Anticipated Performance / Modability

Seems like everyone is focused on the 0 to 60 capability as the benchmark of performance, but to me that is not nearly as important as overall performance and comfort as a package. What about 0-100-0 times, or VIR (pick your favorite track) lap times if you want to focus on just performance? Isn't that what makes the current Gen 1 car so desirable, i.e. the total package? Honda needs to lead the pack with performance+comfort+reliability=value to have a true winner on their hands.
Honda did benchmark against McLaren, to what extent is unknown at this point. Either way, I'm looking forward to 2.0.


***I did not take this picture***
I find it mildly ironic that the 3 canucks (me included) wouldn't actually mind a balanced car in the just over a hundred range that LOOKS like this new NSX without necessarily shooting for the moon.. Modesty becomes us ;)
I haven't seen so much 0-60 talk on a forum in years.

Isn't that just what you have to do to get up to speed for your 60-130 or 100-200kph pass?

Along with the mile, this is where guys spend millions on beating each other.
I don't want a balanced NSX . . . nor a stylish NSX . . . nor a comfortable NSX . . . nor a reliable NSX . . . nor a fast NSX. Rather, I want a balanced, stylish, comfortable, reliable, stupid fast NSX. These are not mutually exclusive objectives. Therefore, to all those exalting style, comfort, balance and reliability, I concur 100%. However, I also want a stupid fast car.

Why do I emphasize 0-60 times? Because I spend the vast majority of my driving time between 0 and 60 mph. Moreover, I am constantly launching my car from a stop (usually not a hard launch, but a launch all the same). Thus, launching and 0-60 acceleration/driving are important to me. I also want a car with strong freeway passing power . . . 60-80 mph. These are the realities of my daily driving experience.

For many, many years, 1/4 miles times and traps were the focal performance spec, and 0-60 times were not considered. I never have the opportunity to launch my car and accelerate a full 1/4 mile. Therefore, 1/4 times and traps, while interesting, are far less important to me.

More recently, people have started focusing on 60-130 and one mile pulls. Again, these are interesting performance specs, but completely irrelevant to my daily driving.

I will rarely, if ever, track my car. Therefore, track performance is also far less important to me.

My performance objectives are directly related to the realities of my daily driving. I want my car to excel in ways that I can and will exploit. More often than not, that is launching and 0-60 acceleration/driving.
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I find it mildly ironic that the 3 canucks (me included) wouldn't actually mind a balanced car in the just over a hundred range that LOOKS like this new NSX without necessarily shooting for the moon.. Modesty becomes us ;)

I think there is some clarification needed here because I believe many would say the same. I personally would not mind if Honda had followed the model that has been set forth by Porsche with the 911 - namely a broad range of pricing and performance within one platform. If Honda wanted to offer an $85,000 car without the turbos and hybrid and AWD drive but with 400 HP then I would be perfectly content with it getting to 60 in the high 3s. But at $155K+ that level of performance is not acceptable.

From reading other's comments here on Prime, it seems that many would like to see a broader range of pricing and performance but , for now at least, Honda seems to believe that it must earn its street cred with performance that rivals Ferrari.

Who knows, they might be on to something.

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I don't want a balanced NSX . . . nor a stylish NSX . . . nor a comfortable NSX . . . nor a reliable NSX . . . nor a fast NSX. Rather, I want a balanced, stylish, comfortable, reliable, stupid fast NSX. These are not mutually exclusive objectives. Therefore, to all those exalting style, comfort, balance and reliability, I concur 100%. However, I also want a stupid fast car.

Right on the money here, especially for 155 large.
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I personally would not mind if Honda had followed the model that has been set forth by Porsche with the 911 - namely a broad range of pricing and performance within one platform. If Honda wanted to offer an $85,000 car without the turbos and hybrid and AWD drive but with 400 HP then I would be perfectly content with it getting to 60 in the high 3s.

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bingo... that would be my trade in in a heartbeat... I covet no more than that target :)
I find it mildly ironic that the 3 canucks (me included) wouldn't actually mind a balanced car in the just over a hundred range that LOOKS like this new NSX without necessarily shooting for the moon.. Modesty becomes us ;)

Considering that 1 USD is equivalent to 1.25 CAD these days. The new NSX that is projected to cost 155KUSD will it be closer to 193K CAD before your federal and provincial taxes are taken into account?
yep -so on Canadian dollars this new iteration is just a tad rich..... if their was a variant in the low 6 figure Canadian market that sacrificed some of that HALO tech, then it would be a reasonable uplift... cross shopping to the next level of mid engine sports cars from a current NSX who now make a fair bit more money, but are not rich by any standards, would put us in 911/base R8 territory (134K for the R8 base CDN) and that MIGHT be doable with a sizeable DP... that extra 60-70k kills the deal for buyers like me (+ the 30 K in sales tax ugh) . there is no middle step that is in the Honda family and I love my Honda dearly.... (yea it is an Acura) but have no place to move forward to other than another brand.. :( Consider the full gizmodo NSX targeting the 911 TT , what takes on a base 911-2s? that would be a reasonable target for someone of my means but not much more :( ah well - have to wait it out again for the off lease market :)
The info I have on the new NSX in Canada is an MSRP of about $189 K CDN
Here in BC with federal and provincial taxes the base car would be over $225 K CDN on the road.
Options which are not known at this time would add to that.

The competitors cars are also moving up in CDN dollars so the relative price of the NSX to Porsche Audi etc. hasn't really changed but the absolute price is much higher than any of us here expected.
The rumour is there'll be 50 NSX's available in Canada for the first year and I'd expect they'll sell due to scarcity and exclusivity.
Beyond that, once first year exclusivity is gone globally, it's anyone's guess what sales will be in Canada.

I think it will come down to Honda matching supply to demand and if they keep supply tight with a wait list prices should hold but sales volumes may drop.
If Honda oversupplies then new and resale price levels could get soft.
In any event our weak dollar is adding some risk to buying the new NSX here.
My opinion only.....Acura/Honda is dreaming with their NSX pricing.....
If the NSX is MSRP $155k (USA) ..... then the new McLaren 540C will be a direct competitor very, very soon.:eek:
If the NSX is MSRP $155k (USA) ..... then the new McLaren 540C will be a direct competitor very, very soon.:eek:

I don't see the competition being the problem is Acura/Honda's price of the car period. $100K will sell, $150 - 175 or whatever will grow hair.
They will sell some initially & end up giving the rest away. History will repeat itself.
I don't see the competition being the problem is Acura/Honda's price of the car period. $100K will sell, $150 - 175 or whatever will grow hair.
They will sell some initially & end up giving the rest away. History will repeat itself.

Not if they limit production and keep the volume low. It'll probably sell 600-800 units a year on average worldwide.
I don't see the competition being the problem is Acura/Honda's price of the car period. $100K will sell, $150 - 175 or whatever will grow hair. They will sell some initially & end up giving the rest away. History will repeat itself.

why do you reckon that? because Acura doesn't have enough pedigree to sell a car in that price range, or because it will cost $100,000+ over the price of their next most expensive mode? or because they don't even sell another 2 door model? or maybe all three, along with a few other factors?

i personally have no interest in buying one anyways, for a variety of reasons. but honestly, i'm already really bored of the car and it's not even out yet...
why do you reckon that? because Acura doesn't have enough pedigree to sell a car in that price range, or because it will cost $100,000+ over the price of their next most expensive mode? or because they don't even sell another 2 door model? or maybe all three, along with a few other factors?

i personally have no interest in buying one anyways, for a variety of reasons. but honestly, i'm already really bored of the car and it's not even out yet...

So why are you even on this forum? This is for the 2nd gen NSX. If you don't like it, go away.
So why are you even on this forum? This is for the 2nd gen NSX. If you don't like it, go away.

because, like over 200 other sovereign nations in the world, i have the freedom to express my opinions. which i am doing, about the new NSX, on this new NSX thread in this NSX forum.

and i'll just leave it at that without resorting to any use of vulgar profanity in regards to your unwarranted and unnecessary rudeness. which i may add is quite unusual for a Canadian, especially from British Columbia. have a nice day... :cool:
because, like over 200 other sovereign nations in the world, i have the freedom to express my opinions. which i am doing, about the new NSX, on this new NSX thread in this NSX forum.

and i'll just leave it at that without resorting to any use of vulgar profanity in regards to your unwarranted and unnecessary rudeness. which i may add is quite unusual for a Canadian, especially from British Columbia. have a nice day... :cool:

Just like I have the "freedom" to sign up to all the car forums on cars I care nothing about, and state my opinion. However, I don't because I have the decency to know that I would not be contributing anything useful to discussions of said vehicles. If you expect courtesy from me, then I would expect the same from you. Since you have no interest in this vehicle and are not providing anything useful to this discussion, again I ask, why are you here?
maybe you haven't noticed, but this car forum is about both the original and the upcoming NSX. until very recently it was about only the older NSX, of which i have previously and currently still own.

secondly, if you had bothered to read the entire post, you may have also noticed i was replying to a post from Hothonda with several questions about his query on the new NSX.

all that being said, i don't expect anything from you, except to mind your own business and not try to pick ridiculous fights if you don't have the decency (as you say) to even bother researching what you're talking about before you jump in, since your argument is completely crap. this is a forum to discuss things, in this case the new NSX. if you don't like the discussion, you leave...
maybe you haven't noticed, but this car forum is about both the original and the upcoming NSX. until very recently it was about only the older NSX, of which i have previously and currently still own.

secondly, if you had bothered to read the entire post, you may have also noticed i was replying to a post from Hothonda with several questions about his query on the new NSX.

all that being said, i don't expect anything from you, except to mind your own business and not try to pick ridiculous fights if you don't have the decency (as you say) to even bother researching what you're talking about before you jump in, since your argument is completely crap. this is a forum to discuss things, in this case the new NSX. if you don't like the discussion, you leave...

i personally have no interest in buying one anyways, for a variety of reasons. but honestly, i'm already really bored of the car and it's not even out yet...

And this section is about the second generation NSX. There is a section dedicated to the 1st gen NSX, so why not spend time there since you stated that you have no interest in the 2nd gen. And that quote above sure provided a lot to the discussion, didn't it. Yeah, I really can't wait to hear what other astute insights you have on the car.
In 1994 after a recommendation from a friend in Portland, OR who just purchased a low mile 1992 used, I went for a test drive in a new 1994. Dealer had 4 sitting out in front (not roped off
like some). Wow I was impressed, but the MSRP price was up there. Never owned an Acura.

Salesman said "don't worry we have screaming deals on these". It was a great deal and ended up buying that day. As time went on I traded & repurchased because I knew how good the cars
were + the deals got even better & developed a solid relationship w/the dealer. Later on we bought new MDX's every other year because they were good vehicles for us also.

If the price hadn't been right initially I would have have never purchased regardless of how wonderful the NSX was. in those days & today price matters. Subjective of course, but
my track record w/Acura speaks for itself.

This ↓↓↓ was 1994 & lots of other choices in that price range in those days.....BTW, my friend still has his '92 , but no way would he spend that
kind of money on the new one (a guy who just bought a '55 Chev all done up for $70K + many others in his garage)

If it was called a Fiat 458 or a Volkswagen Aventador, I'm sure that these cars wouldn't sell as good as it is now. When you are spending $150+, you'd want a brand that sets you apart from a $30k sedan. Much of these supercars is 90% bragging rights, 10% performance.
all excellent points, a $150,000 to $175,000 base price is a lot of money for a non-Supercar brand. with a few options and taxes you're at $200,000 out the door. that's $150,000 more than the next most expensive Acura...
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If it was called a Fiat 458 or a Volkswagen Aventador, I'm sure that these cars wouldn't sell as good as it is now. When you are spending $150+, you'd want a brand that sets you apart from a $30k sedan. Much of these supercars is 90% bragging rights, 10% performance.

Well said...

So true! Not only they wouldn't sell as good but they couldn't ask as much as Ferrari and Lamborghini.

Corollary: Even at discount price they wouldn't sell as good !!!

Concerning Honda, I beg to differ just a bit, because this company, like Porsche, has a very respectable competition pedigree.

The first generation NSX sales went down only because Honda failed to stay on par with its direct competition regarding the engine power output. Only 20 hp increase in 15 years of production was ridiculous. No matter what a 6 speed transmission with closer gear ratios, a drive by wire throttle, an improved Cx, etc. might have added ...

Ferrari came with the F355 @ 375 hp in the mid nineties; Honda should have followed.

Ferrari came with the 360 Modena @ 400 hp in the late nineties until 2005: Honda should have still followed ...

The first generation NSX was a true icon and Honda failed to honor its development and thus its legacy ...

Add the fact that they declined Mc Laren offer to power its F1 road car ( a deadly and unforgivable mistake IMVHO ... ) and did not work hard enough and seriously to win the Le Mans 1994 Édition ...

Honda is 100% responsible of its failure with the NSX and the lack of respect it generated over the years despite the fact that they started with an absolute winner in their hands ... ( IOW the nuts, if we elect to use some poker expressions ... )

IMO, the second generation NSX will be successful at its actual intended price if and only if it delivers 90% the performance of the new generation of hypercars: Mc Laren P1, Porsche 918 and Ferrari La! La! La! Ferrari !!! And, of course, crush the Ferrari 488 and the new Mc Laren ...


to start with, the new NSX is not as nice as was the first genenration NSX and thus will not be remembered as one of the nicest exotic car produced ...

To quote somebody who was looking at a '91 red black NSX rolling side by side of a yellow Diablo 6.0 on the highway: ''The NSX ass is much nicer than the Diablo's one!''

It only leaves the pure performance department to shine and stand out ...
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Question here is, If you were so desperately in need of a car that competes with "your" given target, why would you quote, "lock it up" at the dealership having not known anything about the end product? I cannot wait for a true review of the new nsx.....