Apple iPad

My iPad (3G-64GB) came yesterday. Synced up everything and so far I'm very impressed. I'll be taking a bunch of photos this weekend and plan to see how the Camera Connection kit works and how I'll set up a workflow with RAW files.

It's sized so you naturally want to take it with you to places that I'd never consider carrying my MacBook Pro, which is I guess the whole point. It's just that until you actually have and hold one you don't really appreciate that fact.

I'm also having to convert a bunch of AVI movies on my MBP to H.264 so I can move them over to the iPad. I never bothered to convert them on my MBP because I had the Perian add-on for QuickTime so I was able to view AVIs and many other formats in the QuickTime player. The iPad needs H.64 though. I am using Handbrake for the conversion and I simply queued them up and leave them go.

I took about a half hour on the App Store to find iPad-tweaked versions of all the free apps I had on my iPhone. When you first setup the iPad you have the option of installing all the apps you already own for your iPhone with the exception of those that don't run on the iPad.

Of course, there's a number of iPad specific apps I do want to purchase, particularly the iWork apps.

Then I'll start down the path of developing my own iPad app, which was the main purpose for the purchase.

Hadn't seen this posted yet:


Had a meeting with some senior Apple people 2 days ago and showed them the image and asked them to pass it into Steve Jobs :) They had already seen it, and loved the creativity! Not sure if SJ would appreciate it though...
Apple has every right to be in control of their own destiny and I thought Jobs' letter clearly explained why they made this decision.

The other very ironic thing about this whole fervor is that Adobe still has yet to deliver any full implementation of Flash for mobile devices. Previously it was to be that Android, WebOS and BlackBerry versions of Flash 10.1 would be available in the first half of 2010, but Adobe's chief now places delivery to those platforms in the second half of the year.

Hey, maybe 10.1 will be great and maybe there will be no battery life, performance, security, or mouse-over UI issues. And maybe Jobs will look like he made the wrong decision. But based on Adobe's performance to date I'd rather bet on Jobs being correct.

And considering how Adobe has screwed Apple by taking so long to release up-to-date versions of their products, along with the known technical problems Jobs outlined, this is clearly at the feet of Adobe.

Adobe should take the high road and redirect their efforts and build great open standard HTML5/H.264 authoring tools. That is the future and even MSFT has endorsed this. Instead they seem to be petty and vindictive - i.e. banning Apple products to their employees. It seems they're playing a dangerous game by potentially pissing off half of the customer base.

It also appears from former Adobe guys that the problem was brewing for some time...

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Just got my. This is more than I have anticipated. It is a lot more than just a giant iPod touch. Playing my favorite game Field Runners, the graphic is so much better, and the speed is also faster. The quality of the video from digital copy movie transfer is absolutely amazing. I find it hard to see anyone else can top this in the next couple of years. Apple just hit another jock pot with this.
Isn't it funny how when Apple announced the iPad would have iPhone OS, people bitched and complained to no end. They all wanted a full desktop OS. Now HP has ditched their Windows 7 based tablet for a WebOS based tablet, and people are praising how they can't wait for it.
Heh heh...

I wonder if people will dismiss this new WebOS tablet from HP by calling nothing more than a big Palm PiXi but without a phone. :wink:

Slightly off topic, I was going to get either an ipad, itouch or iphone because as I stated before, I really needed something to fiddle with while I was on the pooper besides old Car and Driver issues. :tongue: Well that and I needed some sort of internet device for web surfing and small apps for on the fly around the house. Well coincidentally my work upgraded me to the HTC Droid Incredible and I have to say, it really is quite incredible. It's completely quelled my desire for an ipad, itouch, or iphone and in my opinion quite superior to the iphone as a phone device. I've messed around with the iphone and other droids, which the former did not impress me that much. However, the Incredible seems to be a much better utilization of the droid platform and incredible quick and responsive, which have been my biggest gripe of iphone wannabes. Dare I say it's actually more responsive than the iphone? Well that's not to say that I still won't be getting the ipad. There's still no replacement for displacement (i.e. bigger screen), but just wanted to let you know that I think the droid platform is really on to something and is definitely going to give Apple a run for its money.

But still no flash however.... :tongue:
Dare I say it's actually more responsive than the iphone? Well that's not to say that I still won't be getting the ipad. There's still no replacement for displacement (i.e. bigger screen), but just wanted to let you know that I think the droid platform is really on to something and is definitely going to give Apple a run for its money.

But still no flash however.... :tongue:

It's no surprise it's more responsive, the processor is quite a bit faster. The new iPhone will close that gap. But I love the Android OS myself though I think the iPhone is easier to use, a bit more intuitive, but it's kinda dumbed up. Android is nice and open, I can't wait to get one. I'm a big user of Google Voice and the integration looks awesome.
Isn't it funny how when Apple announced the iPad would have iPhone OS, people bitched and complained to no end. They all wanted a full desktop OS. Now HP has ditched their Windows 7 based tablet for a WebOS based tablet, and people are praising how they can't wait for it.

Most likely the HP tablet was not fast enough to run a full OS, so running something like WebOS makes sense. Just like the iPad would SUCK ROYALLY if it was running OSX.
Most likely the HP tablet was not fast enough to run a full OS, so running something like WebOS makes sense. Just like the iPad would SUCK ROYALLY if it was running OSX.

Yes, a full OS on the iPad would most likely suck, but that's not what I'm bringing up here. There were a lot of people complaining about the lack of a full OS on the iPad.

Now that we know HP is coming out with a tablet based on WebOS, where are those same people that complained about the iPad? Were they just whining, complaining, hating on the iPad only because it was an Apple product? I haven't heard/read anything about people complaining the HP tablet having a mobile OS instead of Win7.

Android Mobile running Flash. VERY NICE. I think if google made an Android Tablet -- which sounds like they are, that is what I will get.

OK all you flash haters, let's hear your complaints on this one.

Flash as a video container is rapidly going away. Adobe has even said they will be making HTML5 tools.
Flash as a video container is rapidly going away. Adobe has even said they will be making HTML5 tools.

Once again you miss the point. Who cares about flash as a video player. Flash is much more than a video player as demonstrated in that video.. if you even watched it. If all videos were played by something other than flash, it doesn't matter to me.
Once again you miss the point. Who cares about flash as a video player. Flash is much more than a video player as demonstrated in that video.. if you even watched it. If all videos were played by something other than flash, it doesn't matter to me.

Yes, there is more to Flash than just video, but it does matter to people, specially if they are thinking of purchasing an iDevice. People want to be able to view videos on Youtube, Hulu, Netflix, etc. Now it doesn't matter because all those sites are converting to HTML5 and/or have native apps on the App Store.

As for games, yeah you won't be able to play Flash games, but so what, there are plenty of free games on the App Store, many that are way better than any Flash based games.
Yes, there is more to Flash than just video, but it does matter to people, specially if they are thinking of purchasing an iDevice. People want to be able to view videos on Youtube, Hulu, Netflix, etc. Now it doesn't matter because all those sites are converting to HTML5 and/or have native apps on the App Store.

As for games, yeah you won't be able to play Flash games, but so what, there are plenty of free games on the App Store, many that are way better than any Flash based games.

You have an answer for everything. We'll see. I am still not convinced you even know what exactly HTML5 is.
Will this version of Flash run on any Android phone?

I don't think so. Any phone that is upgradeable to OS 2.2 I think. I am not an android expert, but I think any recent android phone should be powerful enough for it.

I am more interested in the Google Tablet and Flash on the Blackberry.