Announcing "the Nsx Registry"

Are Gary and I the only ones who see this?

No, me sees it as well.

We have - people that like Dali, people that say Dali owes them money or parts and people that "join the bandwagon" w/o belonging to either of other two categories.

I wonder which of the three entities contains the largest number of people.
AndyVecsey said:
...I wonder which of the three entities contains the largest number of people.
I wager: that the largest group is the one with happy customers, there are probably a few bandwagon types, and the others, you gussed it, have been ripped off..
Dali and the Registry

calexand said:
Oh great. So not only is there a whole slew of people who Mark has screwed out of money, but apparantly this was just taking Lud's idea and doing it separately from a project Lud is actually working on himself with KGP.
1) MJ, please respond. I want to believe in Dali.
2) Lud, please clear the air about the registry project.
If you placed an order, sent a couple of e-mails, and were willing to send your money-order, and were then ignored by Dali, are you an injured party or a band-wagoneer? Let me know so I'll know which 'registry' to sign-up on...and to carry the enron analogy further, I'm sure 3-4 years ago one would have found an overwhelming number of happy enron investors like ncdogdoc or nsxbuilder who, because they'd only had good experiences, make the mistake of assuming their experience is EVERYONE's experience. Find that same guy today. He'll sing a different tune. It's like continuing to smoke because you yourself have not contracted lung-cancer. One would think with the amount of coverage, it's not too great a leap to say '...maybe I should stop BEFORE this kills me.' And while I've pointed out that I have had my own negative experience with Dali, I thought the whole point behind a forum like this was to educate us on our cars, let us meet others with similar interests, and maybe help each other NOT GET SCREWED once in a while. And whether Dali's is a hobby/part-time interest or a real business shouldn't impact the professionalism with which it's conducted. And ncdogdoc and nsxbuilder, would you advocate me taking my dog to a guy whose hobby is veterinarian surgery, especially if some posts on a dog forum said something like 'I took Spot to get needed cancer surgery but the guy who said he'd help hasn't returned my calls for three weeks. Spot's running out of time....where's Doctor Dali???"
One last thought and I'll have said my piece;

Has ANYONE ever waited forever for parts or not gotten a refund from SOS? Has ANYONE ever had an unresolved issue with Basch? ANYBODY EVER have a problem with Comptech that they feel left them dangling? If so, they should all be shut down for improper business practices, right?

We have seen NSX Modified, ACR and others that have buried themselves. I guess none of the above are immune to making business shattering errors in judgment, but things do sometimes happen outside the vendors control - its how they handle it that sets them apart, or keeps the doors open.

Complaints are fine, community involvement is fine, getting the issues resolved is better. Lets hope the pressure is applied to the marketplace for all of our benefit.

Who knows, maybe its time that someone else sees a market opportunity, finds a way to be profitable and becomes the new darling of the NSX tuner world. Lord knows we need one, because ALL of the current vendors have detractors, some just more than others.

Those with a beef, put 'em on the list.

Not jumping on any bandwagon....

I have ordered a few low cost items from Dali with success. Was there a delay in my getting the items? Yes, but all of my inquires were answered appropriately and the items were shipped. Fortunately for me, I have not had one bad experience with RM Racing, SOS, Dali, and Cobalt Friction.
My 2 cents...

Everything I've purchased from Dali went smoothly. He sent me the "thingies" even before payment was received.


I'm really disapointed with Mark and how he publically (on his web site, on this forum, in emails) derides (things like copying and modifying SOS's logo and the public airing of personal grievances) his competition (i.e. Mark Basch and Chris Willson). I don't know the whole story between these guys and I personally don't care. I just think this behavior is totally unprofessional and uncalled for.

In any business there's always subjective customer disputes and two sides to every story. It seems obvious that there's some kind of customer satisfaction problem at Dali and for me that's not the issue when it comes to this registry, however, I am concerned with the unprofessional.

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nsxbuilder said:
One last thought and I'll have said my piece;

Has ANYONE ever waited forever for parts or not gotten a refund from SOS? Has ANYONE ever had an unresolved issue with Basch? ANYBODY EVER have a problem with Comptech that they feel left them dangling? If so, they should all be shut down for improper business practices, right?

I have NEVER heard or seen the words "Bad experience and SOS" together. Chris has always gone out of his way to make a happy customer.

Mark Basch, now thats a different story. I think he is trying hard to help everyone, but he needs two clones to keep up. With that kind of schedule I'm sure there has been some lost sheep.

And I think Comptech is keeping a pretty good customer service record too.

Back when Dali was tooting the horn of greatness about the BBSC, Mark J told me he didnt need me or my kind as a customer b/c we wanted to know how the BBSC cars were doing in the quarter mile. How's that for customer service. :eek:
I have NEVER heard or seen the words "Bad experience and SOS" together. Chris has always gone out of his way to make a happy customer.
I emailed SOS an inquiry about the 4.235 R&P (my very first attempt at doing a mod)... never got a response. Does that fall under the "bad experience" category? Perhaps it's my fault for not following it up with a second inquiry. Last night I sent a similar inquiry to Dali. After reading all this, I guess I'll have to wait and see if MJ gets back to me. This is very discouraging. With all that's been said, plus my own limited experience, it makes me wonder if there are any good NSX parts suppliers. :(
PHOEN$X said:
Sounds like a great idea! But I too wonder about the success of this registry (particularly owner participation rate) given the controversy surrounding a certain individual behind it..
For the record, I just want to state that I have not had any business experiences, positive or negative, with Dali or MJ. The above statement was merely an observation/concern (and a valid one it seems, judging from the responses I have received) regarding this registry.

Generally speaking, when it comes to vendor-related issues I try to remain neutral in affairs where I am not directly involved. However, like many people I do rely on references as part of my selection criteria when choosing to do business with someone. I do not believe this is called "jumping on the bandwagon", I believe it is called being prudent. This is why eBay is so successful, and why entities such as BBB exist.

Furthermore, all businesses (as well as customers) can and do make mistakes. It's how they work with the customer to resolve these problems that speaks volumes in my book.
nsx1 said:
I emailed SOS an inquiry about the 4.235 R&P (my very first attempt at doing a mod)... never got a response. Does that fall under the "bad experience" category?
IMO you might want to give them (or anyone else under similar circumstances for that matter) the benefit of the doubt. Email is not an infallible communication method, which is why they also offer telephone support. It's only when they repeatedly fail to respond to your requests that I would start to become concerned.

Just my $0.02.
OUCH, Some of you are pretty brutal.

We have two issues here. First, the original thread, NSX Registry. Second, the hijacked thread, Customer satisfaction with Dali.

First, As a business owner, I think it is fair for a business that is spending it's capitol to develop a product can have it's name on it. Dali also gave away a t-shirt at NSXPO, should he not have his logo on it?

Please read the Privacy Policy on the NSX Registry "The NSX Registry (hereby reffered to as TNR) does not share, disclose or sell any personally-identifiable information (such as your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address, car VIN, etc) posted online by you with any other companies or organizations of any kind, including the sponsoring company Dali Racing." I for one would take this statement very seriously, it could be a real legal problem if not adhered to.

I think that the registry is good for the NSX community. I don't believe that there is any information on the site that is not on the web in other places. If you don't want some information on the site then leave it blank or put in some funny answer in the cell. I believe that it is in our best interest to be apart of the NSX registry.

It would seem to me that if Lud was creating his own registry, he would have chimed in by now.

I am grateful for all who are involved in the NSX community, good and bad. The market place will weed out the bad.

As for the second hijacked thread. I have had many purchases from Mark. He has always done me right. We should all attempt to stop hijacking threads and start a new thread.

The NSX Registry should be able to stand on it's own merit without draging other issues with it.
I'm NSXed said:
We should all attempt to stop hijacking threads and start a new thread.

Which is what has been done, thanks to MarkB. That is where this should be be continued.

The NSX Registry should be able to stand on it's own merit without draging other issues with it.

That is exactly what I was referring to in my earlier post. Use the registry for what it is designed to do, and if you do not like it, do not post!!
Wow, everyone take a breath!

First, discussion of specific vendor issues belongs in the Vendor forum please.

1. It is no secret that I've been pushing the registry idea for a long time. If you search you'll find old threads about it.

2. I talked to Mark J. in late 2001 about the possibility of his web guys developing it. I sent him the basic specs on what I felt it should include and how it should function. Mark registered the domain name and his web guys did a non-functional mock-up of the site and I sent some feedback and we went back and forth a few times like that through early 2002. Then I never really heard much else from them and I assume they were not interested or it was not a priority. No big deal, I hadn't paid anything so they didn't owe me anything.

3. Since I still liked the idea, I have continued pursuing it in various ways on and off since then. I've talked at greath length with a couple folks here about various aspects of the interface, functinality, privacy concerns, database structures and formats, etc.

4. Mark sent me an e-mail shortly before NSXPO saying the registry was nearing completion. This was the first I'd really heard about it from him or his web guys in over a year as best I can recall. Which, as I said, is not something I am faulting anyone for, because I never paid anything so certainly nobody owed me anything.

I think there was also some miscommunication that is probably my fault. I was not looking for a partnership site, I was really looking for someone to develop it for me to be part of this site. But I probably approached the whole thing too casually so Mark is not to blame for that. I did not realize the point when the project went from the basic prototype to a green light for full development or I would have tried to clarify some of those issues first. Again I take responsibility for that.

In any event, we are at an unfortunate point. Mark has put effort into developing his version. I, assuming he had dropped it a long time ago, have also put a lot into continuing the design and development on my own path. As KGP mentioned, he offered to help me take the concept to reality by coordinating with one of his developers, and that is where we are in the middle of that right now. Unfortunately it is not really an ideal place to be for anyone involved, but that is the situation.
AndyVecsey said:
We have - people that like Dali, people that say Dali owes them money or parts and people that "join the bandwagon" w/o belonging to either of other two categories.

I wonder which of the three entities contains the largest number of people.
I don't know. Maybe we need three more registries, one for each of these three entities. :D
I have NEVER heard or seen the words "Bad experience and SOS" together. Chris has always gone out of his way to make a happy customer.

Mark Basch, now thats a different story. I think he is trying hard to help everyone, but he needs two clones to keep up. With that kind of schedule I'm sure there has been some lost sheep.

And I think Comptech is keeping a pretty good customer service record too.

Back when Dali was tooting the horn of greatness about the BBSC, Mark J told me he didnt need me or my kind as a customer b/c we wanted to know how the BBSC cars were doing in the quarter mile. How's that for customer service. :eek:

Sorry, but you have not been reading all the posts, or talking with many who have an NSX. I do not post everytime something does not go right with a vendor, but I have had problems with all that you mentioned, including Chris, MB, MJ, and Comptech. All were fairly typical of small businesses (referring to client size, not dollars) and difficulties with handling everything with only one or maybe a handful of people to do all the work.

Each incident (multiple with one vendor) kept me from buying from that vendor for a period of time, typically 3-6 months. But there are only so many that sell stuff for our cars, so if I wanted a handling part, I had to deal with each of them again. Overall, I have had positive experiences, even after 4+ month waits for items or refunds, but they all came.

I hope to provide this community with certain parts and resources over time, but realize that I am not in the position to do it right yet, so I have not advertised yet. I have had bad experiences with members of this board in purchasing and selling items, and have been shafted for a payment from a member. It was only $50, and I had not been able to ship the item for almost 3 weeks, so I let it go. I have not posted because the situations are not always black and white and do not want to go through airing of dirty laundry.

I do not know why Mark has not responded to these posts. I did not ask him while in CA. I was more interested in what new go fast parts he was working on. I should have asked, but I do not like to give excuses second hand. Sorry.
I registed on the NSX registry, and will also do the same when Lud launches his own site. I listed information about my old '95 NSX which had many problems. I'm hoping that this will help potential buyers of this car. I was lied to by the previous owner of my '95-T regarding its condition and history. Hopefully by me listing this car on the site it will prevent history from repeating itself.
can someone explain how a registry is going to prevent dishonesty and deception in the used nsx market?:confused: It will encourage those honest folks who have "no excuses " cars but we as a comunity pretty much know who and what cars those are.The other group may choose to decieve on this medium as well so?
Since our cars typically have multiple owners, knowing the history of the first, second, or even third owner before the present seller can be important.
I guess we have to start somewhere!Well thanks to those who did the work, as it should be the next generation of owner is helped by the diligence of this one.
I don't see how a self-entered registry is going to prevent some individuals from entering deceiving information about his or her car... But of course it is better than nothing at all.

Someone should invent a device to implement into a car that automatically(does not need manual input from people) reports the history of the car; kind of like a blackbox for an air-plane.
Zuerst said:
I don't see how a self-entered registry is going to prevent some individuals from entering deceiving information about his or her car... But of course it is better than nothing at all.

Yes, it is better than nothing. I for one did not enter any fraudulent information, and if my entry helped someone make an informed purchased. Then it was worth it.

Even if someone says their car is in showroom condition or flawless, I doubt that most people will base an NSX purchase just on that claim. If an owner listed his car as having a salvage title, or has been in an accident (like mine), it will help potential buyers alot.

Note that the car I listed in the registry is a car that I no longer own. Hence, I have no financial gain by making false claims.
Zuerst said:
I don't see how a self-entered registry is going to prevent some individuals from entering deceiving information about his or her car.
I guess my vision of a 'registry' is a little different than what is being proposed and I think is more directed at your concern.

If the intent is to provide an added level of buyer protection by providing a VIN-indexed 'repository' of ownership and other information, then I think we need to be 'harvesting' all manner of public information sources such as ebay, autotrader, carfax, prime, etc. This would allow prime members to 'enhance' the information through comments based on first-hand knowledge, inspections, insight into questionable carfax info, etc.

If the intent of the registry is to provide a forum to share statistical and 'locator' information primarily within the Prime community, then effectively it would just be an extension of Prime which already offers self-entered, pictures and other information (such as the yearly mileage survey) .. it's just not indexed by VIN.
I'm not saying that this latter intent isn't valuable, I'm just trying to create a dichotomy of intent with the purpose of opening it up to the group for comments on which direction is perceived as most valuable.... not to say that we couldn't have both but that's too easy so try to pick one or the other.

Just for the record, I too have had discussions with Lud and have been working on and off on this project although I have no commercial or personal interest in how it evolves. For me, it's just a 'give back' project.
Not sure if I'm reading this right but ... easy on the throttle there. I don't think that is some sort of fraud prevention site or an attempt to rob anyone but a simple volunteer your info if you're curious about the cars around you. Nothing more, nothing less.

Just my .02 & best wishes on staying out of the fire ... in CA.

peace out,
I have no response about Dali, although I would prefer to give info about my car to a future registry assoc. w/this site.

In regards to the info furnished by owners and its truth. I don't think there would be anyway to police it. If issues arise w/validy of statements about a certain car, it could be bought to attention here on Prime. We do have the "search" where future prospective buyers of the cars listed could look for past owners and/or other info on those cars if they have participated on Prime. I would be optimistic the potential buyer would do homework as most of us have before purchase. Bottom line is that its a start and i'll wait the finished product.