Announcing "the Nsx Registry"

6 February 2001
San Diego, CA, USA
Dali Racing announces the opening of "THE NSX REGISTRY" - an on-line website database dedicated to the preservation and sharing of information about the car we all have at least one of. You may access the site at the link below:


The NSX Registry was conceived in the brain of Lud; (founder of NSX Prime) and Mark Johnson. (owner of Dali Racing) The NSX Registry is a FREE service of NSX Prime and Dali Racing, however it is nothing without your participation. We encourage your input, bug reports, suggestions for improvements, and participation in the evolution of this website.

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Our goal was to provide a complete car/owner history for the Acura NSX while offering the ultimate on-line resource for sharing your own modifications, NSX images, and stories with the rest of the Acura NSX community [without having to build your own website] and to have it all in one place.

Post info, pics, and stories about you and your car
Find cars and owners:
near you
with certain mods
by year
by color
by model
by tranny
by odometer
View complete time line history of any car entered in the database
Browse galleries of car/owner photos you upload
Post comments about cars

In order to search the registry and post your own car info and pics you need to become a registered user.

We encourage to register your account and then browse the registry prior to adding your first car so you have a better idea of how the information you will be asked to enter will be used. Getting an account is easy and requires no more than your name, basic contact/location info, and choosing a log-in. Once you have registered and browsed the system we look forward to learning all about you and your car. The more cars in the database the more useful it becomes to everyone.

The site is 95% functionally complete, and can be looked at as almost ready for "Prime-Time". There may be some programing glitches to work through, and we will take your error reports AND suggestions for further improvements seriously and implement them as fast as we can.

Our special thanks to Ojas Patel for the use of his "VIN Decoder".

Thanks for stopping by!

THE NSX REGISTRY Development Team
When I first read this I thought it was intended for soon-to-be-married couples as a resource for wedding gifts. I can think of nothing more romantic and meaningful to a marriage than a well-equipped NSX... call me old fashioned.
Lots of startup problems with site

Nice concept, but...

This site does not appear to be ready for public use yet. Ignoring all the big user interface issues (it was pretty hard to figure out how to add everything in my profile, for example, rather than something which carried me directly through the steps, and the "you screwed up" error message lost its humor real fast), there appear to be some big bugs.

I could not get it to accept my avitar (using the same one I use on Prime) or figure out why it wouldn't, I tried to enter my aftermarket exhaust and there was oddly no Tubi in the big list of exhaust choices so I had to select "Other", which then gave me a big HTML error page on submit (tried it again, same result), etc. I think this needs some work before it is ready for us.

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Its amazing that Mark has time to come up with something as complex as this, but cant find time to respond to or deliver on products his company has sold but not shipped. I have never delt with Dali Racing and I never will, Mark's sales record is very troublesome and I think it should be delt with once and for all. Customer service is king and I feel sorry for all those that have been ripped off by Dali Racing. Unsatisfied customers is the only list that I think Mark should give his attention to.


Lud, its a great idea, IMO, just the wrong person to do it with.
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Sounds like a great idea! But I too wonder about the success of this registry (particularly owner participation rate) given the controversy surrounding a certain individual behind it..
I agree. I went to the site to check it out and thought it was pretty humorous to see the links to Dali Racing and Boostzilla along with a Dali Racing banner. So is that site for advertisement of Dali products, or as a community registry?

From an outsider, I'm afraid the site will end up being another joke; the same way Dali Racing, as a business, appears to be. (log in to do cool stuff., you screwed up? erm, ya.)

EDIT: BTW, no disrespect to LUD.
I admit that it sounds like a great idea and I appreciate everything Lud has done with the concept and, of course, with Prime. However, out of respect for the many NSX owners who have been ignored or otherwise have been dealt with on a less than professional basis by Dali I regret that I will have to decline the invitation.

Concerned NSX Owner

I think the idea is pretty good, I am curious if I have to send money to MJ before the project is finished and if I send money will I get what I pay for????

As of today I am a little leary of the idea.:(
Notice a recurring theme here? It is unfortunate b/c there is one way to end all of this. MJ must start answering questions! Why is this so hard? I have had no problems with him, but now even I am afraid to do business with him. Word of mouth has a huge effect on business and personal reputation. Didn't anyone confront this/him at NSXPO?

When I got the email about this "registry" I thought the same thing that everyone else here must be thinking. How is it that MJ has the time to create this, but not the time to practice good business? Or respond ot emails? Or respond to damaging threads? Or answer phone calls? He must be spending too much time standing line at the bank.:rolleyes: What, is Larry holed up, hiding in MJ's garage too?

You would think he would want to keep a business that allows him to race his car around on other peoples' dime.
Well, I have read it all. This is something that Lud has been comtemplating for a long time (try search, it is your friend), and just because MJ is willing to drop some of his dough to make this work, everyone is running the other way. That is like saying that just because some of the NSX creators were part of Imperial Japan that you will never own an NSX (I do not know this, just an allegory). Yes it is reason to give it thought, and discussion, but I do not think that it is a reason to boycott the project altogether. JMHO. Flame me all you want.
ncdogdoc, I will be the first to point out a flaw in your argument. MJ isn't just spending his money, he is spending my money and other's money. ie people who have sent him money and he has not sent product. MJ does not conduct his business in an ethical manner. Don't give me this part time business thing, he is doing his best etc. etc. etc. Why would you, Lud or anyone else want to associate themselves with a person with such characteristics. It is called guilt by association. If people did not express their bad experiences and/or reluctance to do business with Dali then all new comers and existing Prime users would think Dali is a good ethical business to purchase NSX parts from. The opposite is true.

I believe as a community we have the ability to drive unethical businesses out of business or have them follow standard ethical practices.
Calmly now.

This isn't about boycotting. This has to do with frustrations surfacing everywhere MJ rears his head. I have no personal problems with MJ but it just seems that he should be spending more time clearing his name than providing another service.

The idea is sound. The execution needs work. The executioner seems to be hiding under his hood.

And no flames.;)
Extra, read all about it.

News to me.
Well, the launch of MJ's registry web kind of took me by suprise. The thing is, Lud is working with me (actually one of my programers) on another registry project. Oh well, maybe two registries are better than one. ;)
Re: Extra, read all about it.

KGP said:
News to me.
Well, the launch of MJ's registry web kind of took me by suprise. The thing is, Lud is working with me (actually one of my programers) on another registry project. Oh well, maybe two registries are better than one. ;)

Oh great. So not only is there a whole slew of people who Mark has screwed out of money, but apparantly this was just taking Lud's idea and doing it separately from a project Lud is actually working on himself with KGP.

Doesn't that give me great confidence in how my personal information will be used, let alone who I am supporting the projects of...

I just went back to the registry, and since I couldn't delete my record, I essentially nixed out all the values.

I look forward to the new and "official" registry that Lud and KGP are putting together. Meanwhile, the "you screwed up" error message did provide some amusement among the user interface design community at Sun Micro where I work, so I guess it wasn't totally wasted time. ;-)

Hey Chip,

Go to and put your name and city in and see what happens... Oh look, your home address and phone #! I hope no one uses that information against you. Is that your license plate info on your signature? Not really protecting your flank are you.

I can't tell, but were you wronged by Dali or are you simply jumping on the bandwagon? What about the rest of you?

I HATE when people jump to conclusions. Do this; those who Dali owes parts or money to directly, start a new thread and put down the totals. One concise "registry" of everyone with a valid grievance. There are valid concerns out there, and I've seen the posts in the vendor section, but its tough sifting through the "me too" garbage.

Again, I'm not the official apologist for MJ, but this second hand cry baby crap has got to stop. Last I checked Marks's scalp, he had no "666" markings, pentagrams or the like. He could be the great deceiver, and I could be wrong, but I know a lot more happy customers than unhappy ones so I for one would like to see facts, not the "Oh, I would never do business with someone like that..." party line.

I'm all for truth. Let's work the problem, not add to it. Has Lud posted his position? Then don't assume the worst. If I'm proven wrong, I'll eat the crow, medium with a side of garlic mashed and carrots.

Are Gary and I the only ones who see this?

nsxbuilder said:
I can't tell, but were you wronged by Dali or are you simply jumping on the bandwagon? What about the rest of you?

Hi Ed,

I have always refrained from jumping on the bandwagon against Dali in every other thread despite being one of the apparent many who have been "burned" by him. My one and only experience was similar to the multitude of complaints I read about him. Mine did not involve a nominal charge for something like a cupholder but did involve an order in excess of $1000 for which I spent 7 months trying to reverse my paypal charges. All of my efforts were met with total "silence" on MJ's part.

This is simply my statement that I did not appreciate the way he handled my one and only transaction. I am not endorsing any "boycott" of the Registry nor am I trying to influence others to "avoid" it. However, I do feel that it is about time that the issue is brought to a head once and for all.

This is just my way of showing that I do not want to be involved in a project that will tout, link or otherwise advertise a "business" (and, yes, Dali is a business) that shows a contempt for many members of the NSX community.

I can't tell, but were you wronged by Enron or are you simply jumping on the bandwagon? What about the rest of you?

I HATE when people jump to conclusions. Do this; those who Enron owes money to directly, start a new thread and put down the totals. One concise "registry" of everyone with a valid grievance. There are valid concerns out there, and I've seen the posts in the vendor section, but its tough sifting through the "me too" garbage.

Again, I'm not the official apologist for Enron, but this second hand cry baby crap has got to stop. Last I checked the CEO's scalp, he had no "666" markings, pentagrams or the like. He could be the great deceiver, and I could be wrong, but I know a lot more happy customers than unhappy ones so I for one would like to see facts, not the "Oh, I would never do business with someone like that..." party line.