ABS/ALB modulator rebuild write up

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I'll take the 10th spot if you still ordered enough kits.

6.) Velocitized
7.) Knukle head
8.) Racer NSX
9.) Wilding
If you are wanting a kit, please edit this string by putting your name on it. thanks:

6.) Velocitized
7.) Knukle head
8.) Racer NSX
9.) Wilding
10.) fd3s_fan
11.) pchristie
12.) koochnsxer
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If you are wanting a kit, please edit this string by putting your name on it. thanks:

6.) Velocitized
7.) Knukle head
8.) Racer NSX
9.) Wilding
10.) fd3s_fan
11.) pchristie
12.) koochnsxer
13.)Ride Red
I have enough o-rings and Castrol red rubber grease to start putting together some kits. (one o-ring quantity is back ordered) I have enough to build quantity 17 complete kits.

Please send me a private message with your intention to purchase and ship to address, and I will send you my payto PayPal email address to send funds to.
Cost is $57.00 USD (shipping included!)
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I would like to order a kit also! :)

6.) Velocitized
7.) Knukle head
8.) Racer NSX
9.) Wilding
10.) fd3s_fan
11.) pchristie
12.) koochnsxer
13.)Ride Red
14.) R0Y
I would like to order a kit also!
Tell me the Shipping-Cost to Switzerland, please.
6.) Velocitized
7.) Knukle head
8.) Racer NSX
9.) Wilding
10.) fd3s_fan
11.) pchristie
12.) koochnsxer
13.)Ride Red
14.) R0Y
I would like to order a kit also!
Tell me the Shipping-Cost to Switzerland, please.
6.) Velocitized
7.) Knukle head
8.) Racer NSX
9.) Wilding
10.) fd3s_fan
11.) pchristie
12.) koochnsxer
13.)Ride Red
14.) R0Y
Deylo, private message sent.
Everyone else, No longer a need to put your name on a list, I have plenty of kits available. $57.00 including shipping anywhere
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Taking this topic back to the top. No one has posted since last September.

I'm wondering how everyone who is attempting the rebuild is making out so far. I am considering sending a used unit off to SIA for a rebuild rather than trying to do it myself. Still leaves the job of extracting and reinstalling the unit. I may leave that up to my most trusted local mechanic or take everything to the Acura dealer in New Orleans or Mobile and let them swap in the rebuilt unit.
I started the rebuild but ended up getting a good deal on a NA2 conversion so the rebuilt unit will not go back into the car.

The rebuild itself is not that complicated. What you absolutely need is the slotted spanner for the brake lines. Its impossible to do without that because you will damage the brake lines.
I also discovered that the noisy pump is a result of hardened grease inside the pump drive. Regreasing did not silence the pump back to original. I assume the drive gears are worn. I did not find any bearings or the motor to be worn.

I only have ~25 kits left
This kit is good for ABS systems on 1991 -1992 cars only.
Bought one of these kits for my ABS rebuild. The instructions were good, and the orings fit perfectly. I'll report back once the car is put back together and an abs test is done.

Thanks again for putting these kits together Warren. You've saved us a lot of money.

Mike B
I have contacted Daemar Inc's head office in Toronto as well as the Montreal office and they say those are not their part numbers and they don't have O-rings compatible with brake fluid. Please provide contact info for whoever supplies these O-rings.

- - - Updated - - -

If you still have kits available, I will take one. My e-mail address is terry.macwillie@sympatico.ca
Please let me know how to proceed with the purchase.
I have contacted Daemar Inc's head office in Toronto as well as the Montreal office and they say those are not their part numbers and they don't have O-rings compatible with brake fluid. Please provide contact info for whoever supplies these O-rings.

- - - Updated - - -

If you still have kits available, I will take one. My e-mail address is terry.macwillie@sympatico.ca
Please let me know how to proceed with the purchase.

Yes, when I purchased more o-rings from Daemar, they told me those part numbers are their supplier's numbers, not really theirs. they ordered me more and they came in with the exact same part numbers.
oh, and you need to order in quantities of 50 or more of each o-ring.
red rubber grease compatible with brake fluid from Castrol is only available from Great Britain. That is where I got it from.
I will send you a private message with payment and shipping request info.
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I just installed Warren's oring kit last week. The most time consuming was cleaning all the parts. I flushed the solenoid with isopropyl alcohol and compressed air while activating them electrically. Reassembly was quick. I put different colored ty-wraps on each of the valve leads. That way they went back in the same locations. Reinstallation went smooth and bled both the brakes and the ABS system. Using a multimeter on the pressure switch, I ran the pump until the switch made, then finished the installation. I test drove the car today, and the pump ran for about 5 seconds as I pulled away. So it held good pressure for more than 1day. It only ran when I purposely activated the abs during a stop.

Now we will see how well it holds up over time.
Prior to the cleaning and seal replacement it would last less than a week after flushing the solenoids before it started to act up a cycle the pump.
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After storing the kit on my parts shelf for months, I finally got the ALB system rebuilt by First Class Automotive. Charge was around 550 and well worth it. ABS pump was running about every 15 seconds because of a bad accumulator. FCA had one from another NSX on hand and swapped that out during the rebuild. Nabil did a very thorough test for leaks, exercising the system five or six times (it was raining so easy) after spraying some leak detecting powder on all the assembly connections. Absolutely no issues on the 600 mile drive home or since. I will post an update in a few months.
I have 20 kits built and ready to ship. For 1991 and 1992 modulators only.

It is very unlikely I will continue this project.
Many cars have had their ABS modulators rebuilt, but in order for me to continue this project would take more effort to order more supplies and assemble more kits. Life is busy and this does take some time and effort.
I have built up as many kits as I can with what supplies I have left. 20 kits left and ready to ship.. get one while you can.
Read this entire post for more information...

instructions are included, and posted here:

included: all o-rings, assembly brake fluid compatible grease and printed instructions.

more pictures here:

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Thanks again for offering this kit. I have over 6000 miles on my ABS rebuild, and it is going strong. No issues whatsoever.

Mike B
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