anyone know this car on craigslist? JH4NA1158NT001209

Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

Did you ever get a VIN for this car? Care to post it?
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

VIN: JH4NA1158NT001209
I bailed on deal...............
Still looking.............
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

I know this car, and the owner by acquaintance. The maintenance records are pretty legitimate.
The reason it still has GA tags in the pictures is because he's owned the car for maybe 2 weeks ( not 6 months as stated ) and he's trying to flip it. Doesn't know a whole lot about these vehicles.
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Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

Front tire sizes are way too big. Note how the car's front nose is in the air? Also the front lip is missing.
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

I know this car, and the owner by acquaintance. The maintenance records are pretty legitimate.
The reason it still has GA tags in the pictures is because he's owned the car for maybe 2 weeks ( not 6 months as stated ) and he's trying to flip it. Doesn't know a whole lot about these vehicles.

Flipping exotic cars is not all that easy unless you got a really, really, really smoking deal on the car in the first place. Usually to bring them back into condition that will command average to above-average price you have to put some decent money into them and it makes the whole thing a wash or you get upside in them......unless you have the ability to sit on the car for a few years. However, exotics rarely make for a good quick flip.

It isn't like going out and buying a '66 Mustang for $5000, putting $7K into it and having a $16-17K driver to sell.
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

Curiously, this seller "owned" up to 10 vehicles was just 20 years old. This particular nsx has an "open title".

Something doesn't pass the sniff test. Google "curbstoning".
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

more to the story.................
great educational experience.........
Barney deserves an NSX....we all ought to chip in and buy him one....
I'll post details on "story" later.
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

Flipping exotic cars is not all that easy unless you got a really, really, really smoking deal on the car in the first place. Usually to bring them back into condition that will command average to above-average price you have to put some decent money into them and it makes the whole thing a wash or you get upside in them......unless you have the ability to sit on the car for a few years. However, exotics rarely make for a good quick flip.

It isn't like going out and buying a '66 Mustang for $5000, putting $7K into it and having a $16-17K driver to sell.

He did get a really, really, really smoking deal if you catch my drift. :wink:
A mutual buddy had him call me because I used to own one and knew a few things reliability-wise about the car. He really should have researched before buying. He's probably going to learn the hard way that the prospective NSX purchaser isn't necessarily the prospective Evo or STi purchaser
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

He did get a really, really, really smoking deal if you catch my drift. :wink:
A mutual buddy had him call me because I used to own one and knew a few things reliability-wise about the car. He really should have researched before buying. He's probably going to learn the hard way that the prospective NSX purchaser isn't necessarily the prospective Evo or STi purchaser

For those of us in the community who don't "catch your drift", how about actually advising everyone of what you know to protect future potential buyers.
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

A smoking deal meaning he bought it for a great price?...:confused:

No protection warranted. Smoking deal does not equal danger for potential buyers except for their wallets when they realize how much the person they're buying it from bought it for, which is of no concern anyway.
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

A smoking deal meaning he bought it for a great price?...:confused:

No protection warranted. Smoking deal does not equal danger for potential buyers except for their wallets when they realize how much the person they're buying it from bought it for, which is of no concern anyway.

That makes no sense.

You wrote the words "He did get a really, really, really smoking deal if you catch my drift" and then added a "wink" (:wink:). That implies that something was wrong with the car when the seller bought it and we are supposed to get the implication from your words, presumably "smoking", when you add the wink.

You also wrote "He really should have researched before buying" implying that there was something that he should have known about it before the seller bought it. What would that be?

Now you wrote "Smoking deal does not equal danger for potential buyers except for their wallets when they realize how much the person they're buying it from bought it for, which is of no concern anyway." What are you implying by this? If you know how much the seller bought it for then why not share the info? This seller appears to be a curbstoner so no need to "protect" him by keeping the price a secret rather than letting the Prime community know it for background info, if you catch my drift. :wink:
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

"smoking deal" needs some work..............and has been evaluated by BARNEY and has an open title..............
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

That makes no sense.

You wrote the words "He did get a really, really, really smoking deal if you catch my drift" and then added a "wink" (:wink:). That implies that something was wrong with the car when the seller bought it and we are supposed to get the implication from your words, presumably "smoking", when you add the wink.

You also wrote "He really should have researched before buying" implying that there was something that he should have known about it before the seller bought it. What would that be?

Now you wrote "Smoking deal does not equal danger for potential buyers except for their wallets when they realize how much the person they're buying it from bought it for, which is of no concern anyway." What are you implying by this? If you know how much the seller bought it for then why not share the info? This seller appears to be a curbstoner so no need to "protect" him by keeping the price a secret rather than letting the Prime community know it for background info, if you catch my drift. :wink:

oh good grief :rolleyes:

He bought the car for cheap is all that meant. Don't get so bent out of shape.

I don't know anything about the car other than what the OP already knows, which is a TB/WP and clutch service, which the owner relayed to me over the phone ( he has no real idea of the cost or importance of these maintenance items is where the "research" comment came from).
What's more is it seems like the OP has already figured out some issues with the car, which were unknown to me as well, so I suppose the problem has been resolved and he's on his way to finding a much better example of an NSX.

I don't even know why I'm explaining this. I have no connection with the car nor implied that I did. :rolleyes: I just knew the price and assumptions were made.
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Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

"I don't even know why I'm explaining this."

I had a hard time understanding your posts, too. Thanks for explaining it in your latest.
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

Sorry. I guess it was a bit vague.

I know just about as much as the OP does about the car. The kid called me via a mutual friend asking some info about important NSX related items, which is why I told him to get on here and start researching.

If there's issues with the car, he probably doesn't even know himself, which is why a good check by Barnman was in order.
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

Sounds to me like this "smokin" deal wasn't such a smokin deal. Just like I said at first - watch out for Craig's list cars!!!!! I have seen more crap off of Craig's list to tell me that no self respecting person should even use it. Glad Barne came thru for you - he sure came thru for me. We're all lucky to have Barney in Nashville. Glad you moved on BAG.
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

If I had to guess....he's jumped ship on this car in Nashville and has found another one in another town that he wants to get inspected. Just a guess....but he's on top of his game and knows what he wants.

Barney Demonbreun
Ashland Motorsports
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

Hey guys- this is my first post on prime. Cool site.

After wanting an NSX for several years and seeing that the owner of the car being discussed in this thread was willing to trade, I contacted him about swapping my E46 M3 and some cash for his car. He was interested so we met up last week.

I was a little startled by the age of the owner- half expected someone in his 30s or at least late 20s. He says he owns/manages rental houses and that he took the car in to cover a $25k shortfall on a lease to own house. Normally I wouldn't believe such tales, but he seemed well put together and mature for his age. He has a young child and was looking for a better family car for himself. He told me his wife has a G35, so that is probably the one a previous poster saw the ad for.

The car seemed to run great. It was dirty, so I had a hard time telling dirt specks from rock chips and scrapes. The front valance was pretty scratched up (as his ad said), there was a repaired scratch on the passenger door and the right mirror had a good size chip out of it. The interior was in pretty good shape, but the mats were rough and the driver's seat was pretty beat up (although no tears or rips). The Volks looked good, but were from an RX-7 so they didn't fit good in the front. I never heard any rubbing, but if you lowered it the fender would sit right on top of the wheel. Overall I would say the car was a solid 7 both inside and out (a little less than the "9" the ad claims). The A/C made a wierd noise which he claimed was normal, but made me a little cautious. The ad lead me to believe he had all the records, but when I met up with him he told me the PO had not sent them yet.

He took the car for inspection the next night (BAG- this must have been the one you put together) which apparently went well, but by that time I had decided to pass on the car since he hadn't owned it very long and I usually like to buy my cars from long-term enthusiast owners. He also was very adamant about how little my car was worth and how much his was worth, and I would rather keep my M3 and have cash in the bank than take a gamble on a car with unknown origin.

Just figured I would throw my $0.02 in since I drove the car. I'd definitely like to have an NSX one day, but think I'll save up and get a newer NSX-T instead.
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

Apparently the car is now sold from what my buddy tells me. The former owner has a Supra TT now. Great family car right? Kinda makes me mad :mad: Like the car was treated badly.

Did anyone on this forum purchase the car? What was the story behind it?
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

I didn't buy................
but I'm off to look at a couple tomorrow........
the adventure continues........
PS He threw a clutch prior to sale to me.............or allegedly. who knows.
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

i just joined the website

and i'm glad i did

saw this car on autotrader, and was intrigued, joined up here, then did a search and found this very helpful and informative thread just by searching the VIN

by this alone, i can tell this a really great website, thanks NSXPrime
definitely gonna be coming back for more info
Re: anyone know this car on craigslist?

So this car's been sold twice in a matter of months. Wow.