Always been a fan of your ride bro!
Always been a fan of your ride bro!
Always been a fan of your ride bro!
Beautiful. Is your roof painted or wrapped?
Clearly we're doing something right.
Wow beautiful shot Exiled.
The more I lurk on this thread, the closer I get to buying myself a set. I just got my NSX awhile ago and was wondering what a popular sizing setup for the M5's are in 17/18? I have been doing as much research as I can and I see a lot of people are doing 17x8 +30, 18x10 +19 (or +27)?. Looks like with the correct tire size and some negative camber it should fit with no rubbing. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!
Clearly we're doing something right.
Wow beautiful shot Exiled.
The more I lurk on this thread, the closer I get to buying myself a set. I just got my NSX awhile ago and was wondering what a popular sizing setup for the M5's are in 17/18? I have been doing as much research as I can and I see a lot of people are doing 17x8 +30, 18x10 +19 (or +27)?. Looks like with the correct tire size and some negative camber it should fit with no rubbing. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!