Another Acura/Honda Supercar Concept at Tokyo Auto Show?

Honda should follow the strategy laid out in the following motortrend article:

Corvetter really don't have where to go except up. It has the power and the chassis is actually pertty good, but the balance has always been the issue along with the suspension. By moving into mid-engine, proper suspension set up, it will be true world class car. With that, the price tag will go up as well, but knowing GM, they will make it affordable as well, even if the car is over six figure.

As for the GT-R, it is really a budget issue. They didn't have to do much to the chassis since the original was already a world class chassis, by retaining a six cylinder desing (V6 over I6), it is actually a cheaper rounte. They did not have to develope a whole new V6, and the improvement of the electronics, 4wd, 4ws, only required improvment over the old system, so the developement cost of the R35 is actually not as much as let's say, a new NSX with mid-engine layout. Renault is famous for keeping the cost down, from their production car to F1 team, they are very conservative with their spending, but smart with the way they spend the money.

Other than the engine switch from I6 to V6, the car essentially just a evolution of the old, which is not a bad thing.

I just wish they can make that car a little smaller, more sleek, and with nicer interior, but my thoughts may change when I see the actual production type in person.
That's an interesting angle. It's conceivable that they could do that but clearly Honda is not going in that direction. The true NSX successor needs a mid-engine, around 500hp and 2900 lbs., lots of CF, Ti and Al, F1 tranny and 10K redline and they're just not going to get there with a V-10. They deperately need a V-8 for this project. How great would a 4.2L V-8 with 480+ hp be right about now?

The price would be astronomical (~$150K) and I think there's been so much bad press about the NSX lately that people have forgotten how amazing it was in 1991. I just don't think they have it in them. And at that point I'd encourage them to make it a limited run like the Ford GT if they don't plan on marketing/updating it properly like the NSX.

Also, we'll see how this GT-R sells. I'm really not sure. All the young boyracers from the 90s might just be able to afford it now that they're in their 30s but I really think most of the interest and "anticipation" is coming from kids who can't afford it.

And with most reports putting the car at no less than 3600 lbs. it might not perform as well as the competition.

It's still tougher for Nissan to sell a 70K car than Honda/Acura. And the IS-F is going to cut big time into that segment shortly. Lexus has the brand and the performance down with this one. They'll be up against that, the RS4 (not to mention the R8) and the M3. And even in the lower price bracket they're going to be up against the extremely affordable WRX and EVO X.

Well said. I cant wait to see sales numbers on this one myself. Most of the hype is comming from younger crowds and REAL enthusiasts (people who actually know and appreciate performance cars not just the brand concious rich people)
Problem is......the brand concious rich people are the ones who usually can afford cars in this price range but may not want to drop 80k on a nissan.
Time will tell i guess.
This just in...did anyone see this result from the Nordschleife:

7:38 - Nissan GT-R, 480PS/1720kg 26,600 Meter Timing September 2007

:eek: :eek:

I believe this was a recent test mule...correct me if I'm wrong--please!

7:38 is a mind-boggling time! Only 4 seconds slower than the Koenigsegg CCR and two seconds faster than the 997 TT, McLaren SLR and the Veyron! Take a look at some of the cars in the 7:4x range...very impressive doesn't even begin to describe it. It would be essentially the 5th fastest bone stock car ever.

If the GT-R is putting up those kinds of numbers for $70-$80K that would be legendary. Nissan will have done something very, very special. To achieve that time at 3,700+ lbs is nothing short of a miracle.

Tell me I'm reading this wrong!
i saw this video and its amazing. nissan realy built a great car. V spec version will be available next year in japan and rumors say even NISMO version will be introduced in 2 years
This just in...did anyone see this result from the Nordschleife:

7:38 - Nissan GT-R, 480PS/1720kg 26,600 Meter Timing September 2007

:eek: :eek:

I believe this was a recent test mule...correct me if I'm wrong--please!

7:38 is a mind-boggling time! Only 4 seconds slower than the Koenigsegg CCR and two seconds faster than the 997 TT, McLaren SLR and the Veyron! Take a look at some of the cars in the 7:4x range...very impressive doesn't even begin to describe it. It would be essentially the 5th fastest bone stock car ever.

It sure does look like the GTR is fast, but I question the 7:38 time. I watched the video, and it looks like the place where they started and ended timing was off. It looks like they ended the time several hundred feet from where they began.
It sure does look like the GTR is fast, but I question the 7:38 time. I watched the video, and it looks like the place where they started and ended timing was off. It looks like they ended the time several hundred feet from where they began.

Even if they did end it several hundred feet short, that is still a crazy time.
Even if they did end it several hundred feet short, that is still a crazy time.

Yes, I agree. Just curious what the REAL time is, seems like it's off.
What time did the NSX-R do on the ring???
7:56 with Gan San?
It is not an official time.

I would love to see a CTSC NSX-R do a lap. I'm bet it can easily do less than 7:40.
It sure does look like the GTR is fast, but I question the 7:38 time. I watched the video, and it looks like the place where they started and ended timing was off. It looks like they ended the time several hundred feet from where they began.

That is standard at the Nordschleife. The finish line is before the start line. All cars appear to finish several hundred feet short. IIRC that was the controversy with the NSX-R vid when it ran a 7:56.

Not all of the following laptimes are comparable. A full lap of the de:Nordschleife, bypassing the modern GP track, is 20.832 km long. Most laps are completed 200 meters shorter for safety reasons. Full uninterrupted flying laps can only be done in closed sessions and race events like Castrol-Haugg-Cup.
It is not an official time.

I would love to see a CTSC NSX-R do a lap. I'm bet it can easily do less than 7:40.

I don't know about under 7:40. Maybe. I imagine it would probably put up a time very similar to the 996 GT2 or the Ford GT in the low 7:40 range.

But maybe. I would like to see it. A CTSC NSX-R is a force to be reckoned with. With a good enough driver it might be possible. :smile: