. 4-13-2014.

My old girl, Crystal (almost 16 yrs-old) seems to love the outside and rolling in the sand. I had no idea until I took her with me on a trip. I think she was just thrilled to be away from the two kittens and just with me. 3-14-2014.
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^My Bengal, Talia (7 months old), is always entertaining. 4-13-2014.

^My Siamese, Zion (9 months-old) , is still a little skittish but he's getting better. He hid for 3 full weeks when I brought him home, as a kitten. 4-13-2014.

My old girl, Crystal (almost 16 yrs-old) seems to love the outside and rolling in the sand. I had no idea until I took her with me on a trip. I think she was just thrilled to be away from the two kittens and just with me. 3-14-2014.

good looking cats, patty :)

Another trip to the oncologist.

At the moment, Mushu still seems to be doing fine, but his prognosis is not good. If we were to do nothing, the doctor thinks he would have about a month before we might see his quality of life start to decline rapidly.

Unfortunately, the IV chemo was unsuccessful in slowing the progression of his disease, so our next course of action is to try it in pill form...but only if today's bloodwork suggests his kidneys can take it. We had to start him on sub Q fluids last week...which I've now had lots of practice administering since I've been doing this with Meeko for a few months now.

That said, the pills will more likely slow or stop the progression, not eliminate existing we're basically buying time to maintain his quality of life. Perhaps no more than a year. :(
Bootsie at one year old.:smile:bootsie.jpg-DREW-
This is not my kitten but it's so unusual I want to share. I volunteer at my local Petsmart every Monday night, with the cats up for adoption from Forever Home Cat Rescue. This little brown kitten was there on Monday night. I highly doubt it will be there next Monday night. I've never ever seen an all brown cat before.

you all have some really cool cats, but this cat is my hero!!!

this is one bad mofo:cool:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
you all have some really cool cats, but this cat is my hero!!!

this is one bad mofo:cool:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

That is one awesome cat! The video has been making rounds for good reason!
Mushu's condition started declining rapidly this week. Yesterday we had to make the difficult decision to end Mushu's suffering and he passed peacefully this morning while lying on my chest, purring until the end.





This morning
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Truely sorry to hear about Mushu it makes me so sad to read your post. I hope you your family and your other kitties are doing ok and hoping for brighter days ahead.
Mushu's condition started declining rapidly this week. Yesterday we had to make the difficult decision to end Mushu's suffering and he passed peacefully this morning while lying on my chest, purring until the end.

Aw, I'm sorry, Eric. I know the heartbreak. :frown:

- - - Updated - - -

^5-10-2014. Talia. The Bengal breed loves to roll around on their backs. My Siamese cats haven't been so crazy about doing this.

6-5-2014. Talia.

^6-5-2014. Zion and Talia.

Check out this kitten up for adoption at the Petsmart in Foothill Ranch, CA. I met "Piglet" last night when I did my weekly volunteering there with the adoptable kitties.
I am posting some "Before" photos, of my furry old lady cat, (she's 16 years-old) Crystal. Tomorrow, Monday, (7-14-2014) she's getting a lion cut, while they've got her out for teeth extractions. :biggrin:
I've never had a cat trimmed before but she's got so many mats on her tummy and won't let me tackle them. I wonder how Zion (my 1 year-old Siamese) and Talia (my 10-month old, Bengal) are going to react.

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Latest shot of the boy band.


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Don't declaw

1) Feed high protein meat products if possible
2) Play frequently, hunting games
3) Add Love
4) Go to #1

They're a great bread. Easy care, very loyal and engaging. shed's very little. Vocal if you train them to be. Travels well in car. Drags her leash around for attention. Easy to train on a leash if needed. More like a dog than cat.

PICT5169.jpg Our first Bengal loved the water and would paddle around in the pool.

Our current one is way spoiled..PICT1736.jpg

We're on our all of em.

Best of luck!
How high maintenance are you guys finding your Bengals? Are they indoor only cats?

I don't know if my Talia is odd for the breed, since she's my first Bengal, but she's not all that much different than my other cats. The biggest differences are that she's as fast as lightning (catches toys and birds) and hates to be picked up. She'll be a year old on Sept. 13, 2014 so her personality is still changing. I let her out with my Siamese (he's a few weeks older) but only when I'm watching them. There are coyotes, bobcats and owls that would love to eat a kitten. Talia sheds very little when I brush her. She's more independent than other cats I've had and like to sleep alone.

If you want to get some more ideas of what they're like, I suggest you go on Facebook and put "Bengal Cat Owners and Lovers" in the search box. It's a closed group so you have to ask to join but there's a constant barrage of posts with photos of Bengals. That's where I get the idea that mine might be calmer than other Bengals. She has enjoyed "killing" rugs and dragging them into my closet, but she's never destroyed things like some seem to do. She does like to be as high as she can and will often be on the top of the cat post which is about 7 feet high.
So..... not a lap cat :). I'll check out the FB group, thanks!

^Mine is not a lap cat, yet. Plenty of people are posting their Bengals wrapped around their necks and such but mine isn't like that, yet. She will suck on my nightgown and knead on it, on my lap, though. I don't trim her nails and they are nasty sharp so I don't allow it for long.
You should get soft paws. They are little covers that go on the nails and they naturally drop off in a month or two. No nail cutting necessary as many cats hate that. I don't have a cat anymore but it used to work great.