Ancient Aliens

regarding the huge boulders, how do you nay-sayers explain how the multiple 1,200 TON boulders that were moved up a mountain to 9,000+ feet and placed on top of smaller boulders (10-100 tons)? Those 1,200 ton boulders found high in the Peruvian mountains don't come from the mountain they're on which means they were indeed moved there. :confused:
regarding the huge boulders, how do you nay-sayers explain how the multiple 1,200 TON boulders that were moved up a mountain to 9,000+ feet and placed on top of smaller boulders (10-100 tons)? Those 1,200 ton boulders found high in the Peruvian mountains don't come from the mountain they're on which means they were indeed moved there. :confused:

There were lots of stuff happen in the past wasn't registered in our imagination until discovery.

For example, they found records of Chinese created wood ships that is bigger than our current aircraft carriers and traveled to America hundreds of years before Columbus.

What I'm trying to say is, if you believe Aliens existed in the past and created these monster structures, where are they now?

I'm on the episode right now about crossed breeding animals. Hmmm.... Right... If people can imaging God, why not creatures with wings after discovering Dino bones?
I just watched a few episodes... I see absolutely no evidence of aliens... The show is very entertaining though...

5 thousand years ago, they don't have OSHA or labor unions. When the kings/emperors/Pharaohs wanted some thing done, people will get it done with back breaking labors.

The physics/math is pretty simple for those type of architectures. I don't see what the big deal is other than people are trying to figure out how they are made, and they will never know until we invent a time machine.

For example, one episode talked about the face of a pharaoh statue, how you can reverse it and it will look identical. As if that is hard to achieve.

You should check out the episode "The Evidence". It's one of my favorite episodes. It showed many evidence that the ancient people had advance technology like what we have today, and lots of other good stuff.
Well you can think that all you want, but watching last nights show on ancient architects, it seems highly unlikely even a 1000 men could move 50 tons rocks up a slide of a cliff and cut out rocks with laser percision.

But who knows. It is a great show.

Last night's show was great, one of the best ones. It was really interesting when they talked about how the pyramids in Egypt and Mexico are aligned the same way and how similar they are when compared to a circuit board of today.
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Like the show, I have my own theories.

Technology exists now, they exist back in the days. The only differences I see is the efficiency and discovery of new elements.

Human beings from 5 thousand years ago are no more dumber than today, the only differences today is we are educated at a much greater number.

I think through archeology, we will find more stuff that are hard to explain and will apply more of the alien theories to it.

After all, we thrive on theories, legends, mysteries.

What is there is a God and he did create the world in seven days, and put all onto earth, and his 6 thousand years equals to our 6 billion years?

I do enjoy the series because it is entertaining through imagination.
Just think about this -

The Universe has 1 billion systems and there are 1 billion stars (planets) in each system.

Earth is just one little dust particle.

Do you still think we're alone?

I have to make a correction ...

The Universe has 100 billion systems and there are 100 billion stars (planets) in each system.
I'll believe it when I see an alien.
Life outside of earth was proven in existence back in 2006 when scientists discovered a fossilized microbe within a meteor originated from Mars.

Intelligent life outside of earth was discovered by the History Channel through bunch of theories cooked up by bunch of no name PHDs because they think bunch old sculptures and paintings from the past represents accurate historical documentation.

In fact, they used the examples of Loch ness monster, yeti, snowman, mystical creatures of the Gods, etc. as if they are real.

No dead alien graves, bones, or artifacts of left over spaceship parts or burn mark of warm holes found.

Has it occurred to you guys why Homo sapiens is the only specie that is capable of creating, inventing, discovering, reasoning, manipulating, creatures that is capable of posing a soul?

I would imagine at least a few more creatures on earth that should have been capable of doing something similar, through alien engineering or evolution.

Keep watching the show and support the ratings. I'm doing just that. After all, I need something other than political news.

I have a unicorn in my back yard, but you can't see it. :biggrin:
Intelligent life outside of earth was discovered by the History Channel through bunch of theories cooked up by bunch of no name PHDs because they think bunch old sculptures and paintings from the past represents accurate historical documentation.

In fact, they used the examples of Loch ness monster, yeti, snowman, mystical creatures of the Gods, etc. as if they are real.

No dead alien graves, bones, or artifacts of left over spaceship parts or burn mark of warm holes found.

Has it occurred to you guys why Homo sapiens is the only specie that is capable of creating, inventing, discovering, reasoning, manipulating, creatures that is capable of posing a soul?

I would imagine at least a few more creatures on earth that should have been capable of doing something similar, through alien engineering or evolution.

Keep watching the show and support the ratings. I'm doing just that. After all, I need something other than political news.

I have a unicorn in my back yard, but you can't see it. :biggrin:

They never said it was real - they are posing the question. Listen carefully to what they say. They never said these monsters or aliens exist, its a theory. :rolleyes:

Yes some of it is out there I admit - They're just posing the hypothetical question... It does seem odd to me how these stones were cut out of the sheer cliffs without using cranes. Some of these stones can not be cut with bronze tools without showing tool markings. Not to mention the seams are so tight that you cant fit a human hair in it and have stood there for tens of thousands of years (potentially). We can NOT do this today. Our buildings would be lucky to survive 50 years in that condition. Use your head. Think critically. Form your own opinion and base it on facts, not conjecture.

Has it occurred to you guys why Homo sapiens is the only specie that is capable of creating, inventing, discovering, reasoning, manipulating, creatures that is capable of posing a soul?

We're not...

I would imagine at least a few more creatures on earth that should have been capable of doing something similar, through alien engineering or evolution. "

Yes there are - its called apes and dolphins which are extremely intelligent and shows cognitive recognition among many other things that only an intelligent entity could achieve. You really need to read more or something man... lol
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Wow! I never thought I would find a topic about this HC series, it's definitely one of my favorites ( you should also watch UFO Hunters - I got cancelled by the government before Ancient Aliens, I wonder Why :-P ).

I think it's really cool how these guys try to come up with theories that try to connect sculptures, rituals, dance etc from ancient cultures that we cannot explain now days with how or why they were created with a Alien intervention or Ancient astronauts as they called it.

I'm Peruvian and it would never crossed my mind any of those crazy theories of how the Incas built their fortress high up in the mountains, or how they cut and moved 50 ton granite stones from one mountain to another without leaving any trace of the path the used to do that or tools.

I called my mom the other night and I told her that the Incas might've been from another planet, she told me to not call her that late at night if I was drunk and she hanged up on me!! LOL

I'm ready to watch season 3 :-)
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Has it occurred to you guys why Homo sapiens is the only specie that is capable of creating, inventing, discovering, reasoning, manipulating, creatures that is capable of posing a soul?

That's a big assumption stated as fact. What happens to the life of animals? They feel emotions too, though they may not possess the same levels of intelligence. No doggie heaven for Fido or any other being because they are soul less beings? I hope you realize that there is even less evidence of what you're saying here than there is evidence of aliens existing. Since you seem to be the I'll believe it when i see it guy, why believe in the soul or any other religious concept when you cant see them? Your eyes can only see in limited wavelengths, that means nothing could possibly occur in wavelengths you cant perceive? I am just pointing out the faults in that reasoning. Personally i don't think religion works well with science as it inherently sets people up against each other. The one thing really every religion has in common is that at their core, they all think the other religions must be wrong or why follow theirs? Not to go off topic but they may be somewhat related in making this point in regards to human beings collective ego.
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They never said it was real - they are posing the question. Listen carefully to what they say. They never said these monsters or aliens exist, its a theory. :rolleyes:

Thank you! Finally we are in agreement! :smile: I know we butted heads on the Proof Aliens Exist thread, but really all it boiled down to was this. Whereas people were chastising me that there was proof aliens existed and have visited earth already, and that I was completely narrow minded for thinking otherwise, all I was trying to say was that it was only possible and just a theory, but there was not enough evidence to say with absolute certainty (essentially what you say above). Personally I think the odds are very high aliens exist (the sheer percentages would have to suggest so) but whether they have already visited earth or that we have definitive evidence of their existence is something that has yet to be determined.
They said in a lot of the writings that when the "Gods" come down from the heavens it was acompnied by lights, fire and loud rumbling. Could be a space ship. Could be wild imaginations.

You are overlooking the possibility that they don't use our technology. A blast off from the surface is not the only way for propulsion. For example a helicopter uses lift for takeoff, and just for kicks I'll throw in that UFO sightings often note that the objects hovered in ways our aircraft couldn't. I would imagine that if they traveled light years to get here they have better ways than blast off to get airborne. Maybe some advanced way to manipulate magnetism I might guess? Also, in regards to stone landing pads- would you import your own landing pad from elsewhere or would you just use the materials already present? ;)

I wasn't paying too much attention and overlooked the propulsion. I just had the old-fashion NASA shuttle lift off image in mind:biggrin:

well I'm no expert on this stuff but why would they need to build a landing/launching pad.....just land anywhere like we did on the moon.

And if they were truly advanced then they are not using "rockets' like we use for the space shuttle so no blast formations and such and I think the general consensus is that they have somehow managed to propel their space crafts without rockets as we know them.

EDIT: Dam...Nero beat me to the post

Well, they did make it seem like it those stones were designated for their launch pads for multiple/frequent visits:

I watched this on Netflix and found it very interesting as well. One comment that really stuck out is when someone said "Current academia will not accept advances outside of their own current".

Did any of you google "the ancient of days manna machine"?? Very interesting.
Ancient man was all "juiced up" , roids were the norm..and although dudes were only 5 ft tall they were ripped and were 3 times stronger than the people of today .......that was how they got things done...kinda like ants....thats my theory....just sayin...
Ancient man was all "juiced up" , roids were the norm..and although dudes were only 5 ft tall they were ripped and were 3 times stronger than the people of today .......that was how they got things done...kinda like ants....thats my theory....just sayin...

ROFLMAO Dino piss ....all the cave dudes doin it :biggrin:
Personally i don't think religion works well with science as it inherently sets people up against each other. The one thing really every religion has in common is that at their core, they all think the other religions must be wrong or why follow theirs? Not to go off topic but they may be somewhat related in making this point in regards to human beings collective ego.

I agree with this statement. While treading as lightly on religion as possible, in my perspective, I see two kids playing in a sand box with some toys. One kid wants to play with Hotwheels and the other wants to play with Tonka trucks. While each have their obvious differences, they also share their similarities but the two kids can't seem to agree on what to play with. This senario also applies to science and religion. Church =/= Lab; Priest =/= Professor; Bishop =/= Scientist; Bible =/= Thesis and so on. Which ever side of the sandbox you land on, you will find that you will tend to disagree with the other side on how you spend your time playing in the sand box. But what both sides, more often than not, fail to agree on is: What is outside of the sandbox? We can look and debate but neither side can say exactly what is out there.

I think one would be naive and narcisistic to think that there isn't at least something out there in the vast expance of space that would be intelligent enough to design a craft for interstelar travel. I have seen people who bring up the distance to the next possible planet to inhabit intelligent life and the time it would take to travel such a distance. They tell me that this would be near impossible to accomplish. I feel this again is a humanized narcisistic point of view being that humans only live for only so long. Traveling at near lightspeeds, one's life would surely expire before reaching the next inhabitable planet but what life spans would the aliens have. 100 years? 200 years? 1000 years? A longer life span would be an important factor in deciding if a trip to another inhabitable planet such as Earth would be possible.

If life started billions of years ago in our solar system and hypithetically, intellegence made its appearance 1 billion years ago, what if in the alien's solar system intellegence started 20,000 years (an extremely short time in the life of the universe) before it started in our system, would it be possible that the aliens would be able to use a technology 20,000 years more advanced than ours? Would it be possible that we may be able to weild the same technology in the next 20,000 years as well? I think so but, no one can say that for sure. 20,000 year head start, longer life span, all lead to the speculation of the possibility that they may have been here at one point in time. What they were here for? You'd have to ask them. They may have used our plant as a rest stop while puddle jumping to some other planet or somesort of documentry for their History channel on Omicron Percei 8. The rest stop idea would explain why they are no longer here but again, entirely speculation.

As far as the "Where's the launch pad?" question asked a few posts ago. You will be able to find chuncks of randomly formed glass in the desert in north Africa. As we all know, glass is sand heated to extreme tempratures and our planet is a dynamic one. It will change, errode, and move through time. Plants will grow, wind will blow and water will wash away trace evidence to support this hypothosis (not a theroy as it has not been tested to my knowledge).

I am not saying that there is yes or no answer to these questoins but only a definite maybe. I have not seen this show but, after reading this thread, I want to watch it now. But, what I find funny is that this type of program would find itself on the "History" Channel.
"Aziz ,more light"!!!!!!:biggrin:
To precision team, I think you are dead on w your shedding light on the timelines and lifespan points. I recently watched the "curiosity" episode on the creation of the universe as science and stephen hawking explained it, and it made so much sense to me. Now that episode deserves it's own thread in itself, it is enlightening. I also tried to tread lightly on the religion topic but like I said, to me they are related. I don't want to derail the thread with it though so I tried to keep it on topic.
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But you believe in God and that we have souls?:confused:

Most here have a hard enough time proving the NSX has a soul. :biggrin:

Depending on how you approach this. If this show is science based, they have nothing other than speculation. If this is about faith, yes. BUT what is the point of having faith in aliens none of us have seen and what do they have to offer other than supposedly according to this people, built big structures and conducted cross breed creatures for no apearant purpose.

Perhaps some people put too much faith into this area 51 stuff.
Depending on how you approach this. If this show is science based, they have nothing other than speculation. If this is about faith, yes. BUT what is the point of having faith in aliens none of us have seen and what do they have to offer other than supposedly according to this people, built big structures and conducted cross breed creatures for no apearant purpose.

Perhaps some people put too much faith into this area 51 stuff.
The same can be said about God, except he built no pyramids. Theres nothing - and yet people have faith.

I love the show btw. This thread brought it to my attention. :-)
The same can be said about God, except he built no pyramids. Theres nothing - and yet people have faith.

I love the show btw. This thread brought it to my attention. :-)

haha good point!

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