Am I the longest running member without an NSX?

I lurked for about a year on Prime after buying my first NSX before finally joining.

Nostalgia threads are interesting... What I wonder is whether any of the folks who have been long absent will be back with the return of the NSX in 201x... will be interesting to see if Honda can recapture the loyalty of some of the original buyers.

For me, these days, probably 60-70k is my comfort limit for a car and even that I consider too excessive (hence my current car is an evo X... LOL), so the new NSX will be well outside of my range.
Had this thought yesterday.... am I the longest running member of NSXprime that does NOT yet have an NSX?!! Does that make me the ultimate wannabe fanboy? :confused:


So what kept you so long from getting an NSX??? Any why now?
Money and life situations... I'm just now at a point where I can say I have a career, a real education (graduate this weekend Bachelors Biometric Security) and a solid foundation. Wife, kids, house,.etc..
Money and life situations... I'm just now at a point where I can say I have a career, a real education (graduate this weekend Bachelors Biometric Security) and a solid foundation. Wife, kids, house,.etc..

Congrats on graduation!! I can only dream of the day when I'll have my own "solid foundation". It seems so far away at the moment, so many uncertainties and choices are in the way.

Strange question but if you had a chance to get an NSX before you got your house knowing that it would delay your future house purchase by 2-3 years, would you? On one hand you get to enjoy your dream car that much earlier and we aren't getting any younger, on the other hand its more responsible to get the house first and lock in a low mortgage rate.
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I'm like a few others that have posted. I lurked for a few years before I joined.
Congrats on graduation!! I can only dream of the day when I'll have my own "solid foundation". It seems so far away at the moment, so many uncertainties and choices are in the way.

Strange question but if you had a chance to get an NSX before you got your house knowing that it would delay your future house purchase by 2-3 years, would you? On one hand you get to enjoy your dream car that much earlier and we aren't getting any younger, on the other hand its more responsible to get the house first and lock in a low mortgage rate.

The house was never an important part of my dreams... it just fell into place naturally a couple years after marriage. I would have bought an NSX 20 years ago, it was always about being financially stable enough. Speaking of mortgage, we need to refi. 5.15% was great 5 years ago... but these days, everyone is throwing around 3.5%
i think im almost at the one year mark on prime. decided i think may 2011 last year to purchase an nsx; and have been looking ever since; and been on prime constaantly.

im pretty sure that for a non (or have never owned) nsx owner i must have the high post count here on prime!

no dude, sorry. I'm also the only member without a car with the most parts for one and probably the only one to forgo relationships, careers, finace, houses and move to another country to get one.
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<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
I think I have you tied. I also originally joined the same month and year as you! I left and came back but was unable to restore my old account. If you do a search for posts by my original account "Blackhorse6" it shows my join date.
I am almost in the same position you are in. I had just left military life and was starting a new chapter. My kids were young and I had just bought a new house. Well, now the kids are grown and I am still in my house so I am actively looking to purchase. Hopefully before November.
Maybe we can end this drought by the end of the year!<o:p></o:p>
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
I think I have you tied. I also originally joined the same month and year as you! I left and came back but was unable to restore my old account. If you do a search for posts by my original account "Blackhorse6" it shows my join date.
I am almost in the same position you are in. I had just left military life and was starting a new chapter. My kids were young and I had just bought a new house. Well, now the kids are grown and I am still in my house so I am actively looking to purchase. Hopefully before November.
Maybe we can end this drought by the end of the year!<o:p></o:p>

Yeah, I swear I was on here even before that.. But like you, I probably had to re-register. I think I used to go by T&JMotorsports.. at least back in the, then Honda-Tech days. Waayyyyyyyy back.
For me
Join Date

Purchase Date

And still enjoying it every summer:biggrin:, but I am now into the 80k mileage club now (bought car with 57,698)
I hope I don't insult you, but sh't or get off the pot!

I'm sure you are insulting many people on here actually.. might even be insulting a lot of supportive NSX owners too that take great joy in helping answer questions and opinions on prospective NSX's out there.

Personally I am not insulted. You have actually misused that famous phrase as it really defines someone that cant make a decision and by doing so, is holding up any number of other people from getting what they need done.
I'm sure you are insulting many people on here actually.. might even be insulting a lot of supportive NSX owners too that take great joy in helping answer questions and opinions on prospective NSX's out there.

Personally I am not insulted. You have actually misused that famous phrase as it really defines someone that cant make a decision and by doing so, is holding up any number of other people from getting what they need done.

Again, not trying to insult you but after 12 years, you should have been able to find a ride. I am not sure of your budget, but since I have bought mine in August of 2010 there has been many ranging from the low twenties up to to the high eighties. These cars have been only going up in price, so I am not sure what you are really waiting for, or if you just want to be part of a group?
Again, I am not trying to insult you, but looking for an answer?
Again, not trying to insult you but after 12 years, you should have been able to find a ride. I am not sure of your budget, but since I have bought mine in August of 2010 there has been many ranging from the low twenties up to to the high eighties. These cars have been only going up in price, so I am not sure what you are really waiting for, or if you just want to be part of a group?
Again, I am not trying to insult you, but looking for an answer?

Well, read back a few posts and you can find an answer.. but then again, not sure I, or anyone on here owes you any answers on why we have yet to get an NSX for any given reason.
Well, read back a few posts and you can find an answer.. but then again, not sure I, or anyone on here owes you any answers on why we have yet to get an NSX for any given reason.

Let's turn this thing around and get some warm fuzzies going :smile:

I admire your patience. You will be rewarded with the perfect car.
The majority of my time on Prime has been without an NSX. It's the passion for the car that shows what kind of enthusiast you are, not whether you have an NSX. Teej and other long standing NSX-less members are A-ok in my book, and I'm glad they are part of the community. :)
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Teej, your patience is legendary here on prime, and I applaud you. I am really hoping circumstances allow you to get one soon, but it is a daunting task, so many ducks have to be in a row. finance,color, year,location,PPI,etc. As you know it can be a minefield. When it is RIGHT, it will happen, and not a moment sooner. Keep the faith, happy hunting, and one more thing, anticipation is going to make the eventual purchase all that much sweeter.
great post for us hope to be owners!

Teej, your patience is legendary here on prime, and I applaud you. I am really hoping circumstances allow you to get one soon, but it is a daunting task, so many ducks have to be in a row. finance,color, year,location,PPI,etc. As you know it can be a minefield. When it is RIGHT, it will happen, and not a moment sooner. Keep the faith, happy hunting, and one more thing, anticipation is going to make the eventual purchase all that much sweeter.
Teej, you don't have to share if you don't want to, but what color and year(s) are you looking for? I'm curious to know as you've have 20+ years to think about this. :biggrin:
I was saying to someone just the other day, where the HELL is ninjadoc? Post more, man!

Anyone with absolutely nothing to do can look me up on F-chat. Exactly the same stats (member for years, post count: 1).
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Teej, you don't have to share if you don't want to, but what color and year(s) are you looking for? I'm curious to know as you've have 20+ years to think about this. :biggrin:

Thanks all of you... and Ill say thanks on behalf of others trolling for years. :biggrin:

I'm so close right now I sometimes lay down at night just thinking about it and I start to grin and cant even sleep. I've been interviewing within the last few weeks for jobs I am now qualified for that will 3x my income. As it is right now, I could afford a nice NA1, but being so close, my desired color/year combos are:

black 02'+ (but dont want to spend more than $60k)
Imola 02'+ (will have to spend more than $60k :biggrin: just like white though, hardly ever for sale.. its all about timing)

silver 02'+
white 02'+
'97+ black/black
'97+ silver

But there are some very nice pre '97's always for sale too. But I'm still a solid 3 months out as there are important financial matters my wife and I want to take care of before I call up PenFed. :biggrin:
great post for us hope to be owners!

True dat about what slow joe said. Or restated - like most everything in life, timing is everything and is so different for everyone.

I guess though in a way, nobody can blame some of the hardcore or passionate owners from being mystified why someone would take so long. I remember a similar feeling of "why did I wait so long" when I bought my used '91 300ZX.

Life is damn funny. Around 13 years ago, my priorities steered me to buy 1 of my 2 dream cars, the 300ZX, after just four weeks of searching. I was just 5 years out of college and really should have kept putting savings towards a house (or better yet, an asset that would pay for the 300ZX) but at that time my priority was that car and the timing was amazing - I had just started searching online using a 300ZX version of Prime (I think it was but that site no longer looks like what I remember) and was hoping for a cross-country road trip after purchase. Then I miraculously find a pristine '91 just 5 miles away from me in Detroit and owned it 48 hours after seeing it.

I joined Prime around Dec 2010 and have so far made two out of state NSX visits, one by plane. First car was perfect except for the color, which I hoped I'd feel differently about in person. Second car had too many questions about its maintenance history and the price didn't reflect that. So far the timing, available NSXs, and personal priorities just haven't aligned even though I can infinitely more easily justify it now vs. 15 years ago. Numerous family health issues including my own leg blood clot 12 months ago would temporarily sideline my search while actually increasing my desire to pull up NSXPrime and read the day's postings. If I didn't know any better, keeping up with NSXPrime w/o yet owning an NSX is actually therapy sometimes, allowing me to stay distracted from the homefront stresses while keeping my eye on the prize. Without insulting those who endured hugely bigger stresses, this reminds me of a soldier who obsesses over buying that '69 Camaro while crawling thru the jungle, counting the days until the end of his tour. So if a guy like Teej took the time to first get his education, career, and wife/family in order before finding the keeper of his dreams (and while hanging out at a great site like NSXPrime and feeding off the passion of so many happy owners along the way), then all the more power to him. Like Diana Ross says, "you can't hurry love" baby!
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