Anyone have a 2002+ NSX for sale?

Hey man, not much... still need to fix the AC for my Accord but no need until spring. Building a new home for my NSX!

LoL sorry if i haven't got back to you about that, but if anything if you want... i can set something up before spring (its our slow time)

meanwhile im waiting for my NSX to come home ;)
Haha, I would have been totally all over this last Sept. I even messaged you on FB over this.

Oh well.

Buy a GTR!
I remember when it first popped up and you traded in your red NA1 for it. I wanted it soo bad at the time
Well thanks! When I think about all the work I did to the interior and windows and door lining and all that other stuff it makes me cringe! All that work and now to sell it? :( I dunno, we will see.

If you made an official for sale thread on it I can most likely guarantee your car will be heading south to a new owner especially at $54k.... Hopefully it stays in Canada though :)
Make it happen Cam, you know this is your only chance. I'll buy it from you in a few years when you're done :)

BTW...$54K is what the car should be sold for, that's a very real price, not like the jokers I dealt with when I was in the market. People sometimes don't realize the NSX has competitors in the open market.
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