Acura needs to wake up

It also gets the owner back in the dealership to look at all the shiny new models while they wait for their oil change - a certain percentage of whom trade their car in, buy accessories, or detailing. There is still no substitute for having the customer at the dealership as often as possible which is why the old 30k mile comprehensive service has been broken down into more smaller services.

The service came out in 2012, 2 years after the 458 had already been released. If you go into most dealerships, you will notice that there aren't too many New cars with the exception of the California T. The cars you see are "used" since that has always been part of the game, buy new at MSRP and sell low mileage used at above MSRP so someone can have the latest NOW, try getting a new 488.

The service warranty really doesn't cost Ferrari much of anything and it allows the mechanics to inspect that vehicle with recommendations for non warranty service where they can make money (Check on price to replace battery on 458 - Battery not covered by warranty unless the car is driven over 2K miles annually) but for someone buying a used car, helps maintain value.

I suspect that ALL Ferraris are maintained per intervals in the US and no one waits to get the oil change. My local dealer picks up the car if you had purchased it from them with a flatbed, performs all of the annual service and then returns the vehicle. Annual service is 1K alternating with 2K so total in the coverage of the 458 is 10K.
Nice I want pics of your OT car...:biggrin:
It also gets the owner back in the dealership to look at all the shiny new models while they wait for their oil change - a certain percentage of whom trade their car in, buy accessories, or detailing. There is still no substitute for having the customer at the dealership as often as possible which is why the old 30k mile comprehensive service has been broken down into more smaller services.

The 7 years of scheduled Mai tenancy that comes with F cars is about maintaining values for future transactions

with service included, it increases the likelihood that the cars will be maintained as intended and that mechanics periodically have a chance to check these cars out.

So reliability has nothing to do with second hand owners? That's one of the most important things in consideration. Buyers of all economic range DO CARE about reliability. Atleast soften the blow in no cost out of pocket if the car is going to be in the shop constantly. You think rich people stay rich because they didn't care how much maintenance they spent on a car?
i have to completely agree with u00mem91, QUICKIE, and Bricks. people buying new or recently used $200,000 Supercars have two main criteria. appearance and performance.

reliability and practicality sells Accords and CRV's. not Supercars. you guys are seriously gonna have to get a new excuse... :rolleyes:
So reliability has nothing to do with second hand owners? That's one of the most important things in consideration. Buyers of all economic range DO CARE about reliability. Atleast soften the blow in no cost out of pocket if the car is going to be in the shop constantly. You think rich people stay rich because they didn't care how much maintenance they spent on a car?

Reliability is not really considered in any Ferrari prior to the 360, Lambo prior to the Gallardo, Any Aston Martin, Any Jag prior to the ownership by Ford. In fact, when you look at the sportscar world, until recently, the only "reliable" sports car was the Corvette, Porsche 911, and the NSX unless you want to include BMW so I would agree that supercar owners buying used don't really look at reliability as a primary factor.
Reliability is not really considered in any Ferrari prior to the 360, Lambo prior to the Gallardo, Any Aston Martin, Any Jag prior to the ownership by Ford. In fact, when you look at the sportscar world, until recently, the only "reliable" sports car was the Corvette, Porsche 911, and the NSX unless you want to include BMW so I would agree that supercar owners buying used don't really look at reliability as a primary factor.

Again, we are talking about now, not 1990 or 1995. The car sales market is not the same as it was pre-internet era.

Reliability or service COSTS is an issue for anyone. No matter how rich you are, you are going to care how much money you throw into a vehicle or invest in a person/employee/machine. It's common sense to try and be efficient. Unless you are a celebrity/pro-athlete planning on being broke after your career run is over abruptly. Sure, there are plenty of people who got rich fast and don't care how much an item or what it'll cost in the long end, but if you have any lick of common sense, you are still going to get tired of shop costs or breakdowns. It's either or if the car is unreliable. Unless you bought the car to collect in a garage which a lot of people in this tier do, but then why bother making the car fast/competitive at all? If money was no issue for anyone shopping for these cars, why bother with price tags in the first place? Just sign over your soul and make an offering each month.

Again, let's be accurate with the statements and not glaze over with generalized statements like, buyers in this market aren't concerned with reliability or costs.
What you are forgetting is that current exotic cars are reliable. You are correct in that many buy the car to sit in the garage, worried about depreciation from "high" mileage or damage like door dings but the cars themselves haven't been an issue. I arguably have exotic cars which are treated as daily drivers except in winter and none of them have been in the shop except for routine maintenance, this is over a collective 100 K miles including track miles. Either I have amazingly good luck or they are actually built well. So no, buyers of current exotic cars expect reliability as this is one of the factors that set the NSX apart from the crowd and buyers of older exotics are more interested in collectability or the panache of saying they own a Ferrari vs reliability.
yeah, i would say you've had a few exotic cars mate! :biggrin:

i must have also been very lucky from my experience with Italian and German machines also. for all the shit everyone talks, i haven't had a single issue...
What you are forgetting is that current exotic cars are reliable. You are correct in that many buy the car to sit in the garage, worried about depreciation from "high" mileage or damage like door dings but the cars themselves haven't been an issue. I arguably have exotic cars which are treated as daily drivers except in winter and none of them have been in the shop except for routine maintenance, this is over a collective 100 K miles including track miles. Either I have amazingly good luck or they are actually built well. So no, buyers of current exotic cars expect reliability as this is one of the factors that set the NSX apart from the crowd and buyers of older exotics are more interested in collectability or the panache of saying they own a Ferrari vs reliability.

I never said they were not. I'm talking about the blanket statement that luxury car buyers don't care about reliability. You do. Everyone does.
If Ted Klaus stated the truth, then it is quite easy to see why the car he came up with is the confused high tech robot it is.
You need leadership with a clear idea of what makes a car great and what its most devoted customers want.
TK sounds like an ignorant, arrogant, clue-less man who will likely go down as a failure, having cost Honda a good sum.

Porsche, Ferrari etc. have nothing to fear from this is lost in it's own barf.

He is the head of Acura North America and your a internet keyboard cowboy. Critiquing him from your position is a complete and utter joke. I am sure what he forgets in a day is more than you have learned thus far in your life.
He is the head of Acura North America and your a internet keyboard cowboy. Critiquing him from your position is a complete and utter joke. I am sure what he forgets in a day is more than you have learned thus far in your life.

Not sure how one could improve on this post.
The original NSX hit the bullseye in it's day.

"Repeal & replace" isn't always the answer.
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He is the head of Acura North America and your a internet keyboard cowboy. Critiquing him from your position is a complete and utter joke. I am sure what he forgets in a day is more than you have learned thus far in your life.

Just a small correction, Ted is the Large Project Leader for the NSX.

And I agree with your general sentiments, if not to the same degree.

When people toss around the word failure, I'll just leave this here:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
He is the head of Acura North America and your a internet keyboard cowboy. Critiquing him from your position is a complete and utter joke. I am sure what he forgets in a day is more than you have learned thus far in your life.

He is the main target to hit when talking of the failure that the NSX replacement is. He was the project lead.
My point is being made by the hundreds if not thousands of people around the globe who having seen what the NSX is, have decided to look elsewhere.

Some easily fooled people were impressed by Jay Leno and Seinfeld and fell for this joke of a super car instead of evaluating it on the basis of what it offers compared to its competitors. It's miserable sales figures speak volumes and back my point and not your ignorant statement.

I am a physician and what I forget about medicine in a day is more than your entire family will learn in your lifetime.
I would hate to put my family's medicinal needs in the hands of someone so emotionally triggered... But that's really off topic.

Point is, if you want old Honda, then go buy old Honda. You like the competition better, then buy the competition? Why are you still here if it's not to your liking. Why are you so butt hurt that Honda is dead in your eyes because they can't win races anymore with McLaren??? :confused:
Well I am not a doctor (at least not in the medicinal sense but I do have a Juris Doctorate) and I am not an Acura designer but I am a moderator here so let's all take a step back and stop the personal "attacks" in this thread. Next one closes this thread............
Well I am not a doctor (at least not in the medicinal sense but I do have a Juris Doctorate) and I am not an Acura designer but I am a moderator here so let's all take a step back and stop the personal "attacks" in this thread. Next one closes this thread............

you are the moderator, but you have a tendency to place the blame on the wrong individuals.

the person you're talking to didn't begin any personal attacks, they were merely responding to another who did. it the future, look back a little further in the thread, and talk to the people responsible for initiating the insults... :wink:
You really ought to just close this thread anyway if the pissing contest has devolved to who's got what degree hanging on their wall. I honestly just can't believe just how many people are in this 2nd gen subforum who are here just to tell everyone that they think gives a shit (btw...we don't), that Honda dropped the ball, this car is a joke, xxxx car is way better, blah blah blah.

If you don't like the car, then why waste your time here? There is a forum for pretty much every kind of car out there. Like your 911 and think the NSX sucks? Bet you'd have a much better reception to your opinions over on rennlist. Think the 488 is a great everyday car and will be just as reliable (:tongue:) as the NSX? F chat will be happy to hear that.
you are the moderator, but you have a tendency to place the blame on the wrong individuals.

the person you're talking to didn't begin any personal attacks, they were merely responding to another who did. it the future, look back a little further in the thread, and talk to the people responsible for initiating the insults... :wink:

I don't care who started it but I do know who will end it............
I'd rather be arguing with this bunch about cars than leggins on an airplane:biggrin:
I'd rather be arguing with this bunch about cars than leggins on an airplane:biggrin:

there's definitely a few whingey babies smashed drunk on the Honda kool aid.

it's a forum, whatever side anyone is on, if you can't have a chat, then stay off...

I don't care who started it but I do know who will end it............

sounding like a bit of a power tripper there mate, not an impartial moderator... :eek: