anyone had their car messed with?

22 February 2006
Ok, So here's what happend. No one touched my nsx but after last night I doubt I'll take it out much. Yesterday we went to dinner in our 02 escalade. I went out side to use the phone and saw someone bobbing up and down on the driver's side door. So I used my cell to call the police. As Im on the phone talking to the dispatcher my car alarm goes off and I tell the dispatcher Im going over to my car and she informed me to sit put and don't approch the theif. The car was in a position that I couldn't clearly see what was going on. 20 min later the police pull up and drives to my cadi. The theif had already left but I didn't see how he could have disapeared because I never took my eye's off the car. He busted out my drivers window, took apart my dash, tried to pull the stereo ($1,400 pioneer navi double din), but I guess he couldn't get it out because I had bored out the screws that held the stereo in place (turned them into rivits). So were guessing he decided to try to take the car because the ignition was ripped inside and my key wouldn't work. Now Im thinking how to protect this from happening to my nsx. I guess the best deterant I know of is the quick release steering wheel. But then if someone see's you walking with a wheel their going to know you drive the nsx. Has anyone had their nsx broken into? Do you think back on what you could have done to prevent it from happening?
To the MF that busted my window your going to get cought one day and I hope someone in prison makes you their bitch monkey slave. really. All theives must die!!!
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I like to use a flame thrower in these situations. It can be really hard on the paint if the theif is close to your vehicle, but it does disable the theif pretty quickly from a safe distance.

Anyways, sorry about your car. Too bad there are people who steal from others.
Honestly speaking, NSX's are on the low theift list. While there are some exceptions, your Cadi definitely has more of a underground market for theives to steal the stuff and sell them then a NSX. Never had my car messed with yet, but then again the term goes "never say never".
About 2 years ago I had a shoplifter at circuit city try to get into my M3 as he was being chased by police, the car was locked, but the police wanted to know if the shoplifter was a friend of mine, etc.

as far as my nsx... I haven't had anyone try to steal it, but it has been egged three times by the neighborhood kids - the last two times police reports were filed, and after the third time I installed cameras all around my house... I hope they come again, so I can sue their parents over the damage to my car (3 panels have egg burns, hard to see unless you're looking for them, which I am)
scorp965 said:
About 2 years ago I had a shoplifter at circuit city try to get into my M3 as he was being chased by police, the car was locked, but the police wanted to know if the shoplifter was a friend of mine, etc.

as far as my nsx... I haven't had anyone try to steal it, but it has been egged three times by the neighborhood kids - the last two times police reports were filed, and after the third time I installed cameras all around my house... I hope they come again, so I can sue their parents over the damage to my car (3 panels have egg burns, hard to see unless you're looking for them, which I am)

I also put up camera's around the house, not because my car was broken into at the house but because my neighbor has 5 kids that like to throw rocks at a wall for some reason. I have 3 kids of my own so I do it more to protect them. Most of my cars are parked in the garage and back yard. Do you know the kids responsible?
yellow-scorpion said:
I also put up camera's around the house, not because my car was broken into at the house but because my neighbor has 5 kids that like to throw rocks at a wall for some reason. I have 3 kids of my own so I do it more to protect them. Most of my cars are parked in the garage and back yard. Do you know the kids responsible?

I live on a long street, and know most of my immediate neighbors, I find it hard to believe any of them are responsible, but there are two houses at the opposite end of the street, one of which is a rental property, with several children - them I don't know, but it could really be any of them, or perhaps someone from a different street. What makes me feel it's on my street is the last occurance, where several cars were egged on my street, with perhaps 2 or 3 eggs, and my nsx had about 2 cartons thrown at it - all of the packages were left on my street, and no other streets had egged cars on them. If you're a young delinquent with a crapload of eggs in hand I doubt you're going to walk several blocks with them under your arm prior to throwing them...

this said the police haven't been helpful at all, the first cop at least pretended to be interested in my story, and was nice about the situation - the second time a different cop arrived, and was an asshole the entire time, asking me 3 times if I wanted him to file a police report, telling me they wouldn't do any investigation, not even talking to any of my neighbor's - at the end of the interview (perhaps 30 seconds) I told him several other cars were egged, and I suggested he should knock on the houses of those owners and let them know, so they could wash their cars. He was very rude, got in his car, and told me to do it. He's probably the same jerkoff that gave me a parking ticket in front of my own house about 8 months ago :mad:
Someone tried to steal my other NSX when I was living in the UK. Real pain. Had to get new air bags installed, etc.:mad:
I think the escalade is a much more wanted car than the NSX. He would never get rid of NSX parts and probably be busted by the detectives in this forum. You are a target with the escalade. Do you have aftermarket wheels? I commend you on your calm, I would not have "sit put".

Anyway, I'd be more careful when parking at strip clubs... :biggrin:
I would have hit the PANIC button on the remote as soon as I saw him. If not I would have probably just laid back because you never know if they are armed or not. A car is not worth your life they are replaceable and covered by insurance.
The only place I drive my car and leave it unattended is at work, and I have not had problems..yet. I do leave the cover on it to help detract from looky lous.
Other than that I like to go on long drives and turn around and go back home to the safety of my garage.
Thats the other problem I had with the police. Neither of the two cops wanted to fingerprint anything. With the stereo being double din you know the theif had to have put his thumb on the screen to pull. I looked closer at the stereo just now and cleaned the glass and noticed that he didn't even try to unbolt it. He tried to break the cheap plastic that held the mounting points (the part I screwed and then drilled the top of the screw clean). So I think this time after it all gets repaired, Im going to attach razor blades behind the dash and around the inside stereo. I do have 22" rims but their nothing special.
Here's what kind of upset me about the cops. Two of them showed up 20 min after the crime took place. After looking at them, they both had the "oh well what are you going to do?" attitude. One was tall and skinny and the other was shorter than me (Im 5'7). and both were older than my dad I think. I respect the job that they do and it must be hard to see this kind of stuff every day, but my god do something!!
I think if they did end up stealing an nsx that it wouldn't be to part out but to have a joy ride then destroy it.:mad:
It's a good thing you stayed put and nobody got hurt.

As far as the police, there isn't much they can really do once the would be theif got away. You know how it goes, too much paperwork to deal w/ for a car that didn't get stolen. I'm not saying I agree with the way it was handled, but its just the way it is.
I dont drive mine to places where Im not going to see it or were I'll be away from it for too long. At work, i sits right out side my office and at home she stays in my garage. Maybe ill take it out to dinner but I keep an eye on it and I dont live in a high crime community (although my brothers Type R was stolen out of my driveway but I think it was scouted out):frown:
Sad to hear and good to see no one was harmed.

I had a similar experience, but did not call the police due to the incident being in a fairly remote area. A long story short; at that moment the situation as it was progressing seemed to place odds in my favor so I called upon instantaneous "insurance on-demand" by SIG :wink:

Damage incurred: broken passenger window.
Seeing the thief/vandal run from the unexpected...priceless

*Above is definitely not the recommended course of action for everyone or every situation! :biggrin:
MashimaroNSX said:
Honestly speaking, NSX's are on the low theift list. While there are some exceptions, your Cadi definitely has more of a underground market for theives to steal the stuff and sell them then a NSX. Never had my car messed with yet, but then again the term goes "never say never".

While I do agree that it seems very odd for a theft of the NSX, due to the low # produced, which I would think deter selling of parts (easily identified and hence, caught). However, my first NSX was stolen. :mad: So I too agree with "never say never." My BMW 325iconv. was broken into 3 x's and I also have had two occasions where my woofers and my stereo system were either attempted or stolen from my Mustang 5.0.

Also, aside from theft, there are some people out there that have no respect for others' possessions, out of jealousy or whatnot (who knows what is going on in their mind), who find pure pleasure in taking a key and marking your girl all over (this too, happened to me). Again, I was living in Miami. However, I just never close my eyes too long, when it comes to my girl. :cool:
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Once someone lean on my car during a sportscar gathering and I told him off. Then there was a guy who pushed the rear of my car down repeatedly (maybe trying to check my suspension), yelled at him and he ran off. The last one was my own dad who pulled up my front bumper after I took it home from the body repair shop and now the bumper is cracking. This January I'm getting the 02 bumper and if he's complaining I just remind him of what he did. :smile: Bottom line is mess with my car you mess with me. I don't let go of people easily.
Acura NsX Pilot said:
I would have hit the PANIC button on the remote as soon as I saw him. If not I would have probably just laid back because you never know if they are armed or not. A car is not worth your life they are replaceable and covered by insurance.

Amen, second that!
Wow, you've had a lot of bad luck. You need someone to just give you a Saleen S7 to offset the bad things.

I can't stand people who'd mess with someones car. The only thing thats happened to me was someone bent my license plate up on my Celica GTS cause I refused to put a front plate on my car. They even left me a note saying why they did it. Later on they keyed the car :mad: (which i buffed out)

MiamiMermaid said:
While I do agree that it seems very odd for a theft of the NSX, due to the low # produced, which I would think deter selling of parts (easily identified and hence, caught). However, my first NSX was stolen. :mad: So I too agree with "never say never." My BMW 325iconv. was broken into 3 x's and I also have had two occasions where my woofers and my stereo system were either attempted or stolen from my Mustang 5.0.

Also, aside from theft, there are some people out there that have no respect for others' possessions, out of jealousy or whatnot (who knows what is going on in their mind), who find pure pleasure in taking a key and marking your girl all over (this too, happened to me). Again, I was living in Miami. However, I just never close my eyes too long, when it comes to my girl. :cool: